President George Bush Gives His Foot to the War Effort

President George Bush Gives His Foot to the War Effort

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George I (as in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Washington) actually led his troops into harms’ ways. George III, tho more indispensable than George I apparently – forfend we risk his hide, did decide, finally, on Christmas Day (CHRISTmas Day, by the way, you stupid heathen) to demonstrate the necessity and nobility of the Iraqian Cause & Course by chopping off one toe for each 500 dead & 500 mutilated. (A cumulative thousand per toe – not a toe for each 500. Of course, there are abundant mutilated to add to the sum.) (Americans, duh. Counting Iraqis is for yellow-bellied bleeding heart defeatists like Howard Dean. If it weren’t for Howard Dean, we would have had victory in Iraq already.)


George III doesn’t want people to think he is just shipping off mainly poor young men to the slaughter streets & yellow-brick IED roads.


No, no – tho he evaded Vietnam, he feels his noble responsibility as President is to walk – well, limp now – the talk. As of Dec 31, 2005, George III has gallantly contributed four & .356 toes to the noble Cause & Course.



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5 Cane . Ben . Reed . East . tzol 213 . 12.31.05 sat

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the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Behind The Christian Iron Veil

Behind The Christian Iron Veil

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We are on the cusp of a 'breakthrough' in multi-D consciousness. It's already well-under way in the Next Age communities around the world — it just hasn't broken through the Christian Iron Veil yet. (Not to suggest that you, dear reader, are or aren't Christian — it's just that Fanged Christianity is in the ascendancy in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America now rather than Tender Christianity.)

We all barely tap our synapse capacity. You won't find it harder to keep track of the multi-D experience — indeed at some level you already are! You'll actually have a chance to be more coherent about your energy management when you aren't having to slyly and stealthily judge what energies you can allow to cross your face or which you gotta hide from the Acceptable Telescreen of Normal Suburban Judgment.

It's the subterfuge that's draining.

Generally the big rules will be If you can't fix it, don't break it. Be kind to your kind. Physically. Killing people of different shades or creeds strings out vengeance. You think 'After I get back at them, then I'll stop.'


Tender Christianity or other forms of empathy are what take real courage. Fanged Christianity substitutes a paranoid power for the horrors of empathy. Empathy requires a mutual ceding of control & how damned dangerous is that? Empathy is the portal to the fairer future, but only some consciousnesses will dare it at first – like space flight – not everyone has the right stuff to take the weightlessness, the unsafeness.


It’s easier far to set armies of other people’s children amarch in distant lands where the screams and ruined dreams are set supposedly outside one’s ken. You do have to pay eventually because the universe cannot, is unable to forget. It’s not, however, into vengeance, just into grokking, or the deep understanding that’s like drinking in understanding deeply like cool water in the desert.


What’s been done to you is like morning mist; what you did unto others is adamant.


Anyhow, soon enough you’ll begin to notice that you remember your dreams more. That they have a substance and otro-physics  laws and otro-chronos laws and otro-social rules and customs, and you will begin to become educated into your own wider experience. Most of us are infants in recalling and acting in this wider-worlds experience, but just like when you were a child in DayLand, you learn and become nifty.



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11 Death . Cimi . Twins . North . tzol 206  12.24.05 sat

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the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

..let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Complete Consciousness Education & Evil

Complete Consciousness Education & Evil

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Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock Tick tock = that little exercise just cost your children $820,000 per minute for the Military Budget + an extra $200,000 per minute for Iraq.


We are able to deny or bizarrely overlook this abzurd and obscene waste of our national resources for destruction and against construction because we are not serious in our grokking or deep comprehension of  our consciousnesses. We are namby-pampy, prissy, tut-tutty, norman-rockwelly about the violence and lusts we all covertly encompass so these forces get projected into the dear solid day world where they do physical harm, not just mental titillation or mental harm. We need CCE in this country – Complete Consciousness Education. The following fable is one step toward The Unveiling of our wider consciousness.    


