Ask Dr. Druid . Hypermiling vs Hyperdorking . Day 48

Dr. Druid . Day 48
vs Hyperdorking

piece will read best for you
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Dr. Druid

is designed to begin at the beginning.

    Hurray. A
daily chance to practice your best deft attention skills and come to
the rescue of your beloved & beleaguered planet at the same time.
What a deal.
    Hypermiling is smart eco-driving. As
with most skills, it will take a day or a week and a lifetime to Get
Good. Send Inner Perf to Fiji for mas grog The basic of Hypermiling
is that you evolve from a leadfoot to a sugarfoot . With accomplished
hypermiling, you'll be hypersmiling all the way to the Make the
Planet Happier And Be Less of a Mindless Wasteful Boor Bank.
    30 years ago, when I was still a huge
baseball fan, I did a spate of listening to the radio. There was a
gent who did segments on random interesting stuff. In one segment, he
told us out in RadioLand that if each driver who stopped at a light left
one car length between them and the car in front of them, when the
light turned green, the entire line could gently roll at once, and
traffic movement, traffic flow, would be greatly more pleasant &
    Roy Harrigan from Dorset, Vermont was
a childhood friend of my first husband, M.Fay. Harrigan was a lunatic
genius. He invented a 300 mph submarine. He shot rats thru the walls
with the Luger he kept to the right of the spoons by his placemat at
dinner. He declared that terrified deer tasted better than killed
calm deer. I saw the Luger routine myself while eating venison at his
house. Roy was seriously nuts.
    Shaefe Satterthwaite from Tenafly New
Jersey was an ecologist in 1966 before there were ecologists. He gave
me Star, a prize milking goat, for my wedding. There's the memorable
pict of me in my wedding dress milking the goat because no one else
knew how to milk a goat. (A month later Star escaped from her tether
and was impounded by the police for eating all of the mayor of
Manchester Vermont's prize peonies the week before the annual Garden
Tour.) Satterthwaite drove a Saab which had great gas mileage. He
drove tirelessly up & down the East Coast to obscure meetings
about saving wetlands. Satterthwaite loved his swamps.
   Satterthwaite could read a
topographical map. We'd set off for a hike and it was no nonsense.
He'd lead with his great walking stick and high-laced old hiking
boots. You marched with Satterthwaite.
    I hiked once with Harrigan. It was
charming. He said, “If you kill yourself, you'll only get to the
top of the mountain five minutes sooner.” Holy moly, the hiking
styles were so against the auto-prejudices. It is always in all ways
a treasure hunt, life. You do not know what who or what's gonna toss you
the gold doubloon this day.
    I learned about the deep swamp
patterns of the planet's needs from sweet Satterthwaite. I learned to
travel calmly from loonland Harrigan.
    So whenever I see a redlight, I take
my foot off the accelerator and coast or roll — the most points in
my Secret Driving Game coming from hitting a light rolling.
    If I have to gently stop, I leave the
car's length space or cushion between me and the vehicle in front of
me. Depending on the line, I start to roll or creep when the car(or
two) in front of the car in front of me starts to roll. This allows
me to accelerate smoothly instead of jerkily and obviates dumb
jackrabbiting, a signature move of the hyperdork.
    My most honored stepfather John Porter
was a bit of a Thoreauian. After philosophy at Princeton, he went
farming in Maryland. We were just at the transition from the huge
Percheron farm horses to John Deere, Farmall, and Allis Chalmers
tractors. John Deere tractors were bright green and ponderous.
Farmall were red and reliable. Allis Chalmers were orangey yellow,
zippy, and temperamental. The Allis Chalmers could go 5 mph maybe
while the John Deere could go 2 mph. You cannot imagine how obscenely
expensive tractors were. It's why farmers are 100% always in
major-league debt. I think a big tractor was $20-$30,000. John was
very big on “taking care of the machinery,” on not cowboying
around, of being aware of the effect of gentle turns on the
unromantic but essential underpinnings of a car, a truck, or a
    So I knew we made impacts on the
planet. I knew that it was smart to take care of the machinery. And I
knew that aggressive driving would only get you there 5 minutes
sooner. These influences wove to make me a smart, low-impact driver
for forty years. But what I didn't have was a Darn Cool Name for it.
So when I heard of “hypermiling” recently, I was truly tickled. I
now drive smugly along and grin sneerily to myself, “I'm a
hypermiler” and think of bumperstickers like Hypermiling Leads to
. Instead of road rage, I have road glee as I get into
the Hypermiling Zone and do my little earnest part for the planet.
    Then dear The Blue sent me an
etherogram with “Hyperdorking” on it! What's the opposite of
smart, eco-driver hypermiling? Hurtle-&-brake, gas-guzzling,
exhaust-spewing stupid hyperdorking.
    After the light turns red, all of the
gas spent still accelerating in order to sit at the light going Zero
mpg is Utterly Wasted. It is twice evilly stupid. That precious gas
is lost to future useful motion. That gas turns to anti-people &
anti-planet toxic emissions for no reason except ignorant and
arrogant hyperdorking. Piffle. These people are a menace.
Anyone who drives so belligerently is in a pathetic lack of
self-esteem and self-confidence. Like all bullies, hyperdorking road
bullies use belligerence instead of brains. As they gun past you
(often in an SUV or a shriek-yellow Hummer), you can now have the
pleasing holler of “Hyperdorking!” to justly condemn their
selfish gigadumbness.
    Your being a hero as a driver, a
hypermiling samurai, means restraint and skill.
    Tomorrow we'll get into more details
of hypermiling and into why I'm not an Xtreme Hypermiler. And,
perhaps, another deliciously righteous anti-hyperdorking rant, or
    This very day begin to catalog where
you are on the leadfoot/sugarfoot scale of hypermiling vs
hyperdorking. Are you already gliding like a samurai swan through the
hectic traffic, an eco-hero hypermiler? Or are you hurtling &
braking, impatient, stupid, an eco-loser, a vehicular villain, an
hyperdorker? Keep track.
(mahss) is 'more' in Spanish;
friend & I have been debating between the best 'opposite' of
'leadfoot.' Featherfoot fits the weight feel and is cool, but there's
something so beguiling –sweet?– about sugarfoot.
yourself if necessary about Inner Perf on Day 5, Inner Perfectionist
to Fiji;
Dr. Druid, 55 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of Alchemy You Can
Use, a druid shaman’s playbook

