The Doom of Dick .. Cheney Sickens

The Doom of Dick


this is in response to a Mark Morford column about the Doom of Dick.
Dear Mark of the Quarks,

   The 07.27.07 Pr[yyyyyy]nt Ch[yyy]y piece said it so much but not so all. You tell of  “ . . . the great low moan of deep chthonic pain” which hunts, haunts, and taunts our beloved distance-defying molasses-slow deep lyric of whale song. Sicker Dick evokes an anti-whale song of the Malevolent, of the severely paranoid Bleak Hole where all hope is sucked in to die, after torture just short of organ failure.

   The best ult-irony (ultra, cult, exult) in the DickDoomeozoic Era came in the new L’il Bush show on Comedy Central where it’s established that SickerDick will randomly and frequently grab any passing bird, wring its head off, and, throwing his head back making the guttural signature cheney grunts,  through the remaining  long neck, gulpingly suck its blood and innards out as its forlorn body deflates.

     The apotheosis of grim grins in this gag came when the “Gang” (of L’il Bush, L’il Condi, L’il Cheney, L’il Rove) ends up in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Emerald City in 'Raq. From the ugly, pulverizing, filthy chaos of outer Baghdad, the Gang is suddenly in the Burger King bliss-out of the Green Zone. Birds alight on Cheney’s shoulders, Bambi and Bamba and puppies cavort at his feet. Cheney reaches up and seizes the Blue Bird of Happiness off his own shoulder, rips its head off, sucks out its juices in a few gulps and throws its husk angrily aside, as if the very existence of any remnants of happiness in the World are a personal affront.

    The following is not figurative. Suspend disbelief for a few paragraphs and then decide. As a life-long psyentist studying all layers of the reality onion, I was trained to see with h-ray (holo-ray) vision and in this case was just able to survive it. I had been musing on the underground theory that SickerDick et Ilk are a brutal branch off the once-human tree, a kind of reptile-human hybrid from the infamous ‘Atlantean’ tinkering for better and much worse with the human DNA structures. Where you and I pre & post words reach down and find mammal, warm-blooded, SickerDick et Ilk reach down and aren’t mammal, are reptile, cold-blooded, slither. And lidless eyes.

     This was difficult speculative material to study, a deep revulsion, a molecular disgust. But none of my decades of druid training and psychic stabilization, gyroscopic wizard ways, wyrd and wonderfull, remotely prepared me for the ghastly holovision my peeled eyes were to encounter. I undertook this assignment on behalf of the sane, the poetry-keepers, the kind of folk unwilling to call killed kids collateral damage.

     In any spectrum of ‘normal,’ (even including criminal), human auras have a northern-lights quality. They can range from radiant to disturbed. You can be tested by what you see, even detest what you see, or be made molten in smitten delight.

    SickerDick’s ‘aura’ has never known dawn. The best I can factually describe it is to say that it looks like a 15″ layer of thickly, sickly coagulated cottage-cheese clots of densely whirling styrofoam white soulless material embedded with furiously spinning remorseless flak of tiny spikes like the barbs off barbed wire.

    It took all of my training and the focused succor of my lineage from the deep past through the deep future for me not to be struck blind and struck dead by the hideous unhumanness of this unveiled vision. Nothing remotely human remains in the essence of Mr. Cheney.

    His ‘aura’ is so opaque, so perfectly violently and rabidly vigilant against allowing light or information in. Or out. It is a system of such distilled and eternal suspicion and contempt that our mammalian human comprehension of motive, reason, thought, feeling shatters against its implacable malign disregard and rejection of human longings, insight, wist, mobius interaction. We have not begun yet to be frightened enough.

    (Part of the reason our darling language keeps collapsing as the best word-slingers try to describe the baleful effects of SickerDick et his zombie-obedient Ilk is that language is an human ornament and implement and is not prepared to describe the airless, unhuman, strangely odorless hole-where-stench-would-be sensation these reptiloids in human suits evoke.)

    As a valiant human outcry, your 07.27.07 piece re-ignited my congealing courage. I would amend your last sentence to “Dick Cheney, busy cackling ominously [and omnivorously] deep in his bunker, was unavailable for comment.”

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 ps. I meant this to be shorter but my disbelief & dismay are so great.


//All images Hieronymus. Only Bosch seems to get close to the feel.