Evil Ain’t Always Bad    


    “This is a subject so difficult to talk about that my throat constricts as the words rise into the air. I who have lived with this knowledge for 23 years can hardly breathe to speak. Yes, I have come to tell you that what is evil ain’t always bad.” Belle Z. Babe spoke at the Tribunal as the lidless eyes of the Judges bore their fear, distaste, and fury like crossbows into her heart.

    At once, in the dappled inner glade which was her refuge, Belle Z. turned ruefully to Oak, her friend with the bright dark amber eyes. Like herself, Oak was of the ancient druid line of star-seed who loved the home planet Earth with concentration and glee, diligence, devotion, and somersault joy. The druids knew there was more than one time line, a fact they playfully and reverently portrayed in their intricate and passionate Celtic knots. Lightning is a druid sign because druids zigzag between times.

     While one thread of her experience had Belle Z. in a leg chain before a galactic Tribunal, in another co-chronos thread, in her glade, Oak put the back of his fingers to her cheek and suspended time with her.  It was this ability to dwell in parallel and mobius time lines that gave those of druid blood their air of mystery to the single-sighted. Oak’s eyes were that dark amber struck by a shaft of sun. Not too far hidden under the surface of those lion’s eyes was merriment, mischief, and a daunting ability to concentrate. Oak shrugged, “We knew they weren’t going to like the wider truth being brought into the day light. Stay brave, Belle Z.”

     Back in the Tribunal, with no more apparent time dislocation than a heartbeat, Belle Z.Babe continued. “You didn’t like what Galileo told you either. The transition to an openly multi-dimensional consciousness is going to be rocky, but the costs of living a lie are too tremendous.

    In the most simplistic terms, 'what is good' in our Earth density of experience is not the same as 'what is good' in our less-dense ethereal realms of experience.

   “Thus 'evil' ain’t always bad. Most true evil comes from confusing the layers of consequence between dimensions of experience.

     Monger, the grim judge, sneered at Belle Z., “If you let this evil knowledge out of the bottle, Mz. Z.Babe, you cannot contain it. We have kept the multi-dimensional truth from people because they are not ready for it. The danger is too great.”

    Belle Z.Babe shrugged one shoulder, “Monger, I have thought most of my lifetime about that —. It is a staggering concern. But I am convinced now that we must dare the whole truth.

    “If what is evil earthside in DayLand is not necessarily evil in the ethereal realms, we must learn and teach 'how to act fittingly.' How to act in a way that 'fits' the realm of experience we presently dwell in.

     “Imagine for a moment that you and I meet in a dream and you murder me. In the land of dreams, in Otherland, murder could be a 'gotcha' game you and I play. Or it could be symbolic between us of some rotten feelings. But because in the less-dense or ethereal realms where we inhabit dreams and other differently-consequential experiences, we pop right back up, the consequential meaning of murder is different. Therefore the ethics is different.

      “In our beloved earth/solid, relatively sequential-time realm, the consequences of war and pillage, rape, death, gigagreed, and promiscuity are all awful to our sturdy hearts. Yet simultaneously we dwell in levels of experience where such things have little more consequence than our actually being a character in a book we’re reading.”

     Belle Z.Babe looked at Monger’s pale ice-grey eyes directly with her green Celtic eyes and continued, “The kinesthetic intensity and time-duration intensity of Earth experience, as well as the depth and durance of emotions make consequence and responsibility different than in the diaphanous, more plastic realms where experience manifests at the speed of thought.

      “Here in this material masterpiece we have to collaborate with the nature of a stuff which has its own integrity and sturdiness.

     “Our behavior must be appropriate, must fit the space, the place wherein we immediately dwell. We cannot bring dream behavior into the solid day. This mis-taking of realms, this leeching of lusts and power struggles and emotional chaos into the consequential Earth is the source of most crime, legal and emotional. By staying primly and sentimentally blind to our multi-level experience, we avoid the complicated responsibility for our whole behavior.”