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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 47 . The How

Dr. Druid . Day 47

piece will read best for you
you read it with your mouth as if out loud

Dr. Druid

is designed to begin at the beginning.

    As we study [other] dreams more
assiduously, we can, will, & must speculate with intricate
admiration, desire, rage even about how in all that absurd
ebullience of starry
profusion we take
one step upon a planet, how there is one dragonfly, one piece
of French toast?
    Or more achingly, how in the face of
a million steps and a million dragonflys, we could have any moment
of distress or depression or kill each other for striped cloths?
    The 2nd Ache we'll
address in Bks 2 + 3. For now the glorious stuffness of K1T1, of the
AllElse, its fearful symmetry should electrify our attention.
    As a long distance runner gets her
pulse rate up and her muscles tuned, her endurance honed, your long
distance attention will get easy & toughened.
    Think of the House-Attacking
BlueJay. This don quixote BlueJay tilted furiously at the windows
of Lowell's house for 5 weeks. Why? Because his reflection in the
window was an indefatigable intruder warrior bird. (Talk about projection!
Even Jung's mind would pretzel at this one.)
    No matter how fiercely
Our Bird pecked the hateful intruder in the glass, the hateful
intruder pecked back just as fiercely. No matter how menacingly Our
Bird puffed up his feathers, the prideful intruder puffed up his
terrible feathers igualmente. Brilliant but often dumb evolution
hadn't included 'reflections' in our House-Attacking BlueJay's
instinct vocabulary.
    So, thus, we are always gathering
evidence with our honed attention for its fabulous own fascinating
sake, but also that a case may coalesce so we may grok 'reflections'
or whatever other hidden in plain sight twists of comprehension lie
waiting to eureka us.
    It was only by being persistently
alert that I got the key inescapable evidence for the
multi-dimensional universe decades before it became dimmly glimpsed
by the scientos. When the window glass went elastic for 4 seconds at
403 Hope Street on the southwest side of the house, a 'reflection
aha!' revealed itself: 'Oh my brain is an agency in the collaboration
of the production of “reality.”' Hmmm.  
    So as we get more accustomed to
including muchas kaleids or facets in our increasingly spherical
experience of realities, you'll get as hooked on The How as the rest
of us psioneers.
    As your New Awake gets stabilized
as a plenishing process, a gently & intensely increasingly
illuminated process, boredom will be finito unless you're one of
those loonland nutvilles determined to starve at a smorgasbord.

