Satan, Satana, & the Christian Circle of Hell

Satan, Satana, & the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Christian Circle of Hell  

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   Satan & Satana surveyed the special Circle of Hell reserved for Christians. Yes, all of them, every last one. The blatant hypocrites fell down the Gone to Hell Chute, but the ones who didn’t shriek out against the insidiously vicious hypocrisies became Hell Dwellers as well.

   Satana sighed. “All religions enslave and enslaver the mind, the heart,” she said as she nuzzled Satan’s red, leathery ear, “but seeing as we get the refuse from all over the Dimension, I’m still agogagog at how poisonous the faux-holy Christians became after they made their cursed pact with Power.”

   Christians are so virulent and fetid that they actually have to be separated from the rest of Hell’s Dwellers – because an eternity of conscious torment is one thing, but an eternity with Christians is cruel & unusual punishment for even the zealously villainous of other stripes.

   Nothing, and we mean nothing, is more annoying and hellworthy than pious drips who hector you with their petty and oleaginous moralities. This nasty pox of a bilious religion doesn’t even have a lively story to bribe you into pretending to heed its creed. It would have been toxic enough to let them stew in their own juices. And making them re-eat their own vomit was their daily, well, bread. But it was Satana who struck upon the genius notion of piping in the secret flatulences from the boudoirs of America.

   Americans were so overfed in a starving world that their secret outgassing production could have cut their fossil fuel consumption in half if they could just be taught to outgas into special collection canisters. Breaking-wind alternative-fuel could outdistance the hilltop windfarms by far.

   Hell with its advanced vapor technologies had no trouble whatever collecting these chartreuse bubbles of stench gassed off in private by the prim suburban masses across America. The belchings were left to Heaven.

   No one in the Christian Circles of Hell was allowed to get a cold.

   Why were Christians so worse? They ranged from ferocious and quite ceaseless conviction that they had the Exclusive True Word to a passive belligerence that quite quelled Mirth. All the monotheisms were staggeringly humorless. The Bible and the Koran were not vaudevillian tracts.

   It was Satana who instituted the program whereby innocent folks who had been bludgeoned & beleaguered by Christian faux pieties and authentic hypocrisies could donate flatulence to further the stench spectrum of torment inflicted upon the dead Christians, a sect who had allowed, when not promoting, tax cuts to the fatter-than-camels gigagreedy HaveMosts. This Flatulence Bank was very popular. Bean futures rose. If God could have been bothered, he would have beat off and sent a perpetual rain of bitter seed down upon these overweening whiners who allowed people to be poor while the war machines were gloatingly, bloatingly fed and polished. Each war machine had a phalanx of servants while the poor had crusts. It was damnable. And, indeed, it turned out to be so.

   There wasn’t enough standing that could be blown up, so vast were the warehouses of bullets and bombs. Yet the Christians all sang the Star Spangled Banner, Hosanna, and said Amen to the rocket’s red glare. They did(patronizingly)pray for the poor, as if the poor could eat prayers.

  They would not give the poor food, shelter, medicine, or education except the most meager, but they did give them loaves-and-fishes amounts of fear with sides of trepidation.

   There were two things in America that no one dared speak against: virulent Christian hypocrisy and the $820,000 per minute Military Budget. Hell got them and treated them as they had earned, but it would have been twice as nice if the AboveGrounds had woken up and spoken up. Christian kebabs in Hell didn’t make up for the deluges of humorless pieties (a tautology) and pitiless worship of warships and of explosives in phallic shipping containers.

   Satana shrugged and ughed and stamped her cloven hoof. “Hell is failing to roast these people hot enough, pitchfork these people piercingly enough, vapor these people stenchily enough. We simply have insufficient retribution devices and schemes to make them pay enough. Eternity is too short.”

  Satan gave Satana's pointed tail a tender tug and patted her consolingly on her red rump.