      In the glade, Oak grinned at Belle Z and said, “The constant aesthetic and ethical many-layered decisions that we hope are increasingly elegant and compelling finally make use of the 90% of that ultimate holographic and multi-D organic Celtic knot, the human brain, which has lain mostly fallow for all these centuries.

     “Of course it’s complicated and terrifying to juggle several time lines and densities in a clear, sound consciousness at once , but it’s complicated and terrifying nowand based on a wrong premise, a false foundation.

     “We must dare to trust the whole truth, to dream well and live fittingly at once.”

      “Deft and apt,” Belle Z.Babe agreed.




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7 Wind . Ik . Whirlwind . North . tzolkin 202  12.20.05 tues

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Fanged Christians v. Tender Christians

Fanged Christians v. Tender Christians

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As a life-long observer of the spectrum of folks who declare that they cleave to Jesus, I have a few thoughts, some more charitable than others. At one end of the spectrum are what today my dear friend The Blue suggested I call the Fanged Christians – zealots who have co-opted the name of Jesus but do few of the radical acts he required. At the other end are the tirelessly kind and humble, quiet folk who tend to ‘the least of these’ as their devotion of acts in Jesus’ name and service, the Tender Christians.


Alas, our nation is in the grip of the Fanged Christians who have little to do with Jesus’ breathtakingly radical exhortations to Love your Enemy, Turn Your Other Cheek, Turn Your Other Towers. It is a deep shame that the Fanged get to blurt and bleat his name to cover horrible and even brutal acts of violence and intolerance.


Fanged Christians are people who are willing to call children mutilated by our preemptive acts of war, collateral damage. They are willing to cut Medicaid and to allow an absurd, an obscene minimum wage while lining the bulging pockets of the have-mosts with more filthy lucre. Can you really imagine that Jesus would countenance that the have-mosts should have yet more? It’s preposterous on the face of it.


The beauty of Jesus was that he dared to be tender. His job was to tend to the fragile, the poor, the outcast – because these people were not outcast by God, but by the false powers and contumely of men.


If there were a Satan and he set out to mock the simple, fiercely mild truths of Jesus, he’d devise twisting exactly our sweet hope of the poor, hope of the tempest-tossed, beloved <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America into the wretched greedy, belligerent travesty it has become today. Satan smirks. Jesus weeps.



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5 Light . Ahau . Flower . South . tzol 200  12.18.05 sun

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Boomerang Death – the End Of War

Boomerang Death – the End Of War

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When we grok our ultra-infra existence as well as our earth-G density, with our enhanced sensibilities, we will recoil from war-killing (our new & rationalized version of human sacrifice — we just do it better these days) as if our own weapon boomeranged and shot, exploded, napalmed, phosphoroused, slashed, stabbed, slaughtered, mutilated our very own flesh and splintering bones. We will recoil and we will refrain. We will shrink back from bloodthirst.


Our ultra-infra existence is that part of the spectrum of our experience usually and casually referred to as dreams, imagination, fantasy – all of which powerfully move us under the radar of our consciousness for the most part. Some of us can grok or semi-grok these inner weather systems, but most people’s  inner meteorology sweeps them with weather tides of emotion, and is not amenable to shamanic cajoling. How many are just along for the ride really while proclaiming Utter Certainty that God whispers sweet nothings exclusively into their shell-like?


This blindness to our wholer selves allows us to perpetrate these earth-G atrocities under one mad lemming banner or another – religion, patriotism, morality, family, tribe, nation. The simple test is whether you kill or by proxy allow to be killed another human being.


If you are a killer, you are a moron or a monster depending on the degree of consciousness you wield.