    As you include your night dreams or
reveries in your comprehension of reality, allow the staggering How
jolt your grokking. The scale of the Mystery will blow through you
like a great wind. The How is a powerful drug. Only take it in the
doses you can just bearly stand. It can knock you rudely on your rump
if you swallow too much of the ocean at once. The How is a very
haunting question.
..k1 is our basic shared persistence of
the kinesthetic dear day world; t1 is our sort of linear time.
..fearful symmetry is from Blake, the
Most Electrified of All except maybe GM Hopkins. This is no doubt the
greatest poem dreadfully inquiring about The How. Recall that it's
all burning bright.

Tyger! burning bright
the forests of the night,
immortal hand or eye
frame thy fearful symmetry?
what distant deeps or skies
the fire of thine eyes?
what wings dare he aspire?
the hand dare seize the fire?
what shoulder, and what art,
twist the sinews of thy heart,
when thy heart began to beat,
dread hand? and what dread feet?
the hammer? what the chain?
what furnace was thy brain?
the anvil? what dread grasp
its deadly terrors clasp?
the stars threw down their spears,
water'd heaven with their tears,
he smile his work to see?
he who made the Lamb
Tyger! burning bright
the forests of the night,
immortal hand or eye,
frame thy fearful symmetry?
Dr. Druid, 55 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of Alchemy You Can
Use, a druid shaman’s playbook

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title image is a piece of andy goldsworthy
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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 46 . Evil Ain’t Always Bad


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 46

Evil Ain’t Always Bad


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    “This is a subject so difficult to talk about that my throat constricts as the words rise into the air. I who have lived with this knowledge for 23 years can hardly breathe to speak. Yes, I have come to tell you that what is evil ain’t always bad.” Belle Z. Babe spoke at the Tribunal as the lidless eyes of the Judges bore their fear, distaste, and fury like crossbows into her heart.

    At once, in the dappled inner glade which was her refuge, Belle Z. turned ruefully to Oak, her friend with the bright dark amber eyes. Like herself, Oak was of the ancient druid line of star-seed who loved the home planet Earth with concentration and glee, diligence, devotion, and somersault joy. The druids knew there was more than one time line, a fact they playfully and reverently portrayed in their intricate and passionate Celtic knots. Lightning is a druid sign because druids zigzag between times.

     While one thread of her experience had Belle Z. in a leg chain, in her glade, Oak put the back of his fingers to her cheek and suspended time with her. It was this ability to dwell in parallel and mobius time lines that gave those of druid blood their air of mystery to the single-sighted. Oak’s eyes were that dark amber struck by a shaft of sun. Not too far hidden under the surface of those lion’s eyes was merriment, mischief, and a daunting ability to concentrate. Oak shrugged, “We knew they weren’t going to like the wider truth being brought into the day light. Stay brave, Belle Z.”

     Back in the Tribunal, with no more apparent time dislocation than a heartbeat, Belle Z.Babe continued. “You didn’t like what Galileo told you either. The transition to an openly multi-dimensional consciousness is going to be rocky, but the costs of living a lie are too tremendous.

    In the most simplistic terms, what is ‘good’ in our Earth density of experience is not the same as what is ‘good’ in our less dense ethereal realm of experience. “Thus ‘evil’ ain’t always bad. Most true evil comes from confusing the layers of consequence between dimensions of experience.”

     Monger, the grim judge sneered at Belle Z., “If you let this evil out of the bottle, Mz. Z.Babe, you cannot contain it. We have kept the multi-dimensional truth from people because they are not ready for it. The danger is too great.”