Ask Dr. Druid, 88 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21;


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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.

.for bombadilobo.


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military-Industrial Budget on education instead ..


Ask Dr. Druid …… Day 21 …… The Part of Art 1

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 21

The Part of Art .. 1


This piece will read best for you

if you read it with your mouth as if out loud

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


   What part does art play in solving the quantum equations of the next human leap into a kinder destiny?

   Art is as important as air in this glory of attentions, your life. Art is the brandy of attentions, distilled, golden, intoxicating. Among Dr. Druid’s subversive and blatant goals is the inoculation of your heart with art, with the haunting, daunting necessity of art. Art ain’t a luxury, for other people. I’m not saying artists cannot be belligerent morons who monger war and gigagreed, but 99% of art is a start away from being willing to do killing. Art can soak up & transmogrify the energies people otherwise insanely use to hate and to obliterate.

   As Lord Byron would have it, “We thus dilate our spirits to the size of what we contemplate.” I add that we also distill our spirits to the intensity of the tiny glory we contemplate, say an ant or a grassblade.  



<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />    Part of the point is to do as much art as you can and stay hinged. (The temptation is to dali or to bosch and to pterodactyl into the paisley skies of a benign madness.)

    One of the rottenest and stupidest things is that people have attached success in art to frilthy lucre. Pifffle. Start your damn art today and be awful at it in the beginning. Bloody persevere. Eventually you get better. (I sometimes think that everyone should have an art that no one will ever see so they can just putter happily making mudpies in it and not worry what the spouse or the neighbor or any bloody anybody will say. People are so horrifically judgmental. Please allow yourself to be in kindergarten.)

    The tender bud of creativity is snuffed out by other people’s Idiot Perfectionist, and your own. Not that they have ever even probably done any foray into the forests of art. Or maybe you’ve got them in the one they have a knack for. They should be required to try something they ain’t so handy at. (Like baseball players trying to play golf. Or in a class of 7th & 8th graders I had 38 years ago – all the language-kids wrote this riveting prose and when they read their stories out loud, the non-verbal shrank back into their shells. There was this kid in the fartherest away back corner who doodled fabulous flame-burning cars all day. I had the inspiration to have everyone illustrate their stories. From being the helpless worst, this kid was the fabulous best. When I stood with him showing his brilliant drawings at the front of the class, everyone got a glimpse of how we are all gifted and all clumsy.) I always honor most the folks who lurch out of their comfort zone and take that dangerous chance on the brave awkwardness of actually learning something entirely new.

    I will give more evidence along our way, but I know, as a teacher and as a learner, everyone can learn everything. Drawing was my one exception. And Dear Rafaello in one weekend tricked me into my drawing brain and there is my running shoe, laces, holes and all still on a page to prove that anybody can learn anything. Now I didn’t stick with that trick, but I know it’s there. And you can be tricked by a nifty teacher or your nifty self into learning anything if you just unclench your brain and say, “By Golly, I will kindergartenilly persevere until I figure this out, tra la la.” It may take a long time, but you can get Very Very Good.  

    When I finally figured out how to teach writing, every single kid ended up writing killer stuff. Because I learned how to trick them into being real, not derivative. There was one kid who wrote about stereo components every night. I couldn’t wait for the next installment. Of course you can’t give a damn about grammar and spelling in the early going – any clod can fix that. What you want is their reality on the page, not yours – their passion for stereo components. (Once you hook them on the juice of the Zone, you can rather easily persuade them into the usefulness of grammar. The other way around never gets to zeal.) 

    To remind you to begin, renew, or sustain your journal/log or whatever other art you pursue: there only a few tricks to learning to write. First, you need to write every day. Make a vow. Put the whole date. (I have boxes of stuff that are dated May 6 or March 15. When I wrote it, I knew what year. Uhh, but now I have no clue. So 03.15.07 is good. I like to put 03.15.07 sunmon 2:14am. The date is necessary. The rest is idiosyncratic.) Your vow is to write something every day even if it’s “I’m too darn tired to write.” I have never actually written that though in my vow I have permission to.

    Now I’ve done this vow for about 30 years so I ought to have it down. (Because I write allegorical philosophy, I wanted to make sure what I was saying would turn out to be true in a life before I foisted it on the public. I’m in a foisting mode now at last.)

