Ask Dr. Druid . Day 10 . Synchronicity

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 10 
Synchronicity . mismotiempos part 1
This piece will grok better for you
 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

   Before we embark on the lives-long filigrees of fascinations of synchronicity, of mismotiempo, let’s add rhapsody to our vocabulary pantheon. The word ‘rhapsody’ means ‘woven song.’  
Talking about treasure hunts, when I first saw that ‘rhapsody’ means ‘woven song,’ I swooned. My knees went meltingly weak and I sighed that dangerous sigh you feel when you spy an handsome pirate – you know you’re in for a lot o’ woe, but he’s swashbuckling and bloody irresistible – your heart flies from you. My heart flew from me at the kaleidoscope-turning muy yum tastiness of ‘woven song.’
Celtic knots are a woven song, a rhapsody. Dayreal and remreal are a rhapsody, intrawoven in songfully exquisitely, excruciatingly meaningful ways.
In its derivation, syn-chron-icity means ‘same-time.’ The dull definition of synchronicity is ‘meaningful coincidence.’ As you move through your day, everything you pass is singing, chinese-unicornally, around you, and you are part, for best or worst, of the lyric, of the melody, of the music of the spheres. On occasion, something unexpectedly appears as if an intimate present or a message-in-a-bottle from the universe to you.
The classic modern story about synchronicity is from an experience Jung had with his patient Helena Kleere. They were sitting in big leather armchairs by an open, unscreened window. This was before window screens were ubiquitous. They were discussing her dream which included the mysteries of a pyramid and a striking golden scarab. A scarab in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Egypt is a large, lucky, gods-messenger, hard-shelled beetle often done up in gold as an amulet for the royal.
Suddenly, smiting the window glass in their dayreal as Jung and Kleere were deeply discussing her remreal or night-dreamscape, appeared this huge golden beetle. Seedless to nay, it felt to them as if this marvelous beetle, this magical scarab had manifested on the window sill straight from her dream.
Once you get hip to synchronicities and keep open-minded and alert for them, they occur as frequently as zephyrs.
The phrase 'billet-doux' means 'little sweet love note' in French. Though synchronicities can have any tone, including dangerous & horrible, they most often seem like billets doux, sweet somethings whispered by the universe to you.
Synchrons often appear with an implied Voila! — a Here I am!, a Eureka! One of the luminous and dangerous joys of being in the first throes of infatuation with some beastly pirate of a fellow (or damsel) is that the entire world seems synchronous, a waking dream, fraught with lambent meaning, conspiring to splash eternal verities in your path. Well, sooth to say, that synchronous quality of woven song, that rhapsodic heart-felt meaning is always there, we are just seldom alert to it unless we’re jolted by that master mystery of self-generated hallucinogens, first-throes love – we take the agony for the ecstasy, that feeling of extravagantly intimate meaningfullness.
Synchronicities abound whether in the throes or not.
Stay alert. Gently alert. There are messages from the universe to you. The universe is conspiring to amuse you. Notice two synchronicities today. They’re there I swear. Mas mañana. More tomorrow.
Notes:.. kaleidoscope .. a kaleidoscope is a stupendously nifty gizmo which has a rotating circle of  brightly colored little glass pieces at the end of a tube. You look down the tube and turn the glass-pieces end to shift the little pieces into a new pattern. It’s like looking at a miniature abstract stained glass window. Each time you turn the end, all the pieces magically fall into a striking new pattern.

.. filigree .. Imagine delicately woven or braided gold or silver wires for jewelry and you’ll get the notion of filigree;


.. muy yum is the only droll palindrome I’ve ever coined. 'Muy' means 'very' in Spanish and yum is from yummy; A palindrome, like “Madam, I’m Adam” spells the same thing forward and backward.

.. Celtic knots are the wonderful braided or interwoven ‘vines’ or ‘ribbons’ that decorate fancy letters in ancient Celtic manuscripts;

.. chinese-unicornally .. the ancient Chinese unicorn is rainbow-hued and where she walks no grasses are bruised and magical melodies play in the air as she passes;

.. mismo tiempo means same time in Spanish; Mismotiempo. This word makes me re-feel the understanding of synchronicity. It makes it less pseudo-scientific and more sultry and alarming which is what happens when a mismotiempo event crosses the dream border into this dayreal, el otro sueno, the other dream. Sueno is pronounced swayn-yo. 