    Belle Z.Babe shrugged one shoulder, “Monger, I have thought most of my lifetime about that —. It is a staggering concern. But I am convinced now that we must dare the whole truth. “If what is evil earthside is not necessarily evil in the ethereal realms, we must learn and teach how to act ‘fittingly.’ How to act in a way that ‘fits’ the realm of experience we presently dwell in.

     “Imagine for a moment that you and I meet in a dream and you murder me. In the lands of dreams, murder could be a ‘gotcha’ game you and I play. Or it could be symbolic between us of some rotten feelings. But because in the less-dense or ethereal realms where we inhabit dreams and other differently-consequential experiences, we pop right back up, the consequential meaning of murder is different. Therefore the ethics is different.

      “In our beloved earth/solid, relatively sequential-time realm, the consequences of war and pillage, rape, death, and promiscuity are all awful to our sturdy hearts. Yet simultaneously we dwell in levels of experience where such things have little more consequence than our actually being a character in a book we’re reading.”

     Belle Z.Babe looked at Monger’s pale ice-grey eyes directly with her green Celtic eyes and continued, “The kinesthetic intensity and time-duration intensity of Earth experience, as well as the depth and durance of emotions make consequence and responsibility different than in the diaphanous, more plastic realms where experience manifests at the speed of thought.

      “Here in this material masterpiece we have to collaborate with the nature of a stuff which has its own integrity and sturdiness.

     “Our behavior must be appropriate, must fit the space, the place wherein we immediately dwell. We may not bring dream behavior into the solid day. This mis-taking of realms, this leeching of lusts and power struggles and emotional chaos into the consequential Earth is the source of most crime, legal and emotional. By staying primly and sentimentally blind to our multi-level experience, we avoid the complicated responsibility for our whole behavior.”

      In the glade, Oak grinned at Belle Z and said, “The constant aesthetic and ethical many-layered decisions that we hope are increasingly elegant and compelling finally make use of the 90% of that ultimate holographic and multi-D organic Celtic knot, the human brain, which has lain mostly fallow for all these centuries.

     “Of course it’s complicated and terrifying to juggle several time lines and densities in a clear, sound consciousness at once , but it’s complicated and terrifying nowand based on a wrong premise, a false foundation.

     “We must dare to trust the whole truth, to dream well and live fittingly at once.”

      “Deft and apt,” Belle Z.Babe agreed.



   As we play more fully with dreams, we’ll need to come to terms with many differences amongst Realms & Dimensions which challenge our certainties about science, physics, morality. With the passport to OtherLand, we need to get sturdy and steady lest we be caught in the maelstrom of realitys and ethical dangers. We need to remember where we are and keep our discernment.

    If you feel too dislocated or disturbed by the palettes of new energies, back out, back off. Cleave to K1, our dearest dayhome. Heed your basic obligations. The Worlds can be damned seductive and very mischievous. Restore your balance before further forays. There were good reasons why accesses to these Places were secret. I’m counting on you to be sensible.

    It has been my contention in the Councils of the Worlds that we are better off trusting the whole truth than having people live these truncated, oddly yearning lives. If you aren’t sensible, all the Old Cosmic FuddyDuddys will proclaim, “See, we told you so!”

    Mostly the ‘secrets’ are guarded by most people’s unwillingness to be stir themselves to even a modicum of practice or discipline. They’d rather be entertained like sheep.

    Drugs will catapult you into Realms, but you’ll be at the mercy of Random Madness and wreck your darling brain circuits which should be treasured rather than trashed.    


Ask Dr. Druid, 55 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29; Day 30; Day 31; Day 32; Day 33; Day 34; Day 35; Day 36; Day 37; [Day 38]; Day 39; Day 40; Day 41; Day 42; Day 43; Day 44; Day 45;


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.. let’s spend most of the Military-Corporate Budget on education instead ..


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 45 . What's the Euphemism for Screaming?

   Ask Dr. Druid . Day 45

What’s the Euphemism for Screaming?


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   Next time you hear the phrase 'collateral damage,' I want you to leap up out of your chair and start screaming.

   Too boat-rocking for you? Too impolite? People will question your sanity? Your urbanity?

   You get to scream. The dead are very quiet. Perfectly polite. Perfectly polite are the collaterally damaged. You get to scream the scream they can not.