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9 Night . Akbal . Hearth . West . tzol 242  01.30.06 mon



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Suburbanality; political engineering; html Stop Bush;

Oh my, by golly, some tidbits to make you jolly.

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Suburbanality; political engineering; </bush>;


If you haven’t found the pogblog Glossary yet, it’s my favorite thing really. If  the Goddess of  Hard Gold smiles bounteously upon me, I will divide my time between Observant Sloth & adding to the pogblog Glossary.


   To torment a friend, I thored the word ‘suburbanality’ at him, as the master of lightning wielding, dear Thor might have, had anything in his experience prepared him for suburbs or banality. It was part of the patois of devoted mean by which we communicate in our obsidian way. There is the Golden Mean, a pleasing & harmonious proportionality. There is our Obsidian Mean, a pleasing and reckless splash in the sea of ebullient chaos and returning, so far, to the Shores of Reason with barracudas of odd truth.

     Because my putative friend is an original in so many ways, it irks him no end to be lambasted with suburbanality. It would be one thing to be called a hick or a hillbilly or a rube, a kind of reverse pride of which one might preen. But suburbanality? There is no pretzeling which can make that in any iota cool. Just as it tickles him secretly to be called an original, it prickles him to be dubbed suburbanal. Even Achilles had that pesky heel, dear.


political engineering .. I heard this from either Eugene Jarecki of Why We Fight (which I tenter-hookedly await) or Franklin Chuck Spinney, a Pentagon insider who says we’re spending the ½ trillion Military Budget for – not much. The notion of political engineering in this case is that the fabulously clever manipulation of, say, the B2 bomber. Instead of building & assembling it in one locale which would be efficient, every single state has a piece of building the B2 bomber. Thus when a new generation of the B2 bomber comes before the Congress OR the notion of stopping the program entirely as being obsolete, everyone has a stake in maintaining it. Jobs in the district. Money dispersed.

  The tentacles of the Military Budget Colossus Octopus are so entangled throughout the nation that the Gordian Knot seems simplicity to cleave compared to this Octopoid sucking the lifeblood from our future. To supply gigaTaxCut payola to the gigaRich, medicare, school loans, and food stamps were gutted – yet the gargantuan $820,000 per minute Military Budget is never mentioned, like the Seventh Name of God. The fake Big Boy Republicans bathe in the midal gold which they send in geysers and gushes of ye Olde Faithful — the Military Budget she nevair go dry, swig down the Dom Halliburton champagne, Big Boys, theys macho mucho more where that came from, Ponce de Military Budget, the Perpetual Fountain of Graft.

   Then my dear Democrats are gonadsless – afraid to be seen as soft on Killing & Dismembering & stomachless for Collateral Damage. (That the Republicans are soft on healthcare, soft on education, soft on the environment, soft on the future no one seems to be able to say out loud.)


   “The military industrial Congressional complex is a political economy with a big P and a little E. It's very political in nature. Economic decisions, which should prevail in a normal market system don't prevail in the Pentagon, or in the military industrial complex.

   “So what we have is a system that essentially rewards its senior players. It's a self… what we call it, we call it, we have a term for it, it's a self-licking ice cream cone. We basically take care of ourselves. And that's also why we have this metaphor it's <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Versailles on the Potomac.” Chuck Spinney in interview with Bill Moyers on NOW.  [] 

“Have you seen these figures that CEO pay at Lockheed Martin went up from $5.8 million in 2000 to $25.3 million in 2002. I mean, that's five times increase in less than three years. CEO pay went up at General Dynamics from $5.7 million in 2001 to $15.2 million in 2002. It went up at Honeywell from $12.9 million in 2000 to $45 million in 2002. It went up from Northrop Grumman from $7.3 million in 2000 to $9.2 million in 2002.” Bill Moyers, same interview.



</bush> .. my favorite bumpersticker of late. (Tho I was pretty chuffed by Is it 2008 yet?)

