Dimensions of a Perfect Protest Sign .. Army-of-One Protesting

Have Protest Sign Will Travel .. draft

the pro-peace world starts today with you

You do not have to wait for some formal Protest March tho I go to those too as I can. Start your own army-of-one micro-protest march today.

As of 10.03.05, me & my Teach Peace Sign have been out doing our peace-abouts for 1090 days in a row. . It only felt foolish the first day.

The dimensions of the perfect Protest Sign that will work best for your protest over the longhaul. My 16″x18″ Teach Peace sign is on a 4' 7″ stick (stick = 1 ¼ ” x ½ “),

The reason for these dimensions is that they fit in your own space if you are on public transportation, going into a store, or putting the sign across the back seat of your car. The sign clears your head as you walk with the end of the stick cradled in you hand.

I used a kind of colored (apricot for some reason) mat board — the kind of stuff you get at an art store. After lettering, these twopieces of matboard got stapled back to back all around the edges.

 I used black magic marker to do the letters which I'd pencilled in. Best to have just simple big letters. People are mostly driving past youand don't have timeto read or see any little decorative stuff. I picked the words Teach Peace because of the sentiment, and because of the size of the words. (I love a statement like Power to the Peaceful, but it won't workona daily sign  — too many letters.) 

Have sign awareness at all times. Be aware of whether the sign is up-right enough for people walking towards you to read it. If you're standing on a street corner, think about the angle of you sign towards the on-coming traffic.

Before you go into a store,  turn your sign upside down!

Waving at & getting eye-contact with each passing car is advanced, but it increases your impact immensely.

Some Talking Point Tidbits. I stay relentlessly on message. Get your rap down & say the same brief thing to everyone. They've never heard it before. So you should make it brand new and impassioned for them each time. (I use the html here so you can just paste them in a comment on another blog.)

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<b>In my continuing fight against TheoFascism</b>, I have been using two numbers to great effect:


'As we speak, we are speading <b>$14000 a minute</b> on the fantasy Missile Crackpot Scheme aka Star Wars and <b>$200,000 a minute</b> on the Iraq QuagQuicksand Debacle.'


Also useful is to remind people is that one billion dollars is 1000 million dollars. ('A billion' is what I call a <i>dirigible word</i>. It is one of something that seems to float teflonally up there somewhere. 1000 million shocks people.)


I go back to the hell-years of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Vietnam when we heard the <i>identical</i> garbage about Vietnamization. I've stood by the Wall at midnight and seen by haunted moonlight what we paid for <i>that</i> hallucination.


<b>“We live here. We would have fought you for 300 years if need be.”</b> That’s what Ho Chi Minh, winning Vietnamese leader, said. Remember that figment Vietnamization? It didn’t work. 


<i>Iraqiazation will not work.</i>


<b>They have a 300 year supply of cheap explosives and young men willing to die.</b> They live there.


What delusion allows any one to think it will get better?


My neighbor's 24 year-old son got his whole head blown off in Iraq.

Support our troops by Bringing Them Home Now.


It is not going to get better.

Who wants to be the last soldier to die in Iraq for a mistake?


If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com
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the pro-peace world begins today with you

Become a Militant Pacifist . . Charred by Nagasaki

Become a Militant Pacifist .. Charred by <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Nagasaki

I remember going to the Army Medical Museum adjunct of the Smithsonian in Washington DC as a child long long ago. Trust me, I happened upon this ghoulish place by Total Mistake. I'm sure it's most useful to the medical student, but to the 10-year-old seeing 30-gallon, two-foot-in-diameter glass test tubes with, say, an enormous elephantiasised leg from the knee down frayedly floating in formaldehyde was skincrawling. Row upon row of huge glass-tubed Everything in the place was diseased.

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But the scorching, the charred memory was all the black & white pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims. Maybe, though I never thought about it til this exact instant — those pictures were the boschian journey through the darkside of the human blackheart for why I grew up to be a militant pacifist?


I have never seen anything else like those pictures since. They were probably so clinical and blunt and close-up because it was the Army Medical Museum and not thought of as for the general public. And presumably they had Army access to photos that reporters wouldn't.


The wreckage and the radiation effects and the so-far past Hell monstrous hurt to children and to men and to women and to old people and the visible burned burned pain. It ripped open my young soul to what violence actually is in the violently tortured poor flesh. Having seen it, you could not cause it.