   Doing what’s right ain’t comfortable, ain’t polite. Solidarity of the living. The civil right to remain unmaimed.  

    Well, if every damn one of us leapt up and started screaming any time we heard some obscene mealy-mouthed insane euphemism like collateral damage, may be we could make a dent in their denial systems that lead to mutilated children – not collateral damage – children mutilated.

   There came a time when you had to say, “No, you can’t say ‘nigger,’ it’s wrong, it’s evil, and I won’t stand for it.” Now many a cocktail party in the early ‘50s was ruined by someone boat-rockingly, impolitely, finally, speaking up, speaking out.

   Living is a civil right. War is the last insane bastion of the double-speakers, the lunatic justifiers. War is state-sanctioned murder. War is state-sanctioned mass murder. Ohmygods, the ‘m’ word! Murder.

    As a planet we must pick a day – 9.5.05 would be good enough. Before that day all of history people were blind, do not blame them. Move on past the past. Til that hour they have an amnesty.

    After that day call it what it is. Killing is killing. Dead is dead. Murder is murder is murder.

   We do this telling of the whole truth now on 9.5. Or some other day, some other year, some other century. The abolition of war can be delayed but it does occur. The sooner, the sooner we can look our species in the mirror and bear it. The abolition of war, the pro-peace world, begins today with you.




     Professor Quetzal said, “We better enlist our readers in the National Child Mutilator Registry campaign. Child Molestation is self-evidently grotesque. Children should be left to cheerful, raucous abandon without fear of being furtively pawed by some cretinous aging drooler.

    “However, one-to-one in seriously sick from the ethical perspective is the Child Mutilator. Until our Leaders and their Fervent Followers, the Killer 12ftTall Lizards in Human Disguise are mellowed, for our own protection we must have a National Child Mutilator Registry. If you have mutilated a child or mafially contracted to have a child mutilated on your behalf, we need to know so we can keep our uninfected cheerful clown children from your virulently contagious influences. At least until we develop the vaccine. Sadly, many of your diseases are hot-airborne. We do not want our delightstruck clown children paralyzed and disfigured by the viro-botulisms of your creeds and greeds.

    “You cry, ‘It’s in a good cause, these wars!’ The mutilation of a child can not be in a good cause, ipso facto. Child molestation is supremely disgusting, but if you can go one boschian rung lower on the ladder of ice down into cold Hell, Child Mutilation is one re-eat your-own-vomit degree of more sickening.

    “At least the Child Molester has to be faced with his own disfigured self-loathing in the mirror every morning when he shaves.”

      The Blue interrupted, “Unless he’s a taliban child molester who never shaves.”

    “Goaaal!” said Salma Nella whose hatred of religiopatrio chest-thumping hypocrisies was ivory – 99.666% pure.

    Quetzal smiled that smile to which Myrth was addicted. For the sake of the joke he had to maintain a deadpan, but with the faintest northernlights of extra glow in the aura around his face and an extra burnish of the mischief in his brown eyes, Quetzal nodded the wry nod.

    “The Child Mutilator wants some anodyne Layers of Denial between him:or:her and the brain-exploding acts they are allowing in their name. The mafia does contract hits so the blood-splatter evidence is on someone else’s cheap suit. But the Mutilated-Children karmic score goes in your column, pilgrim, by not one digit less. A child:mutilation is a child:mutilation is a child:mutilation. You can’t pretty it up unless you’re depraved or insane.

    “If I have to live next door to someone willing to call child-mutilating collateral damage, I want to know. Collateral? Damage?

    “If you in your hometown take a grenade and throw it at a child or mow them down with an M16UziAK47, you go to jail, get battered with outrage and shunning, get wired up in the fry chair and e-lek-tro-cuted. If the mutilated child is exactly the same End, but your Means is a noble son dropping a bomb from 10,000 ft or mowin’ ’em down with the M16UziAK47, you get parades, holidays, and sousa music? You do go to Karmic Jail, and it’s a profound security prison, let me tell you, and that is a faint solace for us. If you had to touch them as they died; if you had to push their wheel chair; if you had to look over their shoulder into the same mirror as them as they have to see every day that they’ll never be pretty again; if you had to sit with them as they watch unmutilated kids play basketball or soccer. The jury that judges you is dead children, pilgrim, mutilated children. Not the protoplasmic jelly in the womb you so luridly defend, but the once-leaping, once-laughing, once-hopscotching whose hullabaloo and delicious lives you spindled, mutilated, folded, and collateralized.”