.. billet doux or ‘letter sweet’ is pronounced bill-hay dew;

.. a zephyr is a soft, sudden breeze;

.. ubiquitous means everywhere;

.. In terms of synchronicity, it’s all synchronous which is why reading tea leaves must actually work if tea leaf is an alphabet you, gypsy, grok.

.. glass .. dear glass is not a solid .. it is a supercooled liquid; ever so slowly it is still flowing. In a single piece of stained glass in the cathedral Notre Dame, say, after hundreds of years, the bottom of a given piece of glass is now thicker than the top of that piece of glass. Muy yum. 

..image sources .. excerpt andy goldsworthy; kaleidoscope latou co uk, hop gallery; filigree tbray,org; celtic knot tinyonline yvonnehughes;

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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 9 . Spelling Backwards

  Ask Dr. Druid

Day 9 .. Spelling Backwards

spells & spelling

This piece will grok better for you if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

    Another lifelong attention & visualization tuning and honing exercise is spelling backwards.

   Many people insist they ‘can’t visualize anything.’ This isn’t true, of course, but, gee, they are convinced. (Ask them to tell you how to get to their house or how many chairs they have in their living room.)

    To understand how I came up with this spelling backwards trick, let me tell you a glimpse about NLP. NLP is one of the cleverest and clearest templates of how the mind works, but it has this silly enormous rhinocerously cumbersome name: Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Luckily the acronym ‘NLP’ is easy to remember. By sherlock-holmesian observation, the NLP folk discovered that when we’re processing our internal info in primarily auditory terms, our eyes track along the horizontal axis. When we are tracking inner info visually, we look up. When we are tracking info in the kinesthetic or feeling modes, we look down. It’s as if the eyes were the mouse of the mind. An excellent thing about NLP is that it has no belief content involved, it’s strictly process.

   One of the unhelpful things that teachers do when they are doing spelling tests is to tell students to “Keep your eyes down on your own paper.” Of course really good spellers visualize. And where is visualization stored? No, not down on your paper, but up!

   Back in the day when I was studying NLP, I realized that if you spelled words backwards, you would have to visualize them in order to be able to do the task at all. So, for yourself and for a kid, make a list of short words to spell backwards. Start short so you will have lots of success.

     There are the classics that spell another cool word when backwards: evil spelled backwards is live. Dog/god. Devil/lived. Straw/warts. Rats/star. Ward/draw. These are nifty, but whenever you’re waiting in a line, you can practice any short words. Most words won’t ‘mean anything’ spelled backwards. Stay short in the early going. This is a cool trick, not a test.

    You can learn to imagine the word on a screen or the sky for that matter. You can imagine a plane skywriting the letters. You can notice the ‘font.’ Make the letters bigger and brighter. More neon or chiseled in marble. Play with the effects.

    Tibetan monks learn to visualize worlds with such dimensionality and completeness that they can enter those worlds in the way that we enter this one. We’ll talk more about that kind of visualization later. In the meantime, this little inner scrabble game can hone & tune your visualization so you can become more conscious and deliberate about visualizing.

   You should play with this game with your eyes open and with your eyes closed. I do implore you to stick with three and four and five letter words until you can manipulate the qualities of the letters with ease. Bigger, tiny, red, orange, cursive, print, all caps, lower case. Play.

    When I do this game with kids, I have a list of words that are something they like or recognize when they spell them backwards. Azzip/pizza. Arbez/zebra. Drib/bird. Evif/five. Yks/sky. I say the letters slowly. And repeat them. A-z-z-i-p. They have to see them in their mind’s eye and write the reverse down. They do not write the a-z-z-i-p down. The point is to visualize the letters with your mind's eye.

    I have to remind you to stay short early on because of our cussed and cursed temptation to compete. You’ll learn so much faster if you build on successes rather than making your mind sulky or baffled or balky with failure. And short is three letters or four letters. If the trick isn’t working for you, it’s because you’re not staying with short words. If someone says ‘t-a-c’ to you, you can spell back ‘cat.’ Practice three letter words if necessary until you can do them like eating popcorn.

    You are visualizing the whole daggone world you’re walking around in, by the way, so quit saying you can’t visualize anything. We’ll unwrap that metaphysical, nature-of-reality present more later. In the meantime, spell back.

   Ni eht naem emit lleps kcab.