   So, write every day. And never write when you can’t write: If you can’t write it down, don’t think it. You’ll never get the pristine phrasing back. When I’m out and about, I’ll jot down a phrase or two, but I’ve trained myself not to indulge in turning the faucet on. I wait until I’m at a page or computer screen. Of course I often go out to write. That’s fine. I’m talking about when you’re driving or walking with no notebook. Observe. Don’t write in your head. Jotting is OK, but not full-fledged open the flood gates.

    You write every day. You don’t write when you can write it down.

    Some days you write literature. Some days you write glorified shopping lists. It’s the keeping faith with the Muse that counts. She (or he) ruthlessly believes in your honoring the relationship. You will be rewarded for keeping faith. This is a grail quest and you gotta be pure of heart. You don’t have to be smart or a natural sentence-slinger in the beginning. You do have to keep faith.

   Write only for yourself and the Muse. Your horrid friends or family seldom have anything useful to say. You’ll find your writing friends along the way, and they only whisper sweet somethings into your ear. Say what you like about someone’s work and elsewise Shut Up. You’d be amazed at how many ‘friends’ read with a machete and think they’re being ‘helpful.’ Oh Gods, ugh.

   Then, the best proofreading and editing you can do of your stuff is to read it out loud to yourself. Then you’ll see where it doesn’t work.

    Remember, editing is easy. Flame for ink, ice for ink, blood for ink – that’s the trick.


more The Part of Art .. Hie thee

   I want to tell you about the kilim exhibit. Some years ago in the De Young Museum, I think. I wandered through the immense marbled halls hung with remarkable kilim or ‘Turkish rugs.’ The work, the dedication. They were beautiful. They were compelling. Their intricate symmetry spoke of a holy determination to honor God. Everything had to be tended — the sheep, the thread, the dyes, the wood of the loom. The apprentice becomes the master. How many moons rose gold and set silver? The songs chanted. The water fetched in a battered wooden bucket after morning prayers. The rugs appeared in a powerful and obedient symmetry.

   There were rugs more than 700 years old. Some men worked on cathedrals. Some men worked on kilim. Honor was paid to the Creator.

   After more than an hour of rapt contemplation, I came around a corner and saw yet another kilim. It hit me with such a shock, like I’d been struck by lightning — seared like that. From the 14th century, there like a message straight to the secret center of my heart was this magical, astonishing, asymmetric kilim. It was wildly celebratory, and broke all the rules. I felt a surge of joy so deep and fierce I wasn’t sure I could live past that very moment. Yes, oh yes, one could be different. I was not ever completely alone again.

   S/he dared. I dared. As long as we sought as much beauty as we could stand, it was wonderful. Tears just ran silently down my face in greeting, in gladness. People swarmed thru the galleries, but somehow I was alone around this corner as if the universe wanted to grant me this special audience with this kindred spirit from the deep past.

   Hie thee to a museum. You will always be changed, rearranged, usefully deranged.



+ Please remember the portable wisdom of my hypnotism teacher, Dobson: “Respond only to positive suggestion from any source . . . including yourself.” 

+ hinged vs unhinged ..

+ If you do a google image search on Dali and Hieronymus Bosch, you'll see the sublime slide into the surreal.

+ images in excerpt & slice, anthony mccall (If you live near SF & you see this before 09.28.07, go to sfmoma & see mccall’s stupendous interactive installation You & I, Horizontal on floor 4. You’ll always remember it utterly.)

+ If you don't live near any museum, haul out a huge art book from your library and root thru it.



Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.

.for bombadilobo.


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military-Industrial Budget on education instead ..


Ask Dr. Druid …… Day 20 …… 77 Qualities of Gladness

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 20

77 Qualities of Swift Gladness

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This piece will read best for you
 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


    I know of some folks who have been meditating for a few years on the 26 qualities that the Gita’s Arjuna said were necessary to master for a noble life or somesuch. They have taken each quality like 'fearlessness' or 'forgiveness' and meditated &/or chanted it for forty days for each quality. Life-changing they claim. Well, who can gainsay that, per se?

