Ask Dr Druid .. Day 14
Amethyst Key to Dreams
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Amethyst key. Ah Dreams. The octessential grok here, the amethyst key, is that for druid shamans (as often women as men) our day life, the dayreal, is just as much a dream as our remreal — our sleeping dreams or other lucid visions.
There’s this silly myth, by the way, that the druids disappeared. Nah, we just changed our camouflage, took a shift from our darling deep-rooted oaks to being goldfinches and unicorns, invisible in plain sight. More mobile. The true observer empathetically shapeshifts into everyeachthing s/he observes.
You will not be a better spy and ambassador in your night dreams than you are in your daily dream. We teach you the observation, attention, concentration, curiosity, and eventually shapeshifting skills in the day game so you have the chances to practice and repeat them in a venue where science (shareability & repeatability) putatively applies. These skills will serve you in worlds where psyence is more applicable: the fractal mind, the aesthetic mind, the more fluid art of psyence which includes the useful illusion of linearity, but does not exclude the quirky and enchanted which can be less tame, which can specialize in anti-order, the mischievous, the quixotic.
Our druid duty & delight is to increase your eclectic and your curiosity until you quantum out in all directions and know from raw and wild experience that everything is illuminated, lit from within. This in your daily containable, sustainable life. Until your drug of choice is air. I remember someone asking me backwhen, “Hey, are you on acid?” “No, I’m on air.” Which I might amend to say “I’m on air and distilled curiosity.” The trick is to make it socially acceptable to be wildly, explosively alive in a culture trapped in the Religions and Greeds. Creeds & Greeds we call it, the condition of aggressive dullness and of paltry, if any, enchantment.
So, panther up. All your day practices and disciplines are in your Familiar Dream, your HomeDream, darling Earth, Vuravura, Jeegoo. We’ll give you an panther implant so you can steal the sublime feline predator skills that shamans use to hunt the precious and delicious details in which they (& you) are immersed. The extravagant joy of being a shaman is that, unlike the glorious panther, you get to steal the attributes of every <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />isis thing for your quest, your journey. From the panther’s stealth to the dandelion puff’s lightness – it’s all your panwealth and panglee.
A druid is so adept a thief that the heisted doesn’t even know it’s been wholly stolen. The best thieves leave no fingerprints, disturb no fields (Sorry, Heisenberg). It’s like stalking a giraffe to take its splendid picture. But in this case, it’s a holopicts, a spectrum of senses of the giraffe in its location, its spleen and sinews, holosnapshot, blink, treasured, guarded in your heart – you bothered in your life to hone your curiosity, to learnlearn, always learning the deft disciplines of attentions. Attentions is a jewels of many facets.
An alchemic insider secret is that your pseudopod of deft attention is like quicksilver, a kind of intraworlds etheric mercury which undetectably gently surrounds and infuses the observed (object, scene) with a diaphanous attention-stuff which secretly and sweetly gathers the beauty, the unique, the élan vital of X in order to honor and preserve it for the Book of the Moon.
It is true that AllBeing is preserved in the Cosmic Chronicle, the Akashic Record, but what is grokked is highlighted, like a poetic passage with a tender footnote, not just vaganza, but extravaganza. Your ‘soul’ is what you tenderly guard, what you wildly fiercely guard with savage, inconsolable reverence. Druid prayer is not asking for anything, it is honoring, tending, celebrating all the extravagant beautysbeautys in which you’re immersed, by which you’re accompanied, melting into a kind of butterscotch of gratitude. What you have grasped or taken does not reflect in the Mirror of the Moon . . . only what you have given and guarded shines.
A druid would tell an apprentice child, upload your joys to the Book of the Moon. With the heart of a precious and precocious child, send the birds of your discoveries to the Golden Nest of the Moon where they can rest and play and greet their new friends and be treasured.
Panther, panther burning bright in the forests of the night. You wake from ElseWhere into This Dream here. Be lucid and amazed. Start panthering.
.. Amethysts .. An OED entry is:1580 SIDNEY Arcadia II. (1654) 141 The bloodie shafts of Cupids war, With amatists they headed are. Cupid’s arrows tipped with amethyst. Ahh.
.. octessential .. oct-essential, the 8th degree of essential; cf quint-essential, the 5th degree of essential;
.. putatively .. ‘supposedly’, just wryer;
.. isis .. is is – the obsidian core of how shamans accept all experience;
.. élan vital .. the vital verve, the juice;
.. images emily kame kngwarreye
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