A trick to backspelling longer words eventually is to use the sky or an inner sky – something really big so you can make the word big enough so you can see it easily.              


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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 8 . Review 1


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 8

Re-view Re-sense Re-mind


This piece will read best for you

if you read it with your mouth as if out loud

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

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    So what have we begun to learn so far in our introduction to the alchemy mind? We’ve begun to imagine the infinite optimism of deft attention, the treasure hunt of eclectically finding that everything is interesting. We’ve begun to grok (drink in deeply) the understanding that we’ll be increasing the voltage of interesting to fascinating throughout our 66-Day apprentice druid adventure.

   We’ve begun to notice that the truth is verbing thinking. That noun think is convenient — and false. Being a lert – a lerting is lovely and lively.

   We’ve broached the concept of a spherical spectrum of reality from dayreal, that masterpiece of K1 (persistent kinesthetic or touch) reality engineering — to remreal, very powerful experiences but not necessarily solid or repeatable.

   With your poetry treasure eyes, you’re learning to be surprised and de-lighted and ignited by the spectacularly abundant gifts that manypoem has strewn in your path.

    To be freed upon this glee, you’ve sent your Inner Perfectionist off to hula and grog in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” /><?xml:namespace prefix = u1 />Fiji. You’ve begun to extirpate or uproot that pernicious weed Guilt from your inner garden. Guilt doesn’t make you better . . . it makes you annoying and narcissistic.

    If your drug of choice is air, you’ll besottedly gain the companionship of the whole world. By Day 88, you’ll know that you can never be empty, bored, or lonely – or even more than a little unkind.

   Just like practicing scales or free throws, you’ll use the Naming Game, the Treasure Hunt, and your poetry-eyed magpie alertness to ignite and refine your attention. The point of all Druid Shamanic teaching is to give you treasures and tools you can’t lose, which won’t rust. Riches that increase by giving and which cannot be stolen. Notice, thus, that your imperishable fortune is increasing. The Book for the Druids is The Worlds. The Worlds is rather better illustrated, let’s say mildly and wryly, than the Biblic or Koranic kinds of Books.

    Scribble in your journal or log some random observations about these early days. Phrases are fine. Notice. Celebrate.



   In Greek myth, Narcissus was a handsome youth who leaned over a still pool in a forest glade and became transfixed by his own reflection in the water. He was so obsessed that he was starving to death until the gods took pity on him and turned him into a flower, a frequent remedy. Thus narcissism is the condition of obsessive self-absorption.

   //A magpie is a crazily curious bird who loves to steal shiny objects to decorate its nest. Becoming crazily curious may be the only way to become sane.


Ask Dr. Druid, 88 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy you can use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8;


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Druid . Day 7 . The Journal Muse

Ask Dr. Druid .. 66 Days from Lead to Gold 

Day 7 .. The Journal Muse

This piece will grok better for you if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]



    It’s time to get you going on a journal. You may already keep a journal, but having kept a journal continuously for over 30 years, I’ll tell you my details, and you can refine what you do or begin anew as the case may be.

   I have only two agreements with myself. I will write the full date and something every day. I may write, “I’m too beat to write.” In truth, with that allowed, I have almost never written that sentence. I may write a paragraph or pages, but I have kept faith with the Muse. It is the fact of keeping faith that matters to the Muse I think.

   Why do I always put the full date? Because I have sheaves of journaling which say 03/15 or 11/22 and I have zero idea now what year they were in. Of course it was clear as a bell what daggone year it was when I wrote the entries, but a few years down the road I had no clue. You will love yourself if you start now putting the whole date: 03.15.07 or if you’re not in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America 15.03.07.

   I’m going to give you the exact details of what I do, but you can adjust anything except the full date and the some words every day.

   I’ve done all sorts of journal containers, fancy and plain, but for years now my favorite is to take acid-free laser typing paper and fold 12 sheets in half. This makes a 48-page little journal that’s handy to write on in bed.

   You do not need to do these refinements before you start but in case you want the handiest stuff down the road, I actually went to TAP plastic and for a coupla bucks got them to do me up a 1/8″ clear plastic sheet 6″ by 5″. They always have scrap of this basic clear plastic 1/8″ material which you can get them to cut down. I quickly sanded off the sharp edges and corners. I used an old empty video tape box to hold under this sturdy clear plastic sheet and now I have a nifty and very light little desk that I can use to perch my journal sheets on however I’m lying in bed or elsewhere. You’ll see when we start keeping notes on our dreams how darn handy this arrangement is.