  I just happened today to be looking up ‘frolic’ 


to see if my latest e-dictionary fav Online Dict at DataSegment properly had the root meaning of ‘frolic’ as ‘swift gladness.’ This dict puts synonyms at the bottom of the definition page and there was:

Moby Thesaurus words for “frolic”:

     antic, beam, caper, caracole, carouse, carry on, cavort, celebration, chirp, chirrup, clap hands, curvet, cut a dido, cut capers, cut up, dance, delight, disport, escapade, exult, festivity, flounce, fool around, frisk, fun and games, gaiety, gambado, gambol, glory, glow, have fun, hell, high jinks, horse around, horseplay, jollification, jollity, joy, jubilate, lark, laugh, lilt, make whoopee, merriment, merrymaking, mirth, party, partying, play, practical joke, prank, radiate cheer, rejoice, revel, revelry, riot, roister, rollick, romp, shenanigan, shenanigans, shines, sing, skip, skip for joy, skylark, skylarking, smile, sparkle, sport, spree, tomfoolery, trick, trip, waggish trick, wassail, whistle


   Hmmm, I thought, Why not in some random periodicity, nimbly (imagine an sure-footed mountain goat on a steep hillside) improvise some commentarying on these 77 qualities of mischievous swift gladness, a non-creed, anti-creed, post-creed commentary? How droll and perhaps even glittering, sequined for all we know.


    Since our babbling-brook stream of consciousness sometimes has the attention span of a firefly, relishes small delightful illuminations, this forty-day gig on a single quality ain’t on per se, but I thought I’d leave the timing in the legerdemains of the dear Greatest Deity Drolloa, patron deity of Vitamin I.

   So, I thought I’d do my initial exploring and commentarying on ‘frolic’ for you.

   Frolic is of course 1st & 4most my panbeloved cat palanddream Frolic who is like patting a sunwarmed nuage (new-ahj) – an iridescent pewter-colored cloud of silvery softness, so soft indeed that if you close your eyes you think your fingers are passing over a fluff of warmed, sweet, whipped cream. The root of ‘frolic’ is ‘swift gladness,’ a perfection of cat description that was fortuitous, a gift from The Blue, who pours presents upon us from the gigantic cosmic constellation, Cornucopia.  

   [[In the interests of the rollercoastering chaos which the 77 qualities of swift gladness of mischief and of fun foments for us, nuage & nuée both mean ‘cloud’ in French. At the other end of the cloud spectrum from the whipped cream nuage, we find Nuée ardente (new-hay are-daunt), that ferocious pyroclastic (broken fire) flow of burning cloud which violently pours down from a volcanic eruption and is more sudden, savage, and lethal than the lava flow. In the great volcanic death events(e.g. 79 Mt Vesuvius; 1902 Mt Pelée; 1980 Mt. St. Helens) in history, it is the nuée ardente that encases and incinerates people and cities, and no doubt goats and spiders and chickadees too. From Wiki, nuées ardentes are “fast-moving fluidized bodies of hot gas, ash and rock (collectively known as tephra) which can travel away from the vent at up to 94 mph. The gas is usually at a temperature of 212-1472 degrees Fahrenheit.”]]

   If we weren’t grim, if we couldn’t be grim, grimy, tarnished of heart, if silliness were our unsolid state, our legerdepieds, then we wouldn’t and in deed couldn’t daggone kill collateral (aka people) damage. We would sicken ourselves. $820,000 per minute on the bloated insane Military-Corporate Budget and the additional $233,000 per minute flushed in a war like Iraq would have been better spent if troops of brightly costumed clowns with enormous bulbous-toed pink plastic shoes had just stood on the corner of al Thawra & al Kulafa streets and the corner of Qutuiba & Waqas streets in Baghdad and just handed out fistfuls of cash. In a mere 48 days, we could have given each of the roughly 5,772,000 Baghdadians $10,000 apiece. Does anyone think this wouldn’t have won more hearts and minds than the turning of gold into rubble and bones and Zones?

    Instead of all this cordite, a ferocious fascination with the permutations of fun, the facets of silliness, obsidian and nuage, vulture and dandelion, would serve our darling planet so much more nobly in preposterity.       

    Grok on, Frolic on, dear reader. If LJC, Siddhaha, MoHam, Jehovaha et al can’t frolic, can’t be swift of gladness, can’t do a vaudeville turn or twain, fire’em and hire up some jollier and more insistently kind deities. I am become so allergic to faux piety that I break out into a fever of irritation if I’m exposed to one pppm (piety part per million) – gimme arsenic or heroin before killers’ piety, thanks.