Maybe you could bear and repress three such pictures in a magazine or some in a book, but this was walls of them in ruthless medical close-up absent any remnant of artistic composition or recoil. Just 'Let's look at the boiled eye pulped socket and the radiation boiled flesh.'


There is something about radiation burns entirely different from fire-burns. It is unnatural in a way I only remember from all that life ago. Fire happens from the outside in as if there were some layer, some human refuge left however tormented. But radiation burn is from the marrow out all at once a fury of the insanely enraged and offended flesh as if it were microwrithingly boiling the flesh right in front of your screaming eyes. 


Walls of these pictures and your pity and horror rose until the idea of causing harm or closing your eyes to harm changed your very dna — never. Never will I be party to, excuse, stop speaking, I owe it to these silent ruined people who could have been as shiny and delighted and sunstruck somersaulting as I was.


So here I am. Militant pacifist. Never speak to me of collateral damage. Put yourself in the dark fire first. Dare not do this harm to another whose hand you do not hold in the very incineration moment. Dare not stand apart.  




ps. It was that day in Washington DC that I stepped upon another species path. I did not care if I was the only one. I claim nor exalt kin nor kindness with a species that would do that deliberately charred mutilation to its own kind whose photographs I saw upon the walls. Better alone in the universe with no friend nor God than to be one of the glorified, sung and storied DeathDealers or one of their apologists.


Militant pacifism. It was and is a reviled view. I cannot recommend this deep a loneliness to you, friend, but if you cannot bear the lies and the slither of rationalization, your own heart will feel light to you and you will have earned the wholehearted right to hear the dawn songs of birds without the static of the screams of the dead that the Killers hear in their own forsaken child’s heart. There was a time before they joined the Legions of DeathDealers, before they chose to walk across the line of blood and justifiy the sword; the machete; the M16UziAK47; the jellied gasoline. Before they surrendered their will to the command of a Dark Purpose which feeds on the blood of the innocent under the guise of glory.


There must have been a day when an X became sufficiently distinct from an Y to become a different species. Whatever is in the blood or in the minutely coiled memory of my parents, I too wave farewell across a divide over which I will never return. The death you deal is evil. There is no camouflage for that. I am not one of you.


I looked at eternity and I accepted that utter a loneliness rather than drink radioactive human blood again – or have my military priests share that evil sacrament on my behalf. In my chalice is water.


My anti-war views have evolved this far now. I would not have described myself with the phrase militant pacifist at once.


I remember when I stood in some shocking lightning illuminated moment in the Nixon era and saw that war wasn’t just sad and too bad –ah, the necessary evil – but was insane. That if you put a man on the couch and had him explain his actions with armies and air forces and what he was commanding to be done, you’d call for the strait jacket and ready the RubberRoom. Unless he was your President. It’s clearly clinically mad and just because  so many people believe it doesn’t make it right or so. The earth was never flat no matter through how many generations or with how much God-granted authority it was proclaimed.


I recommend you stay with your fellows unless you have the stomach and sinew for a deep and silent dark which none could warn you of how far from human habitation it is, without the reassuring rustle and murmurs of your own kind. A very few will still speak to you and leave a bowl of soup for you to find. But none will hold your hand.


If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com
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2 Deer . Manik . West . tzol 67  08.07.05 sun 
for jamie 981§8783§24d8h36m59s ikhoudvanu
the pro-peace world begins today with you

08.06.05 .. unbearable echo .. Do one small thing



 2:13:36am.pdt.usa  08.06.05  . .

It is the unbearable echo-day of the first atomic vaporizing bomb being dropped on humans by humans.


I thought I bloody well better do some small thing to whisper, “I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. We have changed.”

Below is the short letter I sent to the News organizations emails I found at this Downing Street Memo url: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/1202

     I copied each email address into my yahoo address book because I've messed up my primary email sender somehow. But there is a big push to get reporters to DO something different in this Crawford “Working” vacation for the next 50 days. You're welcome to copy and paste this letter if you want. Even if you emailed ONE, it would be great. Thank you, pogblog


ps. You can do any subject with these addresses As Much As Possible forEver.