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3 <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Flint . Edznab . Knife . North . tzol 198  12.16.05  fri

ffwofw 228§8941/24d17h28m25s31.98g5.1g/1162


the education-obsessed world begins today with you


Hector, psychic assassin

pls read this as slowly as you can read


It was this fable that made me a militant pacifist. When I started to write it, I was actively 'against war.' When I finished it, I was consciously and intently a militant pacisfist — “. . . once I truly saw the exquisite radiance of even the most benighted life.”     


Hector, psychic assassin


“It had been startling to discover that Hector had been a psychic assassin many hundreds of years ago when sorcery was in its vigorous prime. The vassal of a great king, Hector had been young, brilliant, sly as a snake, and beloved of the volcano goddess, Erif. The lava blood of the planet’s heart was imprinted in his psychic body like the vermilion signature of the volcano goddess’ favor. Thus, in the etheric realm, Hector’s psychic black-body was slashed with veins of the violent exuberant vermilion of the incandescent lava pumped, new and shocking, from the planet’s living heart. The etheric black-body was like looking at an x-ray of someone’s soul.

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“He had powerful benefactors, did Hector FerdeLance whose knowledge of subtle neurotoxins became legendary in rumor. He played the stringed zambal, attended the king, was a pretty, winning youth. Who was to know for sure that he wielded death so deftly? He was not employed to snuff the sparks of little lights, there were crude minions enough for that. His use was to outwit the shielding wards, those protecting woven words, that rhapsody of other kings.


“I told FerdeLance things about myself,” Gamma Ray wrote on. “If we were to play together at this Healing Game, he needed to know some things about me. Art, I told him, is perhaps to some healers an obscene intermingling of psychic bodily fluids. The acceptance of, the discovery of a different point of view than one’s own, a taking on of soul matter, the quivering naked stuff that the artist rips, aztec, from his or her own beating heart.


“Hector FerdeLance, the assassin, was interested in art and in the panvoyant, the what to do with yourself when assassinating vexing kings and fighting wars were no longer the way to ignite the impatient blood.


“In a few days more Hector spoke a truer name and his eyes turned as dark as and gleamed like obsidian when he spoke this name. ‘Vio Lence, my familiars called me, because I studied destruction,’ FerdeLance said blandly. ‘Along the way of learning what kills, I learned much of how we are alive. I have waited long to do penance, and you were the first one who might recognize that embrace of life with death, the breathless intimacy. Of course I lied to your class teachers or they would not have introduced me. It is true that I rejoiced in others’ pain. After I became vassal to the snake god king, Bothrops, and beloved of the lava goddess, Erif, I no longer lusted for the big and brutal pain my fellow warriors inflicted and endured.


“‘Bothrops, my king,’ he continued, ‘was so well warded by charms, by cunning, and by tall zealous guards that I was to learn more subtle arts than bursting joints and rending limbs and skinning men alive. I became the worm in the apple, the canker in the gift of sacred corn, the assassin in the summer wind. Until kings looked wide-eyed through me to see the face of Death, they never knew how I had come into their sanctuary. All their guard was girded against the marauders, the pillagers. I came to know that there is no reason enough to kill, but I was deep in blood debt by then.’


“Vio Lence gazed into the distant past and mused, ‘I remember the first person I ever killed mind to mind.’ He looked in the present at me and shrugged, ‘It was not casual or frequent, this phantom killing. And it was a work of art. Was it wrong? Who is to say. That is difficult to unweave. Was it evil? Yes.

“‘Because it is evil,’ Vio continued smiling, ‘you are reluctant to ask. Yet you want to know. What was it like killing a great king, from afar? With mountains and mists, rivers and corn fields between you? Well, it was a great undertaking. It was a dreadful and wonderful intimacy, all their life's lights gutter, their pictures go out like stars. That evanescent final moment when all that is alert quits.