   The Bush thing is an inside joke and it’s probably evil of me to explain the punch line, but this is how it works. In html, the behind the scenes code which allows you to make things <b>bold</b> or <i>italic</i>, for instance, it goes like this: <b> begins the bold. Everything is bold until you put </b> which stops the bold. So </bush> would be stop or end Bush. Droll.



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8 Wind . Ik . Whirlwind . North . tzol 241  01.29.06 sun



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Readin', Writin', 'Rithmetic, and Dreaming

Readin', Writin', 'Rithmetic,

and Dreaming

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I'm definitely an optimist in the longish term. I am convinced that the integration of DayLand & DreamLand, the cosmiNet, will re-orient our energies in a sustainable way. We'll have a 'place' where violence and aggrandizement don't kill & impoverish.


We'll be able to afford to be our brothers' keepers Earthside — or more elegantly in these wiser times, the keepers of our kin — bipeds, in other words.


Please, as you would ask your spouse, How was your day?– in the morning, set your alarm 1/2 an hour early for a mutual muse and ask her/him How were your dreams last night? We are ineluctably involved in a larger, very multi-faceted consciousness & it's time for us learn all our capacities.


Similarly you can ask your child at breakfast, How was your night at school? They are learning every night from a fabulous reservoir of cosmic experience, and if you attend to their TV & Books & Music, why aren't you attending to their Dreaming? (Tho, of course, they are unlikely to be 'kids' in their dreams!!)


There is no skill and distilled joy and fascination that will serve your child or spouse or friend better than to encourage them in active or lucid dreaming to go along with their lucid waking.


I recommend giving folks of any age, Dreaming True by Robert Moss, a wonderfully readable master of multiple worlds — grounded, sane, funny. (I was particularly interested to find that Harriet Tubman used lucid dreaming as you might a folded paper map to guide her Underground Railroad folks safely past the hounds and ravening overseers. Not taught to us in our history books.)


I know some people think Oh my life is so busy and hectic, I can’t take on any more information. Piffle. We use a trifling 10% of our brains if we’re Einstein. We have storage and comprehension to burn. Think brandy. Distilled. You’ll find dream travel vivifying as much as any possible trip to the sea side or mountain peaks. And good for the fossil fuel crisis, by the way.


The 90% of our brains, fallow for most, is hanging out waiting for you to wake up to your multiD, superfab, holovideo game. Sony, XBox – what jokes they are compared to the gig in your head – or full body really.


It is true that we will have to be prepared for an emotional calculus that we aren’t in the slightest trained to be aware of least of all grok. We must figure these 5D chess games out tho or the undertones and undertows of our DayLife will be distorted by our self-imposed blindspots. We will be compelled to develop an obsidian sense of humor as vivid as seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling – obsidianing – the 11th sense, astwere. Our shuttered normanrockwell worlds will be shattered – but they are false anyway and the hum below our hearing tells us that. At some point we have to unclench our minds, get out of the cocoon, & find what we find.


It is the complex configurations of friendship and ‘love’ that are baffling & bone-aching to our sentimental day minds/hearts. Let’s say that things are more beautiful, but not so pretty?


We’re already in the adventure. A question is whether we’ll open our eyes like on the roller coaster or keep them clenched shut?


You have to imagine that you’re on at least three interlacing roller coasters at the same time. That’s what all those extra synapses are there to grok. It’s not harder than breathing; you just have to accept that you can breath out of the homewaters. There is a certain vertigo or discombobulation or vortexiness sometimes, but like sealegs, you get dreamlegs, and you can shift from hither to yon and back from yon to hither. Be fascinated and have fun, and you’ll be fine of fettle and mettle too.  



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3 Earth . Caban . Earthquake. Heron . East . tzolkin 236 01.24.06 wed



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


The Mtn. View WiLap Project .. WiFi & Laptops — A National Emergency


Dear ZYX ,

   This is a draft about getting laptops to all K-12 Mountain View students to go along with Google's wonderful WiFi. I first sent out  these urgent preliminary considerations on MLK’s birthday because I see WiFi-Laptops as a civil rights issue among other more materialistic urgencies.