   So, consider picking some qualities to contemplate in your log or of a musing afternoon or of a musing <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />midnight. I recommend keeping to the sillier side of qualities so you don’t get inadvertently drawn into the dreary or pompous seriousness so often falsely associated with ‘spirituality.’ Gods forfend we get bogged down in seriousness.  


+  the 26 Arjuna qualities – most of these are much nicer and more serious than I am:
Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 1: The Blessed Lord said Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in Knowledge and Yoga, almsgiving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of scriptures, austerity, and straightforwardness

Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 2 : Harmlessness (Ahimsa), truth, absence of anger, renunciation, peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion towards beings, freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty, absence of fickleness

Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 3 : Vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of  hatred, absence of overweening pride – these belong to the one who is born with Divine treasures.
+ palanddream ..  pal-and-dream
+  legerdemain .. light of hand, slight of hand in magic; cf coined legerdepieds, slight of feet, as a lamb gambols.




+ image of slithy tove above from drew bond, aka co nz

+ images of greys .. paul klee, google images.


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


If you know or are an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of druid material, please let me know at .. Please put ‘agent’ in the subject line.


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blog title image is a piece of andy goldsworthy

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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.

.for bombadilobo.


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military-Industrial Budget on education instead ..


Ask Dr. Druid . day 19 . Negative Capability 1


Ask Dr. Druid . Day 19

Negative Capability 1 . A Handful of Air

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> image 

This piece will read best for you

 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


Please take it a little extra slow with this piece, as if licking molasses from a spoon.


    A single handful of air doesn’t weigh much, but you surround a planet with an atmosphere and it adds up. Similarly (tho not identically), your memory of, imagination of, dream of a landscape has a photonic mass that has to be accounted for – it is most of barklian existents. (K1 is the kinesthetic or standard e=mc² daytime physics about which narrow-end physics obsesses and to which it grants sole proprietorship of the reality label.)  Most of what I ‘know’ and experience has no K existence whatever. It may or may not have had a brief K component.

     Repeatable science is important essential work. It should have funds and university departments up the yang. However, the 90% of our experience which has no immediate K1 component (& may indeed never have had a K1 flint moment of tactile, olfactory, gustatory or t-o-g interface at all), that 90% is all but discounted in its mass qualities. Masses of this photonic water flows through the brain pipe and does have complex physiological effects, but the correlations are hard to measure and impossible to repeat.

     So we diss &/or ignore the physics of 90% of our real if glancing and evanescent experience. Chaos theory legitimizes the study of the turbulence of water through a K1 pipe, but we aren’t even at the stage of accepting the vast photonic universe at all, least of all allowing arcane or niche creeks of study off an established river of supposedly-repeatable flow.

   Our established K1, repeatable Theoscience is very papal and dogmatic, and I think the initial insistent separation from other magics was a very good and necessary clarity at the time. But it is false – the baby was thrown out with the bathwater. It all interdwells and until we add the fabulously vast sea and the dainty filigrees of photonic psyence, we will know least of all honor little of the seamless truth. It self-evidently is unified whether we can explain it or not.

     It is no doubt true that it is very hard to stay objective when studying the mischievous, seductive photonic realm. You can ask for smart and for wise perhaps — but objective, nah.  (Objective is a crock anyhow which Heisenberg got.) You only get to study tame stuff in the repeatable-is-real mode. If you want to study tigers burning in the forests of the night, you need different scopes.

    So what do you want in a photonic scientist, psyentist, or knower? I would say that an affection for the abzurd is handy. And especially useful is dear Keats’ Negative Capability: “ . . . which Shakespeare possessed so enormously – I mean Negative Capability, that is, when a [person] is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason — Coleridge, for instance, would let go by a fine isolated verisimilitude caught from the Penetralium of mystery, from being incapable of remaining content with half-knowledge . . . .” 

     In my experience, K1 science is dog-like – predictable, obedient. You can put a leash on it. Photonic matter or e=mc∞ or photonic mattergy is like a cat – it purrs, it likes to be stroked, but obedient? Repeatable? ¡HaHa! Nada, nunca. Never. There are patterns and fields one can discern and mention – but the sensitivity and malleability and shapeshiftiness of the photonic mattergy, the holopaint, makes and creates so sleekly and rapidly and rampantly that you can’t bottle it.