“‘It is the finality, the irreversibility that daunts, haunts you. By the fifth and last king I slew, at least I knew some portion of what was lost. When I had killed by physical hacking and slashing, there was a certain bloodthirsty slaked satisfaction in surviving while they did not. In the chaos and risk, the adrenal fury singing through your veins. It was like gorging, like rape, it was a tornado screaming through the brain and blood. I howled raw like the jaguar at the moon. The amla, the spirit, the coherence, of the slaughtered would flee the butchered body in terror, cringing horror. Prince or peasant, all men die the same when they are butchered.


“‘It was not lovely or interesting. To kill as I did later, by stealth, by seduction, when I saw the breadth of a life, then I knew what I did. It was like walking through a pyramid-shaped tunnel, a pyramid on its side. Starting at the wide end, you saw the vast spiraling mosaic of their complex life, until you came to the narrow end where face to face at the top of the spine, you looked into the unblinking eyes of the life Snake. In the reptilian brain, their first and last light lay. It’s the place where consciousness is ignited. And quenched. The sixth king, Orez, I did not kill. I saved him instead. He knew I could have killed him, and when I did not, each picture, poem, song, from the least crumb of his all but lost life became precious, delirious to him. The great cruel king wept. I became a healer in that hour. Orez became a kind ruler, seeking to treasure his subjects’ days as his own.


“‘His rapture at being spared was so abundant, the great wave of it washed my soul clean of the greed for power. I was made humble by my knowledge of all the little sacred secrets, the precious and putrid moments of his intricate life. I could not but be guardian of his breath once I truly saw the exquisite radiance of even the most benighted life.’” 



Hector, Psychic Assassin, my friend.  For those who grok it, this is my octessential statement for why I have resolved to devote my life to the Abolition of War, to the pro-peace world — because the psychic assassin become Healer, Hector, taught me why militant pacifism is the only choice . .. . . .. If you read this as slowly as you can read, you will funes¹ what a life is worth that you can not take it. . .. .



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1 Vulture . Cib . Owl . South . tzolkin 196  12.14.05  wed

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Senator Lieberman's Accidental Treason

Senator Lieberman's Accidental Treason


I just saw the Democracy for America call to write a note to Senator Lieberman.


Their letter said:

“Recently you [Senator Lieberman] said, 'It's time for Democrats who distrust President Bush to acknowledge he'll be commander-in-chief for three more critical years, and that in matters of war we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril.'


My incredulous note says:


Dear Senator Lieberman:

   The idea that speaking out in a democracy is 'undermining the credibility of the president' is a sad and sinister and chilling idea.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

   I am agog that you would even think of undermining dissent at any time in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America.  

   Citizens who are thoughtfully convinced that any president is wrong must always speak out or we become totalitarian indeed. I am shocked that you bludgeon your fellow patriots with 'matters of war' as if that were a reason for us to stop thinking and become sheep. For shame. 


Sincerely & etc.



I would add here on pogblog that no office has inherent authority in a democracy. We hope a president is wise and honorable. If he is not, we are exquisitely and excruciatingly bound to speak as keenly as the edge of a knife. 


It is treason to the central idea of a democracy — no kings, no infallible leaders. That 'matters of war' change the democratic equation is a canard slung around by patronizing and either power-blind or power-drunk weighty persons of self-knighted distinction.


No matter how many people benightedly blather against it, separation of church and state remains quintessential to our national well-being — unless in Summer you are willing to say In Zeus We Trust; Spring, In God We Trust; in Winter In Pan We Trust; In Autumn, In Goddess We Trust;  Then the following year In Minerva We Trust; In Buddha We Trust; In Allah We Trust, and so forth. 


No matter the 'matters of war' or 'matters of oil companies' hegemony — secrets suck in a democracy. What? we are not adult enough to deal with the truth? 'Executive privilege' is a shaky idea at best for the servant of the people, the president, to hide behind. I can imagine maybe once in a century when it might in great trepidation be invoked. Secrecy is for the creeps in less hopeful systems of government.