Dear [Newsperson or Organization];


Please challenge the Iraqiazation myth & delusion with hard and repeated and repeated questions steeped in simple historical understanding. If you could interview some knowledgeable people from the Vietnam era who aren't just doing the fortune-cookie Talking Points. 

“We live here. We would have fought you for 300 years if need be.” That’s what Ho Chi Minh, winning Vietnamese leader, said. Remember that figment Vietnamization? It didn’t work.


Iraqiazation will not work.

They have a 300 year supply of cheap explosives and young men willing to die. They live there.

What delusion allows any one to think it will get better?

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

My neighbor's 24 year-old son got his whole head blown off in Iraq.
Support our troops by Bringing Them Home Now.
It is not going to get better.
Who wants to be the last soldier to die in Iraq for a mistake?
Thank you,
Your Name

If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com
It’s an honor to have you visit pogblog. Do comment.
Check pogblog’s Glossary for brave & nefarious words.
copyright pogblog 2005 all rights reserved
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the pro-peace world begins today with you

FixedIntelGate .. our bloodless coup

(Please check pogblog Glossary for unfamiliar & coined words.)


David's pebbles against Goliath's flak .. 

our bloodless coup ..


Great friend of pogblog, chancelucky, was thoughtfully lamenting the gigaspurt-and-blurt of info on X & Y & Z subjects in the media and on the internet perhaps past any reason. I would like to send this open letter in general defiance of that attractive but flawed position.   


At first site, I mean sight, chancelucky, your eloquent argument is ludditily¹ soothing,  but having been as obsessed as could be about the FixedIntelGate¹ (Rove; Downing St Memo &c), I have to defiantly disagree, finally.

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We're in our infancy against a savage and perfected Republican and White House Predator Information Machine, but the future is very much at stake. I'm proud and happy to be part of  the noosphere¹, the living-knowledge sphere.


This treacherous Administration is on its 2nd four years of consolidating obscene wealth in the already grotesquely rich; despoiling the shared environment of the spaceship; spending $14000 a minute on the fantasy Missile Crackpot Scheme aka StarWars; $200,000 a minute on the Iraq Quagmire; and more costs in lack of splendid education and lack of splendid universal healthcare than we can count.


They fixed the intel to fit the policy. It's taking time on the blogbrain for this to get out, for the new synapses to stabilize, for the hypnotized and bought 'media' to get corrected and re-corrected. If it were not for the noosphere Internet obsession, FixedIntelGate would have vanished long since and Goliath's Hummerjuggernaut would be rolling over more of the few stalwart bodies who would continue to squawk.


Watching and feeling and participating in the slowly accreting and concerting noosphere action — quite symphonic really — as it blooms has been thrilling and important.


We're refining our David against Goliath tactics, and tho there is a fair amount of inconvenient and even annoying redundancy, the Lizards have learned long ago about the importance of “It's the repetition, stupid.” Just like in kindergarten. We need to learn to do it too.


Pogblog, for instance, has been spreading the idea that we never say 'billion,' a dirigible ho-hum floating word, but rather always $1000 million dollars, about which people invariably gasp. Try it out around the water cooler. I have learned to say it cost $14000 a minute for stupid Star Wars. I just learned to add that we're paying $200,000 a minute for the Iraq Debacle. It takes time to refine. The Lizards have every issue in a fortune cookie.¹ Remember No New Taxes? This is the spaghetti that sticks to the ceiling and we progressives have got to learn to do it better.   


We're getting better issue by issue as we get email alerts and learn how to consume the blogosphere info.


I think FixedIntelGate is where the Internet has proved its chops against the consolidation of massive communication power and I hope we only get more obsessed and more quick and more refined.


More and more people will learn to participate and to make the succinct comment that distills a point or nudges in a direction. Only perception and clarity and synthesizing ability will matter eventually. 


I think FixedIntelGate is a bloodless coup in the making. I think truth is gaining momentum against the Big Lies.¹ I think this is actual democracy on the hoof. Like a new-born foal, our legs are a little wobbly, but like Secretariat, our heart is huge and when we grow up, we'll run like the wind.



If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com


It’s an honor to have you visit pogblog. Do comment.


