Flam Eth Rower, alchemist

imageFlam Eth Rower

    Flam Eth Rower looked up at Balls Bazook after their night of debauch and said, “Welcome back to asteroid 423, Bazook. Maybe I missed you, but probably not, you flot.”

     “How’s the Fin de Monde film coming, Flam Eth?” asked Bazook.

    Last night when Bazook made asteroid fall, they hadn’t bothered with the niceties of chat but ripped and roared into raunch and debauch.

   “Well, Mack is Mr. Vitamin I and the king of wry so we have a chance to steel ourselves to the end o’ the world ordeal.”

    Mack Cobber was a famed fin de monde director. He’d demolished worlds aplenty for the delectation of the connoisseurs of  heartwrenching self-imposed destruction. Flam Eth Rower was a cosmistar of such fabulous, ubiquitous renown that her little million acre asteroid 423 was one of her few places of possible escape from the burdens of adulation to the blessings of adultery.

         As always in Mack Cobber’s productions, there were the crystal moments when the planet-ride participant or participants together could make a change, see a light, save the story. The grueling soap opera truth is that seldom do people make the effort, seize the ingenuity. The planet, Here, where Flam Eth was working these days in the dayreal tangerine section of her tangerine of times was so bursting and ripe with blessings and fascinations that the featherless biped denizens could have wallowed in the sheer muddy joy of it, but instead they usually chose crankiness and belligerence. Or apathy. Or anti-pathy.

    Flam Eth was underground on Here. She did sling some dollops of advanced photonic physics and photonic ethics into the zeitgeist, but her life’s Principia on Justice would appear very late in life if not posthumously. Instead she fed observations and assonance back to Mack Cobber. The idea was to give the director fodder for the last possible chances for the Here dwellers to grok the tender truth, to opt for tending rather than rending. To, indeed, turn the other cheek, to break the necessarily endless spiral of revenge, personal or national.   

     To stoke up on some sublime sloth, Flam Eth had to retreat in remreal to asteroid 423. Few had the combo to the semipermeable membrane of atmosphere which cradled her haven. To the mere telescopes of Here, her asteroid would appear barren and rocky. The semibrane was like a green screen which shielded dayreal vision from piercing into the remreal spectrums. The poor Hereians had some rudimentary science but little and only random psyence.

    There wasn’t much drama if people were just hopelessly overwhelmed. Planet productions were all the rage galaxywide and Here was as popular a reality production as had ever hit the ether. Unlike the Hereians’ cinema productions, the Here production itself would never have a disclaimer in the credits saying “No animals were harmed in the making of this production.”  The jaded appetites of the ethereal viewer (or sensesucker, as the denizen rights people would have it) required the obliv amnesia drug and the presentation of often horrific plights for the not quite hapless hereians.   

   Not being utterly heartless, Mack Cobber liked to leave clues like crumbs for little birds, clues that could lead to An Exit, a startling solution. Not all the ethereals were brave enough to live in the skin, as it were. Most of them were cosmically comfy, far from the density and dimension where fire burns the flesh and water can drown. Like the chickenhawks sending kids to a war they wouldn’t fight personally, the ethereals often preferred distant comment fraught with faux conviction. The folk like Balls and Flam Eth who would enter the fray at full risk were rare. It was bloody dangerous over there in K1, the part of the reality spectrum where physical and psychological consequences were between monstrous and marvelous.


images from ask images

in blurb, www,paulsquire,com

in text, empirecontact,com

fin de monde = end of the world;

k1 = the Here or Earth or VuraVura degree of persistent kinesthetic which we generally experience as dayreal, the sensation of solidity and/or persistence — you need to turn the knob towalk through the door; water is wet, etcet;

remreal = all the other dimensions of density whose physics are often quite different from k1.

vitamin I = vitamin Irony; 


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8 Transformer . Cimi . Twins . North . tzol 86  01.28.07 sun

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Ask Dr. Druid . prologue . treasure hunt of the magpie

Ask Dr. Druid . prologue 

The treasure hunt of the magpie

This piece will read better for you if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


    A key, a lynchpin to the arts &
sciences of fascinations is the simple grok of rem real and day real.
In the modern West we are generally taught that day experience and
day physics are the properly real and the possible rest of our
experience is pretty much suspect. (The perfectly horrid Siggie Fraud
single-Idedly ruined a century of dream study with his peculiar and
pathological views of the dream realms.)
   For the purposes of our Fascinations
Studies, I recommend attending to and appreciating rem-real and
day-real seamlessly.
   By rem-real I mean all the realms of
experience which are idiosyncratic, unlikely to be repeated, and
which can be observed full of care but cannot usually be domesticated
like day-real. I use ‘rem’ for the rapid eye movements which
often accompany so-called night-dream states. I myself do not
distinguish between day-real and rem-real in terms of value as
experiences. The skills involved in navigating the experiences are
just sometimes different. 