Speak out we must. Yes, it's awkward. Docility and obedience would be much more convenient and make for a more norman rockwell and pastel picture of our imaginary idyllic nation. The horror, the horror. Democracy is awkward. Totalitarianism is orderly. Senator Lieberman was deeply treasonous against the essence of democracy to suggest that we noisy and outraged and concerned citizens are bringing 'peril' to our beloved nation when we speak out — our right and our duty.


Typically treason is committed out of the highest though sadly twisted motives. Any citizen who says we should darken our light of reason and concern is direly missing the point of democracy. (Not unlike, by the way, that people willing to go to war are missing the dreadful and radical point of 'Love your enemy.')  

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12 Jaguar . Ix . Ocelot . Panther . North . tzol 194  12.12.05 mon
ffwofw 507§8941/24d17h28m25s31.98g5.1g/1160
the education-obsessed world begins today with you


Paint Your House With Anti-War Slogans

There's a guy in our town who paints the side of his house with foot high-lettered  imprecations towards his pet-peeve city council persons. In blood-red paint. Of course we all think he's crazy.


Lately however, the reason I most wish I owned my rented house for is that I could then paint the side of my house with $820,000 per minute/Military Budget and an extra $200,000 per minute/Iraq budget.  

I talked to a singing teacher today and I realized that we could afford a lush and individual and astonishing education for every child in this country IF we spent 1/2 the money we spend on destruction on the real defense of our country which is superb education.

We are stupidly cutting out all the smart stuff like singing and drawing and small classes which give all kids a rich chance to get hooked on the drug of learning.


Note — I've managed to counter-fortune-cookie a few of their memes.

'Stay the course' I have made 'Stay the STUPID course?'


Cut & run — Leave when the Mission's Accomplished —  May 01, 2003.


Support our Troops — We urgently support our troops coming home intact of life and limb.


To the death penalty advocates who blow off Jesus' radical ideas of turning the other cheek and loving your enemies — Remember that eternity is very long. Every thing is going to exactly happen to you that you wished & perpetrated upon others, directly or by proxy. Imagine this deeply before you forsake mercy. 





& Electric Perception Outwit War


    When you look back from Y3000, it’s clear that what saved us from war, from state-sanctioned human sacrifice, was, as it is in Y3000, art and perception, an electric perception. Art-thirst replaces blood-thirst. Seeing art, doing art. And when we let loose all that art on the Planet, it shines pearlescent all the way to the FarStars.

    The following fable, Gwatwareg, is as close as I can get in words to showing you the thinking of & the feeling of the integration of lucid waking with lucid dreaming — the rhapsody, the woven song of day and dream, electric perception. Education and fate, ole sly Fat E, brought me this present, this man made of night.  

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    Falling heels over head for Gwatwareg was dumb and dangerous. Like taking a shine to plutonium. Too hot and pitilessly radiant for my soul to survive. I knew that coming doom with a Damascus-sword-keen clarity. A knowledge which slowed my plummet not one whit. The splat was going to be inevitable and gut-strewn; one could only hope to prolong the oh-I-understand-why-Leda-submitted freefall.

     By the way, the legendary Damascus-steel alloy contained glass and other now-mystery elements, and it is said that a true <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Damascus sword edge can cut even an evanescent waft of silk cloth in half before it can fall to the ground.

    In the worlds of dark matter, my lucifer, Gwatwareg has invented, displays, inhabits a force après-magnetism — an exotic, erotic field within which I was transfixed. If holomusic were a fountain upon which one magic-carpetily floated, it felt like that, the force of him – symphonically buoyant.

    It’s like in the ocean, all waves are attached to the whole sea, the mighty wave at Mavericks and the ripple in a fjord near the Artic Circle. Gwatwareg’s humor was an ocean like that with many moods and many beaches all at once. Perhaps I didn’t submit so much as I was immersed? Does a fish submit to the sea?