    You can, however, teach people to keep some of their wits about them while exploring and studying it. First, we’d have, in the West, to learn to honor play as much as work. Of things useless or criminally-insane-equivalent in PhotonicVille is the Protestant Work Ethic. We’d also have to recognize the rampant flak of a huge and often appallingly puerile, sometimes enticing amount of raunch.

    We are not souls trapped in gross earthly bodies. That’s way too staid and prettyfied. We are rambunctious, fractal holokaleidocopic coalescences of energy & pattern inhabiting an unexpectedly stable bio-suit for a tidbit of time. The linear qualities of ‘our’ life are a useful fiction. I’m all for lucid waking, defined and refined by science and art. We need to add lucid photonics and psyence (dreaming; memory; fantasy; imagination &c).

     We spend a lot of tasty fluids and other substances to relax or vanish the walls between us and the wilder sea. (These walls or levees are very darn useful – full-bloom schizophrenia or helpless dimensions-confusion isn’t fun. If, on the other hand, we are taught whole life skills [which I would dub hololife skills to more pointedly include the whole 24 that we do indeed live], we can have choices of walls, or not — just like we put up and down the venetian blinds on the sunny side of the house.)

    In 50 or 100 years, all these skills are taught in Druid Quantum Schools, but for the nonce, I’m plunking the more oneiro-skills, the photonics into Druid Clown School InterDimensional. The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Quantum School stuff will take a smaller leap into schooling many more people better, but closer to the best of the prevailing model. Those of us who particularly love the future and the dear Penetralium of mystery can work on getting these fractal photonic science, psyence, skill-sets translatable to those linear folk still made vertiginous by free fall. The coming time will not allow them to remain in their familiar mode; there will be vortexes and torques of mind&emotion that require the new skills.

   Today, with this holo-info in mind, notice & contemplate just how much of what is moving your piece around the Cosmic Chess Board is not K1, is not science fodder. This will begin the development of your Negative Capability organ, your unclenched, no irritable reaching after fact and reason organ. You’ll begin to add the delicious capability of being able to see the brilliant but shy denizens from the Penetralium of mystery.

…<^> …….


+ barklian existents .. Irish Bishop Berkeley (pronounced Barkly) thought & I agree with him that all we could testify to were mental constructs of one kind or another. But there is the semi-consensual hallucination and then there are the photonic psyence realms where we don’t yet share enough conscious experiences to make a lot of tests and claims tho we can poetically attest and resonate.      

+ narrow-end physics – narrow-end refers to the narrow end of the telescope. A wry tho not unkind suggestion that standard science is leaving out a whole lot of reality in order to preserve the exclusive sanctity of this repeatable thing. Damn, us poetry witches & wizards either got burned or spurned. But our time is comin', darlin'.


+ holo-paint .. The photonic worlds are as if magically painted into existence by a paint which is 3D rather than 2D. It paints landscapes you can walk in rather than look at on a wall. Very tricksy stuff holopaint.


+ oneiro-skills .. oneiro = dream in Greek.


+ images title & excerpt Harry Tjutuna, australia dreaming art;



Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


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Ask Dr. Druid . day 18 . Remote Viewing

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 18

Remote Viewing

This piece will read best for you

 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


   Remote viewing is a kind of teleportation, a visiting of a terrestrial place where your daybody is not. It is another way to practice making your attentions’ capacities more elastic and eclectic. Remote viewing is that variation, that facet of the out-of-body experience which doesn’t go gallivanting off around the galaxies, but rather to a Russian submarine harbor (a Cold War favorite) or to downtown Paris.

   The underlying point of all our exercises is to make your kaleidoscopic life experience more keen, more jolly, more exquisitely luminous and breathtaking – your birthright. You’ve heard of a lot of capacities as occult or ‘weird’ or mystic. None of these really. You just weren’t taught them in your usual school.