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29; Day 30; Day 31; Day 32; Day 33; Day 34; Day 35; Day 36; Day 37; [Day 38]; Day 39; Day 40; Day 41; Day 42; Day 43; Day 44; Day 45;


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blog title image is a piece of andy goldsworthy

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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.

.for bombadilobo & diablobo.


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. if you make $50,000 a year, it’s gone in 4 seconds in Iraq;

.. let’s spend most of the Military-Corporate Budget on education instead ..


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 44 . Sherlock Detail at Caffe Museo


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 44

Sherlock Detail at Caffe Museo


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    Sherlock Detail, Sherlock Holmes’ cousin thrice-removed, was sitting at the Caffè Museo on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Third Street in San Francisco. Museums are always a jolt, a lightning bolt. Ms. Detail is a soul mate of Mr. Holmes as well as the great grandchild of Mr. Holmes’ cousin, Daphne Detail. Pursuant to my request my pal Sherlock Detail sent me her notes, her mental graffiti, from how a great detective practices keen observation, deft attention even at lunch. Wake up, smell the roses, & notice/sketch the rest of your surroundings too, as ‘twere.   

    Notice that as you might in Dream Notes,  Sherlock Detail separates her lists with semicolons.

    03.29. 08 Girl, strawberry italian soda backlit; Eating carrot cake w/ pineapple at Caffè Museo sfmoma; SF overcast ; deconstruct the scene as if it were a painting in which I’m immersed, color, form, line, angles, curves, an aesthetic spy.

    Light bounce, where does the highlight hit xyz object; shadows; Near sounds, far sounds, steady still sound, mobile moving sound, note pitches of sounds; Space full, empty, motions quick, slow; are you comfy, warm, cool, cold; pick a character from the scene, make up a story line; re peeps note earrings, shoes, shirts, blouse, jacket; wind in leaves, showy rings, bracelets, watches, hair long, short, curly, straight; materials metal wood, stone, flowers ? Check fartherest distance, medium distance, close, as if you were an artist painting a 4D (inclu time, therefore motion) holopainting;

    15 big splashing pillars of water (splashbergs of water); jukebox skyscraper in (horiz, left to right) middle of fartherest; traffic; large peapod & ½ husked corn objets at counter where one orders; buspersons in grey shirt-jackets collarless; purses, satchels; chair design; table black squares (5 times 8 inches on a side); pepper & salt shakers small with S & P punched in tops; small water glasses =  breakthru! (in conservation of water; necklaces; what are folks drinking? what color of liquid; elbows on table? delicate or hearty eaters; reflections; angles of feet on the floor; posture; eyeglasses;  impressionistic bookpainting  on wall behind me, applied by putty knife look xtremely cool; soaring drama flowers, peonies, strong pink& white “tiger lilies”; peripheral vision; the Way Things Go video of one-time installation in a warehouse worth the trip;


   Next time you’re hanging out somewhere notice if you notice with the quick lambent pleasure that Sherlock does? Practice. You practice the ‘scales’ of seeing just as the pianist practices the piano. You learn to be shocked by your interaction with your perception. Each detail is a jolt, a surprise, a new or renewed infatuation.

   The techniques and practices of noticing are identical in the dreams of day or the dreams of night. It is a portable bliss.






Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29; Day 30; Day 31; Day 32; Day 33; Day 34; Day 35; Day 36; Day 37; [Day 38]; Day 39; Day 40; Day 41; Day 42; Day 43; Day 44;


If you know or are an agent, aspiring agent, editor, or publisher person who would handle this kind of druid material, please let me know at .. Please put ‘agent’ in the subject line.


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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.

.for bombadilobo & diablobo.


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. if you make $50,000 a year, it’s gone in 4 seconds in Iraq;

.. let’s spend most of the Military-Corporate Budget on education instead ..