    All the flame in a forest fire, if you were within it, not the pain but the vermilion motion: In a vast forest of maples in the Spring, before the white man poisonously came, the sweet rising of all that sap: Gwatwareg was irresistible. It was more like photosynthesis than like magnetism, his alchemy: there was an exchange of sunlight for apples or buttered corn. He was a devil, the devil, and I denied him nothing. My soul was the least of it; the origami of my soul was the least of it.

    When the most ancient amoeba in an unbroken chain through all those aeons of midnights became me, I gave him all that evolution; that resolution; that luck.

    Under the ocean, in the rivers too there are at least three million, seven hundred & forty-three thousand pearls gleaming snugly in the odd gluck of oysters and all that pearl light is what illuminated the first night we made love after all the centuries of implacable rutting. He wanted a kind of terrible truth from you before you caught a unicorn-glimpse of his actual strange honor.

    He seemed made of darkness, of night, but then he moved and you saw he was a panther. He was feline. The droit de seigneur. The languor, the outright imperial laziness. Obsidian, the color of panthers, his humor never missed the perfect quick attack. Falling heels over head for Gwatwareg was dumb and dangerous, but I never had a choice.




See gwatwareg & Leda & droit de seigneur & après-magnetism below

& Check pogblog’s Glossary for other brave & nefarious words.


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9 Monkey . Chuen . Raccoon . West . tzol 191  12.09.05 fri   
ffwofw x§8941/24d17h28m25s31.98gb/1157
the education-obsessed world begins today with you
gwatwareg means irony in Welsh;
droit de seigneur means ‘the right of the king’ & refers to the right of the king to have the wedding-night virginity of any vassal’s wife or of any slave girl any night.
après-magnetism means after-magnetism or post-magnetism;
In the sentence fragment above,  “…one could only hope to prolong the oh-I-understand-why-Leda-submitted freefall,” Leda was a maiden in Greek story who was ravished by Zeus in the guise of a great swan most memorably immortalized in one of Yeats’ most famous poems, Leda & the Swan: 

A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.

How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?

A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agamemnon dead.
                                        Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?

William Butler Yeats

Instinct is like salt, cinnamon, or cilantro

Instinct is like salt, cinnamon, or cilantro

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    About 90% of the time 'trusting your instinct' is a ghastly idea. Usually a cover for some hideously narcissistic perpetration upon someone. My instinct is always to have another piece of Chocolate Cake & Chocoearly Cake. Trust your instinct at your peril. 

   In Viscera, the Obsidian Arts, it says, “By ‘viscera’ I mean ‘the guts.’ All the gluck under the heart. Forfend that our highfalutin' philosophy discuss intestines. We are too fine. We are evolved. We have a big brain, a Big Brain. We cherish our heart, we polish our soul.

   “Yeats speaks to the neglected viscera when he says that 'we end where all ladders start, in the foul rag and bone shop of the heart.' I would suggest that he meant the viscera here, the ‘basement’ of the heart. But the word ‘viscera’ doesn't fit the irresistible rhyme of his lines.

   “Tonight I come to laud viscera — where 'ladders start.' I suggest that unless we educate and placate viscera, we will only pretend to be civilized.”

   Instinct is viscera lite. Instinct is the bongos.  Viscera is the big drum. Viscera is profounder. Viscera is the ground for instinct. Or maybe you could say the instinct is the swallow, the hirondelle. Viscera is the condor.

    The reason I’ve never ‘trusted my instinct’ without reservation is that it is capricious. It tends to dip its quill in desire –sometimes fun and smart. Other times instinct’s bright ideas distinctly stink. You follow its urging and splat, into the mudpuddle. Left cold and wet – and it has no regret. You pay the consequences and it shrugs. It is linked much more closely to the collective unconscious and therefore it has archetypal powers of persuasion. These archetypes (the inner hero; the inner romantic; the inner scoundrel; et al) have aeons of practice at cajolery or bullying or the false as hell appearance of sweet reason. But the concrete consequences aren’t so much of an interest to your instinct. Instinct knows how to wheedle.