   I use a softer lead wood pencil #1 or in an auto pencil #2B because it writes dark with no effort. I use pencil because when I’m taking dream notes, the pencil doesn’t care what angle I’m writing at. I buy auto pencils and throw away the lead they come with and replace it with the 2B soft lead. This lead only breaks if you push as hard as you used to to make the harder lead look dark.

   Just start a journal today. Worry about the details later. I just put the details here so you can play with them later if you want. I like this 48 little pages format so I can decorate the first little page as a new cover fairly often. As I go along, I number the pages with little abstract decorations. There was a period when I just printed up numbered pages from a master I did on the computer, but I like doing the numbers by hand lately.

   I happen to have a little digital clock that has hours, minutes, and seconds. For some reason, I find it amusing to most always put down this exact time when I begin. It’s interesting later to see the difference between after-midnight writing and afternoon writing. Totally unnecessary, but oddly interesting. I never cheat on the numbers to make them more cool.

   Never ever let anyone ever look at your journals while you’re alive. (When you’re dead, they’ll just have to deal with it and you’ll be beyond embarrassment or shame.) If you must share something from your journal, copy it out. You need a place to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Write only for yourself in your journal or anywhere else for that matter. Get over imagining some audience you want to please. You won’t please them anyway. You can’t worry about your girl or boy friend, your spouse, parents living or dead, present or future children, or History. You’ll get a personal truth detector eventually. You’ll feel when you’re beginning to fib or lie in order to please or placate or not offend one of the above. Stay ruthlessly true.   

   Of course you can do journaling directly on your computer, but then you will need a separate journal or log to keep by your bed for dream notes. (If, as my friend ChanceLucky does, you keep a blog that blog article counts as journaling on the days you write for it. However on the days you don't blog, you need to do a journal entry, however short and sweet.)

   In your journal or log, grammar and spelling do not matter one bit. When I take dream notes or travel notes or am particularly rushed or tired, I only jot down phrases. You can always do up sentences later but with dreams and travel, you want to make sure you get down the impressions.

   We’ll talk more specifically about dream journaling another day. Log whatever you want, but something every day. There is no single thing you can continue or begin that will make you gladder down the line than keeping a daily log or journal. When you look back even 2 months from now, you’ll be astonished at what you would have forgotten if it hadn’t been noted in your journal.

   Now, a log is not a diary. It can note something from the day. Or it may address something unrelated to the day at all. What will keep you doing a journal for perhaps the first time in your life is that you may write “I’m too beat to write.” Somehow the permission to not be meaningful or important or articulate allows you to sometimes actually be articulate and meaningful and important.




     I’ve taught writing for years and when I began teaching journals, people would ask, “What can I write about?” I used to give some lists of clever or lovely or interesting things for them to write about. Then when they finished that list, they’d come back and say, “What can I write about now?” Finally I realized that they would ask for lists forever. I learned to say, “Whatever you want.” It drove them crazy at first.

  One poor high-school senior thrashed about like a caught fish on a dock. He wrote ghastly little pieces like “What I did last summer.” When he finally ran out of topics he imagined I might like, he began to write stuff so real that it was breathtaking. I had another kid who wrote night after night in tiny engineer’s handwriting about stereo components. It was riveting. Because it was his passion. In a month or two, all my students began writing stuff as compelling as any author on my bookshelves. When it got real – to them.

   I never ‘correct’ journals, and with your Inner Perfectionist off grogging out in Fiji make sure you don’t become some imaginary inner teacher either. The only remark other than an exclamation point in the margin I ever made in a student’s journal was “Be more concrete. Instead of just saying it’s a beautiful day, mention the strawberry ice cream cone and include the bluejay you saw.” Poet Marianne Moore said that poetry is ‘imaginary gardens with real toads in them.’

     Be patient with yourself and you’ll develop your own voice. In the meantime, just put the full date and write something every day. Some days it’ll be pedestrian. Some days it may be literature. Never worry about that. Only worry about keeping faith with the page. The Muse will love you.

   I’m convinced that if everyone on Earth, Vuravura, Jeegoo kept private logs or journals, we would quantum leapfrog into a much saner planet. Your log will become a refuge, a forge; you will find solace and record thrill and the fascinating ordinary.


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;
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