     I suggest practicing remote viewing in your living room where you can check and verify your impressions. Lie on your bed or sit some place comfy. Always have had a pit stop. My hypnotism teacher, Dobson, always said about hypnotism sessions: “Never compete with the bladder!” Ground, relax. Imagine yourself in your handy travel body walking off to your living room or other room where no one is and ‘spying’ on what’s there. Be deliberate, methodical, and thorough. Notice as many qualities of objects as you can. Whisper them to yourself as you touch them with your eyes and fingertips. Vase; red with yellow tulips; pear-shaped; narrow neck; lacquered; eleven inches high. Notice the shadow each thing casts. The thing; its shadow; the thing.

    If I spread my hand wide, from the tip of my little finger to the tip of my thumb is eight inches. This makes a handy measurer for RV forays.

    The coolest thing about remote viewing is that you can bump into things and not knock them over. (Tho poltergeisting is a whole ‘nother subject.) Whether in your daybody or your rembody, every time you blink, you unconsciously add a minute snapshot of emphasis to whatever you’re attending to. Making a conscious definite crisp blink can underline an observation for you. Anything you do to get info into more than one sense system will ratify that observation for you. You see something and then say your observations about it. That gives you visual and auditory. The crisp blink adds kinesthetic. All of this gets very suave and sleek and delectable and all but effortless. In the meantime, these remote viewing forays into your living room or kitchen can markedly tune up your attentions. You’ll certainly notice yourself quantumly more aware as you walk through those rooms in your daybody – in order to feel less excruciatingly embarrassed at what you missed when you do your next remote view session and review, if for no other reason.

    When you’ve made a circuit or twain around the room, come back into your comfy body and review what you’ve viewed. Then get up and go scrutinize to see how precise and accurate and detailed you were.

    Most folks are leery of testing their ‘enlightenment’ and ignore their endarkenment altogether.  

(“O wad some Power the giftie gie us/To see oursels as ithers see us!/It wad frae monie a blunder free us/An foolish notion . . . .”) Doing this living room and kitchen remote viewing allows very quick feedback which is the way to learn anything most efficiently. You also get to do this privately so if you have remembered to shoo your Inner Perfectionist off to Fiji to guzzle grog, you can be observant of your failings rather than judgmental about them. You can do this exercise a thousand times and it will get incrementally more actual and vivid each foray.

   We’ll go into the following in much more chiaroscuro detail later, but I want to introduce you to the druid notion of day-reality as an holographic language through which you pass like a 4D braille. It’s all hieroglyphs, oneiroglyphs, runes with stories to tell. You are living within a galactic language. Listen, my friend, to the dear wall.

     I was lucky enough to grow up way from anywhere where I had no idea (yet) that people weren’t allowed to talk to trees. So I learned to listen to the so-called inarticulate before I had to lock them in that stupid lifeless speechless box because people were all stirred up about witches and ole cloven hoof satan and wicked pagans. Gee whiz those folks were dull who could stand having their church in a building. The hardest thing was disguising the wild and somersaulting energy of the rampant animist life. So much glee. A tree never minds how much glee you have. It has birds gossiping in its leafy bower after all so it is never shocked by astonished joy.

   Anyhow, when you do your re-views of your remote viewing in your living room or kitchen, you will begin to feel the full-body braille-reading alertness as you grokkingly pass through the space. Your attentions will become less head-centric and you’ll become more electrically present in your present. It’s a blast.

    To get these effects, you have to do the exercises, you can’t just read about them . . .



..suave .. soo-ah-vay, in the Spanish manner, tasty. El azul suave is a pale robin’s egg blue.

.. RV .. remote viewing;

.. “Oh wad some Power the giftie . . .” from Robert Burns, To a Louse;

.. chiaroscuro .. literally bright-dark; noticing the contrasts between light and dark; Check out the remarkable and still more modern than we ever can be movie The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari from 1920. If you love black & white films and photos –without all the distraction of color, Dr. Caligari will astound you forever.

.. Shadows are seldom black, interestingly – first noted most notably by Monet & the Impressionists;

.. hieroglyphs are the Egyptian picture writing. they are clearly more concrete with their languaging than we remember to be;
oneiroglyphs – oneiro is the Greek word for dream, so dream-picture-writing, except in this case, holographic writing, like day-life is. Runes are also shorthand for holographic writing;



Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;



Emily Kame Kngwarreye for title slice, aboriginal;

excerpt image, craig allan charles, australian;


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copyright ask dr. druid 2007 all rights reserved

blog title image is a piece of andy goldsworthy

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.for bombadilobo.


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