   I’m not suggesting that one should default to100% reason or its facsimile. Instinct is like salt, cinnamon, or cilantro – damned tasty and essential, but you can’t live on it. Listen, sure, but consider before you heed. Most people are afraid of any instinct because it can have embarrassed them or impoverished them or made them join patriotic or religious groups and kill people in the Name of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />America or some such ghastliness. Keep your discernment. But if it passes the reasonably harmless test, do be swayed. Just beware that it has a lock on charm and it can convince you that it is harmless or even noble.

   Perhaps you can say that viscera is the whole tide and instinct is a wave.

   I haven’t ever murdered anyone, but I would reckon that murder would be a deep visceral driven act.

    Instinct if it joins with our art can be an amazing ally. It has better senses than reason – keener, quicksilveryer. Now I didn’t say it was more sensible. Nope. Because it isn’t linear, it can make connections that would never occur to reason. It follows the scent of desire like the panther as dark as the night, of the night, or even the hawk, high, of the light, under the sun, but it isn’t wise. The trick is to put some modicum of wise in the game. The old endless, always new, promethean task, is to hold the fire lest the whole forest burn, and then after, with a shudder you say, but Why? Hold the fire.

   The best game is to ride the fire just short of real maiming pain. It’s tricky.



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8 Dog . Oc . Wolf. North . tzol 190  12.08.05 thur 

ffwofw 611§8941/24d17h28m25s31.98g5.1g/1155


the education-obsessed world begins today with you


Plunder Wonder

Jolly Solstice (or whatever winter holiday floats your boat) to you each.

Herein follow my tra la las for your amusement:

Plunder Wonder

In a sugar plum-colored daze,
May the bounty of days amaze.
The sheep's plush fleece, the gossip of geese,
The cat purrs, licking her elegant whiskers.
Clowns somersault, salts clown around.
We're lucky to have towels and trowels and vowels.
Pluck luck from your pudding like plums.
Succumb to plums.  Steal style.
Flaunt jauntiness.  Hail heartiness.
Be tickled by pickles, relish fellowship.
Butter is better. More butter is best.

When you feel insane,

Butter your brain.
Pirate the treasure of pleasure.

Happiness happens.
Saddle up, pard, and rope them days,
A hot bath, forgiven wrath.
Club a sandwich, belly up to a sandbar,
Have a fine purple purpose,
Flout and rout pouting.
Ponder wonder.
Remember vermilion, the color of embers.
The gilt lilies frothing the field have no guilt.
Ponder only wonder.


Be harmless and warm, eschew other arms.
Praise the prize of days, the surprise of days.
'Frolic' means 'swift gladness':
May your gladness be quick and tricksy.
Be facile with docility,
Salacious for salad. Prefer tortes to torture.  Wreak wreaths, not havoc.
Have more siestas, more snoozes, more muses.
Be kind to your kind.

Under the grime of habit is the original shine,

Polish your time.
As you get old, pick courage, not rage.
The cartography of the heart
Is it a maze or a map?

Perhaps it's better to be polite than right?
Get stunned by fun.
With gusto and lusto, be happy, be sappy.
The solstice, the return of light,
The retreat of night
Shining on us all, the same sun
Makes us one;
Equal under the high and shining sky,
All our hearts are star bright.
The only task is to bask
In the holy glow of the fruited earth.
Linger, watch, admire. Remember.
Be a barnacle to your day.
There's lavender, provender, talent, gallantry,
There's silk, salt, and succotash
Be bold, be brash,
Plunder the days for wonder.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

Mirthfully yours,




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7 Water . Muluc . The River . East . tzol 189  12.07.05 wed

ffwofw 341§8941/24d17h28m25s31.98g5.1g/1151


the education-obsessed world begins today with you