¹ (Please check pogblog Glossary for unfamilar words.)


chancelucky's blog


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8 Light . Ahau . Flower . South  tzol 60  07.31.05 sun

ffsk 394  8783§24d8h36m59s


the pro-peace world begins today with you


Militant Pacifism & Cheney's Law, the National Child Mutilator Registry .. Toad Spawn, Be Gone! .. Exorcize Prez. Bush .. Chapter 6

Toad Spawn, Be Gone! the Exorcizm of George Bush from America's Soul


Chapter 6 .. Militant Pacifism & Cheney's Law, the National Child Mutilator Registry ..

Professor Quetzal said, “We better enlist our readers in the Child Mutilator Registry campaign. Child Molestation is self-evidently grotesque. Children should be left to cheerful, raucous abandon without fear of being furtively pawed by some cretinous aging drooler.

    “However, one-to-one in seriously sick from the ethical perspective is the Child Mutilator. Until our Leaders and their Fervent Followers, the Killer 12ftTall Lizards in Human Disguise are mellowed, for our own protection we must have a National Child Mutilator Registry. If you have mutilated a child or mafially contracted to have a child mutilated on your behalf, we need to know so we can keep our uninfected cheerful clown children from your virulently contagious influences. At least until we develop the vaccine. Sadly, many of your diseases are hot-airborne. We do not want our delightstruck clown children paralyzed and disfigured by the botulisms of your creeds and greeds.

    “You cry, ‘It’s in a good cause, these wars!’ The mutilation of a child can not be in a good cause, ipso facto. Child molestation is supremely disgusting, but if you can go one boschian rung lower on the ladder of ice down into cold Hell, Child Mutilation is one re-eat your-own-vomit degree of more sickening.

    “At least the Child Molester has to be faced with his own disfigured self-loathing in the mirror every morning when he shaves.”

      The Blue interrupted, “Unless he’s a taliban child molester who never shaves.”

    “Goaaal!” said Salma Nella whose hatred of religiopatrio chest-thumping hypocrisies was ivory – 99.666% pure.

    Quetzal smiled that smile to which Myrth was addicted. For the sake of the joke you had to maintain a deadpan, but with the faintest northernlights of extra glow in the aura around his face and an extra burnish of the mischief in his brown eyes, Quetzal nodded the wry nod.

    “The Child Mutilator wants some anodyne layers of denial between him:or:her and the brain-exploding acts they are allowing in their name. The mafia does contract hits so the blood-splatter evidence is on someone else’s cheap suit. But the Mutilated-Children karmic score goes in your column, pilgrim, by not one digit less. A child:mutilation is a child:mutilation is a child:mutilation. You can’t pretty it up unless you’re depraved or insane.

    “If I have to live next door to someone willing to call child-mutilating collateral damage, I want to know.

    “If you in your hometown take a grenade and throw it at a child or mow them down with an M16UziAK47, you go to jail, get battered with outrage and shunning, get wired up in the fry chair and e-lek-tro-cuted. If the mutilated child is exactly the same End, but your Means is a noble son dropping a bomb from 10,000 ft or mowin’ ’em down with the M16UziAK47, you get parades, holidays, and sousa music? You do go to Karmic Jail, and it’s a profound security prison, let me tell you, and that is a faint solace for us. If you had to touch them as they died; if you had to push their wheel chair; if you had to look over their shoulder into the same mirror as them as they have to see every day that they’ll never be pretty again; if you had to sit with them as they watch unmutilated kids play basketball or soccer. The jury that judges you is dead children, pilgrim. Not the protoplasmic jelly in the womb you so luridly defend, but the once-leaping, once-laughing, once-hopscotching whose hullabaloo and delicious lives you spindled, mutilated, folded, and collateralized.”

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If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com


It’s an honor to have you visit pogblog. Do comment.


Check pogblog’s Glossary for brave & nefarious words.

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6-23-05 02:20a.pdt.us 9 Wind. Ik . Whirlwind  wedthur



the pro-peace world begins today with you



NOTE: Cheney's Law as the moniker for pogblog's Campaign to Inititate a National Child Mutilator's Registry is the tangent off a chancelucky(http://chancelucky.blogspot.com/) coinage of Reagan's Law as its moniker, better in many ways but I decided not poisonously immediate enough. Chancelucky is a frequent pogblog commentator. Reagan's Law was a felicitous phrase indeed and as Digrif noted “pitchperfect.”


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