   The quality which will translate most
readily between lucid or vivid waking & lucid or vivid dreaming
is fascination. If you have a natural knack for fascination, consider
yourself 4-2-n8 indeed. However, if your ability to be fascinated is
enervated or sporadic or clichéd, there's help at hand.
You can learn more facets of fascination, and the luminous
will rise in your life like a sweet tide of light.
   We’ll cajole
you into being
– thunder-struck, dust-struck, spaghetti-struck. A trick for the
fascination juggle is to be
When you learn to poet all your day and rem, you become dazzled in an
intimate and deeply fond way. The reigning druidic assumption is that
it is all a treasure hunt, it is all riveting — thus
can you see it that way each
   My life has been
the education of an alchemist.
do I turn the lead of my stagnant
attention into the gold of fascination? This study of
Do We Know is called epistemology by the ancient Greeks.
   The magic of
personal experience is in conscious and lively consideration of the
parade in which we are immersed. The midas discovery is the
eclectic trick
. The notion of eclectic is choosing the
best from all possible sources
. I find that folks are often
clichéd and brand-narrowed in what they find interesting. They tend
to be interested in what their friends are interested in. I recommend
being interested in anything. We'll increase your attention from
interested to fascinated. Be a magpie: notice and collect all shiny
do these Notes because I remember reading TS Eliot’s big poems and
they’d have these passages of Greek or Latin. I wanted to know what
they meant. I was happy to learn, but had no way to find out
in those days. I like to be able to use idiosyncratic or coined
words, but for the curious reader, it feels fair to give an
occasional explanation fuller or wryer than what one can deduce from
the context. Tidbits for word-nuts, I suppose, and for fellow
Greek philosophers had three big questions:
is real?
is good?
do we know?
lovely thing about fascination is that you can get drunk on it with
no ill effects.
means drained of juice; like champagne with no fizz left.
..A magpie is a crazily curious bird who loves to steal shiny objects to decorate its nest. 


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


If you know or are an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of pogblogian material, please let me know at .. askdrdruid@gmail.com Please put ‘agent’ in the subject line.


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title image from orientalbirdimages,org, magpie 

11 Vulture . Cib . Owl . South . tzolkin 76  01.18.07  thur

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mozart..9.77g /7mb


the education-obsessed world begins today with you .. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead



Ask Dr. Druid . intro . deft grok

Ask Dr.Druid . intro

to grok or not to grok

This piece will grok better for you

if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.

   In the integration of lucid waking & lucid dreaming, our whole druid shaman approach is about honing attention. Achieving grok. Grok is an extravagant attention, a ‘deeply drinking in’ of an understanding, of a perception.
Amongst our druid shaman premises are that we have a myriad of dreams we inhabit. For practical and beginning purposes, we have rem-real, those night dreams of whatever vividness, and day-real, the more-or-less agreed upon masterpiece of reality engineering that we blandly call ordinary life. By practicing a deft, sustainable attention, a fluid ‘attention zone,’ we can learn to allow all our experiences to become peak, fascinating.
     We’ll cultivate fascination. You can learn to play fascination just as you can learn to play the guitar or play Scrabble or use a recipe.
     Deft is how a butterfly lands on a flower. A drop shot in tennis is deft. A bank shot in pool is deft.
Remember that when we first learn anything, our corrections are awkward. When I first learned to ride a bike, I would way over-correct, over-balance lurchingly from side to side. Eventually I got the bike-riding-balance trick so deftly that I could ride no-hands for miles. Being gloriously and hilariously willing to learn something new is to be willing to be back in kindergarten, to be awkward for awhile without any need for saving face.
     The druid subtext to all our lively curiosity is that Everything is Interesting. This attitude of peak gratitude and peak curiosity is the birthright of every person. I always feel as bold an explorer as Balboa. Or sometimes I feel like a curator in the Cosmic Museum – what I devotedly notice is shinily preserved in eternity. The riches of attention, the treasures of attention are untarnishable marvels.
     Being a druid shaman is about juggling fascinations with abandon. The abandon comes later. The fascination comes first. Every thing has glamour. (We’ve narrowed the word to mean women on magazine covers with expensive make-up.) Glamour is an irresistible inner delectability of any thing. Fascination is making a connection with the tricky, mysterious glamour in each thing.
We’ll pursue a Practical Alchemy, make the Great Arts Unhidden, turn the lead of the unnoticed to the gold of the admired.
     Master druids know only one trick: everything is fascinating. They inhabit a discipline of extreme empathy and vulnerability to their pandream experience. They differentiate between People & AllElse. This immense, intense, immediate, delicate, & stark openness of attention is practiced at first exclusively with AllElse.
Grok on!

..Ask Dr. Druid acquaints you with the Isle of Avalon, the Island of Apples, that corpus callosum where your brain hemispheres connect and learn collaboration, irony, mischief, magic. In order for this actual physical activation to occur and stabilize, it’s essential that you read the short daily chapters with your mouth as if out loud.. Just like they told you not to in 2nd grade.
Sentences which will trip you up if you read them racingly with your eyes alone, will bloom like zinnias for you when you read them with your lips & tongue as if out loud. I make the chapters very short so you can afford to take the small extra time to read in this forbidden way.
..pandream..’pan’ is here a prefix meaning ‘all.’ Druids learn that lucid waking & lucid dreaming use the same wonderfull attention skills.
..grok..’grok’ (a drinking
deeply in of understanding)is a necessary Martian word from
Stranger In A Strange Land, a great though painfully sexist sci fi romp.

paper kite buttrfly, cirrusimage,com


Ask Dr. Druid, 55 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19;


If you know or are an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of druid shaman material, please let me know at .. askdrdruid@gmail.com. Please put ‘agent’ in the subject line.


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8 Light . Ahau . Flower . South . tzol 60  01.02.07 tues.
the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead