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The Mtn. View WiLap Project .. WiFi & Laptops — A National Emergency  


   We will come to see that our greatest national emergency and urgency is getting our nation wi-fied and laptopped. The WiLap Project.

   The WiLap – WiFi & Laptops – Project is the Manhattan Project; the Moon Shot; the Interstate Highway System; and the Tennessee Valley Electrification of our own time.

   Google is <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />wifi-ingMountain View California (pop 70,000) in the Spring of 2006. As water isn’t much use to you without a bucket, I am proposing that we equip each Mountain View student K-12 with a laptop by May 2007. Mountain View would be a model & beta test for working out the bugs in how to WiFi & Laptop our country by May 2011. The heart of Silicon Valley is perfect for this beta test.  


   Our ability to grok or deeply understand this urgent WiFi & Laptops project, to focus on it, and to mobilize our resources upon it will spell a prosperous, vigorous, innovative future for our children, or if we fail the challenge, a diminished, fading role for Americans on the creativity stage of 21st century history.

   Terrorism is not the key challenge or danger of our time. This is a misunderstanding and distraction from what actually imperils our future. Consider that while we are spending $820,000 per minute on our Military Budget and an additional $200,000 per minute on Iraq, South Korea has 75% broadband penetration (across all social classes) and that their ultra-broadband is 10 times faster than our best. You might imagine us as the last Tyrannosaurus Rex — hugely well-armed, thundering through the jungle — who doesn’t realize that the quiet and quick lemurs win.

    If we re-allocate a portion of this $820,000 per minute/Military Budget plus the $200,000 per minute/Iraq into the WiFi-Laptops Project, we will ultra-charge our American future with all these connected minds. Education will remain centered in physical school buildings for many social reasons, but education will be giga-enhanced by being detached from the brick buildings.


There are 8000 K-12 students in Mountain View. MIT has developed a $100 laptop for distribution abroad to the underprivileged – an utterly excellent idea. However, our own country is backwards and third-world in this giga-Connected regard. We have to swallow our denial, our unconscious habit of pride if not hubris, and get urgent.


Notes & Tidbits:

It is not really possible to ‘share’ a computer any more than it’s possible to share an eyeball or a contact lens. 


Dial-up is hopeless. Dial-up is like before microwave ovens. Or like running a three-legged sack-race. It is terminally frustrating.


WiFi alone is like trying to fly with one wing.


My preliminary thought is to begin with 7th grade and go down and up the grades as quickly as possible.


It would take about 5 minutes of our Military/Iraq budget to get Mountain View outfitted with K-12 laptops and support systems. Our nation has the resources to make this urgent transition to an innovative future, but we must have the vision.


Some parents will be worried about whether their child will get sucked into some ‘dreadful world of pornography.’ That certainly can be addressed in some V-Chip fashion – probably an inerasable history that a parent can check.


For those not yet lucky enough to have broadband and their very own computer, it’s hard to describe how stunningly enhanced your life & thinking & learning experiences can be. Because a broadband-computer is so intimately tailored to your curiosities, you learn 100 times as fast. Curiosity-fuelled learning is not in fact linear. The astonishing search engines like Google allow you to have immediate access to the best minds on Keats, say, or articles on gamma ray bursts.  


We need to always ask how we can work out any snag in the Mtn. view WiLap Project. I’m not interested in wasting time on all the reasons why we can’t do this project. We must do it, so how?


   I’m grateful that I worked on 3 SF Giants baseball team campaigns. I learned there that you can have common-urgency campaigns in which people set aside their own even rabid politics and religions for a great good.

   Recall that the greatest scientist Newton was also a devoted alchemist and astrologer – all of us need to stay on point and ignore the others’ heresies – which is really just heated dinner conversation.

   Our day job as adults is to urgently facilitate WiLap for our children so they can join the future – otherwise they are flower seeds in parched earth who never get to bloom because we squabble about our old old battles.


  WiLap is the civil rights of our time. Equal access to broadband and a personal computer is like the lunch counter back when. There can be absolutely no discrimination in access to these brain-enhancing tools. It would never occur to you to starve your child. We are starving American children as I write this. Every day we delay puts them farther behind.




ps. I need to know from you suggestions of who to begin to talk to about this WiLap Project. Who could love the vision & put up the money? A George Soros-type person. Or several. I’ll ask anyone. Shy I ain’t.




LH ..


Thanks re forwarding to supt. of schools. The more people who begin to think about this the better. Mountain View could make education history. America better make education history or we will be left in the knowledge-evolution dust. We have to think boldly out of the box. Education needs to declare its urgent national security claims on some significant portion of the $820,000 per minute of the Military Budget (& the additional $200,000 per minute we're pouring into the sands of Iraq).


If we don't do this Education Quantum leap, then the rich get richer. Which is to say that children of parents who can afford laptops get to become knowledge-enhanced (the new cogno-evolution vs bio-evolution), and the poor children get more dependent and dimmed in hope, and the nation gets impoverished materially and innovationally.


It's actually quite 'desperate' in fact, but I'm sticking with 'urgent' for the time being.


Please do let me know if there is someone in the Mtn View education hierarchy who would bleed technology? Or if there is a meeting I can come to and speak for 5 minutes?


I plan to talk to AR, principal of the private VVV, soon. They have laptops for each 6th, 7th, & 8th grade desk.






Gigaphysics: Dark Matter, Ed Witten, & Being More Rotten to Prez Bush

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Dark Matter, Ed Witten, & Being More Rotten to Prez Bush


It all fits in the spinning holo-jigsaw puzzle.


Chancelucky asked if there was an alternate reality where instead of being kinder & gentler to BushCo Ilk like I was in two recent ‘dreams’ reported on pogblog, I was actually meaner than I am in our solid-ish DayLand k1?


I reply:


There is now!


The advantage (?) of eternity/infinity is that there's room for whole complex alternate realities and blizzards of fragmentary ones & etc.


Now that you mention this ghoulishly sensible idea, presto! vrai est vrai, real is true.



So, let’s jonglez about some of the elements here.  


Here’s my letter to physicist Ed Witten re dark matter which will add to our shared vocabulary on the spherical spectrum of realities we inhabit. Holo-mauve. Holo-chartreuse. Holo-scarlet. Astwere. 


Dear Mr. Witten,


   We’ve been traveling parallel on the opposite sides of the same brane I think. Probably time to say hello. Hello.

    My magikmystery observations have been rigorous if not under the Repeatable Umbrella – which leaves out a lot of the e=mc∞ expanded truth.

   Anyhow, I made a vow when I was 7 years old studying Jung and Freud and Plato et ilk with my Princeton-graduate stepfather, John Porter. When I was 7, I was an epistemologist first, then a metaphysician. I vowed to stay alert – deftly intent – and not to discount any experience per se.

   I’ve measured and intently considered between lucid waking and lucid dreaming for the next 54 years – like a hawk above, like a mole below – watching, digging. My recent obsession has been to find the missing 90%.

   Well, of course it isn’t missing – only Science’s wrong-end of the telescope view isn’t designed to grok it. In the most simplistic way, let’s say that all of the alternate-density experiences we all have add up.

    I call this standard-shared day stuff : k1 or the primary kinesthetic, the sturdy persistent kinesthetic of Kick-the-Boulder-&-Ouch. The persistent kinesthetic, k1, is where you can repeat stuff. Because it’s persistent – ipso facto. But most of our undeniable but unrepeatable experience isn’t persistent. The physics are different which is why you all run into all this weirdness when you correctly and diligently try to account for every thing.

    Many ‘dreams’ that I’m in are as real as this one. That ‘dream stuff’ has mass. (Forgive me upfront if I mis-use your inside terms – you can fix me later.) I would say ‘dream stuff’ is an existant. If you add up all the more diaphanous but not less real, existant stuff, there’s so much of it, that you get your missing 90%. Awkwardly — because its rules are more quixotic, exotic, even erotic. I write until my fingers bleed about all this exotic physics and ethics under the rubric of photonic theory or gigaphysics — which I see as what follows quantum theory.

   My perception of beauty, say, exists. It doesn’t ‘weigh’ much but it has an impact, and in photonics it does have weight. My cat can perceive my attention and lack thereof as some kind of ‘thing.’ When I scratch the back of the couch trying to get her to attack my hand which I will pull away and I will win the game, she waits and waits, eyes wide, until my attention wavers and then boom she hits my hand and she wins – my hand is lunch. Perceiving attention as a thing and then perceiving its wavering would clearly be fabulously useful to a predator. Now that I’ve learned the trick, I can send my amoebic attention out like a pseudopod and touch things with it – it’s not unlike holo-braille.

    I think string theory or tube theory is very interesting. I think for you all to get where you want to go, you’re going to have to bite some heretical bullets. Repeatability is a crock anyhow. Things Science is permitted to putter with are pretty darned similar – good enough for practical purposes, but not truly identical.(Borges’ character Funes was offended or, better, baffled when people called the dog sleeping in the road at 2:14 in the afternoon the same name as that dog at 2:15 in the afternoon. One can only stand in the eye of that hurricane of perception; luckily the universe seldom blinks.) 

    I grew up in a very intellectually rigorous household. I never planned on having the universe, the multi-verse which I call the many-poem-place take me on such disconcerting adventures in realities. But the 7-yr-old made the promise that I have to keep about staying alert and un-prejudiced.

    Anyhow, I’d love to chat sometime about the Identified Missing 90%.

   I’m sure a lot of your colleagues are too staid. A lot of people on my side of the brane are simply wacko. For us to do trade, you & me, to have emissary visits and have you eat the native food, I’ll try to keep the worst and daffiest loonlands outside the compound as it were. I am more or less capable of rationality on demand. I’ve gone native because it’s where the wild animals are, so to speak. Who would have actually believed in crocodiles and tigers until they were actually seen by ‘reliable Europeans’?






So, our thoughts, fantasies, & all other perceptions including memories and memories of memories & so4th careen around the multiverse invisible to most folks in this k1 dimension. These exotic existants ‘weigh’ lots less than any feather, but there are so many of them, they add up. Cf that 'one grain of sand' ain’t much (except to me 'n Blake), but a lot of these nano-boulders is a beach – stuff adds up.


I had never thought of being yet meaner to BushCo Ilk. I have been an Irony Extremist, but not simply meaner. As we can grok above, there’s plenty of Room if I want to add that reality. Maybe I can do a High Noon showdown with our Executive Pipsqueak? Or put him through the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Fargo leaf chopper & feed the mince of him to the poor dying frogs – amphibian instant kyoto karma?



jonglez = juggle;


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6 Deer . Manik . West . tzol 227  01.14.06 sat 



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Odious George Bush et Ilk & Nicer Nancy

Odious George Bush et Ilk & Nicer Nancy


Why am I so nice, sensible, strategic? It’s driving me nuts.

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I had the dream with George Bush I told you about where OtherLand-I was so much more civil and diplomatic and, yes, wiser, than DayLand-I am about the loathsome Present Menaces. DayLand-I  hate that odious-they are rapaciously aforethought stealing from pleasant dear ordinary people — crippling & delaying the constructive future. (The mantra: $820,000 per minute/Military Budget; additional $200,000 per minute.)  


To add insult to insult, I had a dream yesterday in which I was telling Nancy Reagan about the $820,000 per minute/Military Budget & etc. I was being so charming and affable. In my dream notes I said, “I was very respectful and friendly. I told her I knew people who ‘simply adored her.’” Ye gods. This is the woman who chewed each bite of food 35 chomps. Yowsa. Yet I have to say that in terms of our getting our butterier world, it’s a much better tactic than my blissed-out but self-indulgent rampaging in venom.  (She did have the guts to stand up to the Right Wing Bleats about stem-cell research.)


This dual consciousness of me & my dreamself is fascinating. Me & my brightness, I guess? Or me & my glistening shadow?


It is an odd sensation to ‘wake up’ or return to K1 – our DayLand, the Land of the persistent kinesthetic, and be still of two brains or two beings in terms of immediate action for world cooperation v. world domination. Neither of me feels like a role. I feel of a piece, yet I act in these different ways? Is there a hub of the jewel of which these intimate identities are facets?




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5 Death . Cimi . Twins . North . tzol 226  01.13.05 fri



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Bush’s Lethal Zeal: Religious Insanity Runs in the American Family.

Bush’s Lethal Zeal:

Religious Insanity Runs in the American Family.

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Images of God – ioG — or no-images of God – nioG – are what fuel all this righteous killing & fabulously, excessively expensive purchase of ordinance – FEE-POO aka the Military Budget, $820,000 per minute. Plus an additional $200,000 per minute for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Iraq.

    A few strips of striped cloth plus ioG or nioG and out come the scimitars or humvees or ieds of wrath & Bob’s your dead uncle. And not one mealy-mouthed politician will call it crap: CxxxSxxxxxg Ridiculous Adolescent Pablum. (Pablum is the pre-chewed, bland, paste without taste faux cereal gluck we feed to infants on the pretext that it is digestible.)

   not one mealy-mouthed politician will rise up & say, “I do not take Jesus ExxAxx Christ to be my savior – I do not join the brotherhood of blood which has slaughtered and belittled through the centuries.” By my cloven hooves, I declare to you that not one will stand up & say, “Brethern & sisthern, this religious flapdoodle is killing folks & we gotta kick the habit. Yep, cold turkey on comforting, grandiose hallucinations with murderous side effects.

    From now & henceforth, inculcating this claptrap crap upon the unsullied young will be considered child abuse – leave their beauty-able, wonder-able minds alone. Sniff, snort, or exhort that JC drug & you get a scarlet J tattooed on your intoxinicated, lethal forehead so we can know to shun your non-happy-heathen rump.

   Instead, lie down on the ground and lay your cheek against the precious dirt of Earth & utter not a sound. True awe is unspeakable & leaves you speechless.

   all our leaders are drugged & mugged by one theopatriotic drug or other. They are killing people in the name of ioG, Jesus, Allah, God. Folks, in all good conscience, we gotta Just say no to thetheo-thug drug.  

   Now, worshiping saguaro cactus or humming birds or pogblog’s silver Burmese perfect cat, Frolic – that could be fun and a tug of the forelock to eternal hilarious delight. Pick an idiosyncratic worshipee per day and bow & scrape as you will. Our universe, hallowed be thy infinite names.

  “Hey Jane, hey Joe, who’s your worshipee today?”

   “Today I’m worshiping French toast with lotso melted butter and organic, grade B, pure maple syrup. Muy yum!”

   “Oh well-done, Jane! Today I’m worshiping my dear beloved pillow who supports me tenderly in my darling sloth and my bliss-sodden naps.” Thus & so4th.

  Get your life, really.    



One immutable principle re doctrines: if it allows for killing anybody, it sucks.

Monotheism kills.

Friends don’t let friends take the God-drug.

‘Spirituality’ is the methadone of religion-lite. It still murks up your conscience. It is still enslaving & enslavering.

Clearly, any intelligent God would have designed an avocado with a seed the size of a peach pit. Ergo, clearly & inescapably, God is dumb. Or God simply isn’t.  Take your pick.


[Pog, you asked for my memo on the Bush et Ilk’s Lethal Zeal & How Religious Insanity Runs in the American Family. I am happy to share this with you under the seal of the confessional astwere. America is still willing ‘in flaming fire to take vengeance’on the hapless unbeliever, so let it not be known, friend, that you wander from the strait paths lest you be ‘punished with everlasting destruction’ and other not daffodilesque nor lilyesque mercies. This document could fry you in Hell where you would dwell in an ‘eternity of conscious torment.’ Herein lies the UnderBelly of the Beast. Believe me my dear pogblog — Your affectionate & anxious friend, Dr. Common Sense.]



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1 Wind . Ik . Whirlwind . North . tzol 222  01.09. 06 mon



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


The Perception Beast

The Perception Beast

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

I’m interested in following my shapeshifting Perception Beast forth & back across the border from DayLand to OtherLand. I am a perception addict. The kaleidoscopic infinitude depends on being deftly intent all the time.


Because we only honor and teach DayLand perception in the West for the most part, our OtherLand awarenesses tend to be less willed and more sporadic when we have them at all. (Please start asking your kids, “How was <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Dream School last night?”)


You can either consider my Perception Beast to be a shapeshifter or a menagerie. Vivid perception is the key that unlocks empathy, the grokking of  the pulse of the so-called Other – it is only Other so we can love it without being hopelessly narcissistic, perhaps?


Anyhow, in a Dream which is to me just an OtherLand experience as real or maybe realer than a trip to Safeway (except when I’m buying Butter Pecan ice cream which is as real as it gets.) In a dream, I found myself sitting in a seat in the back of a theatre and then in a seamless re-location I am sitting more over on the side nearer you. So we have seamless re-location.


Also in this episode, “I” have a variable perspective – sometimes eye-centric & sometimes out-of-body. Or a variable view. (EC, OOB, VV). My perception beast roams around the dimensions. I need to be a better cartographer and zoologist. I need to map and catalog the qualities of perception in the whole HoloLand which includes the whole shebang, all the precious pulses, repulsive and charming alike.


With the delicacy of a butterfly, the quickness of a hummingbird, and the ferocity of a jaguar, my perception beast hunts the wild perception, knowing Blakily that it is all and any always new and shocking. Anything less is my tarnish – it is always polished.


Probably it would be wise to intracede (cf pre-cede) every contemplation with a startled ‘oh my gods!’ Ohmygods, shadows & shine; spleen & tenderness; leathery bat wings and Frolic’s downiest belly-fur which is as near to warm, soft, cloud-like nothingness as something can be. It’s recklessly ravishing. I am besotted.



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10 Flint . Edznab . Knife . North . tzol 218  01.05.06 thur



the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


Ode to Intestines

Pls note that in the following Ode to Intestines, ‘intestines’ is always pronounced ‘in-tes-tie-ns.’ The second 'i' is long. Droller.


Ode to Intestines


   We’re all intestine-casings, nada mas, nada menos – ICs, that’s we. Fancyish perhaps, but intestine-casings nonetheless. So there’s not so much to get huffed up + puffed up about. Intestine cases, crawling, winging, galloping, strolling, hopping, slinking, finning, tangoing – it’s all a fancy dress ball for the kissable, &, for most, the not-so-kissable ends of the churning, peristalsizing digestive tract.

   None of your strutting and eyelash fluttering, lust-thrusting, bombast-delivering-forth would be vouchsafed thee, pilgrim, without the ceaseless and diligent squishing and dissolving, sucking and glucking of your brilliant intestines. You couldn't figure out how to get your Mona Lisa or Mano Louis smile out of a chomped turnip end and a licked strawberry ice cream cone. You dumb, intestines smart.

   If you waltzed into the finest Chemistry Lab on Earth – some MIT equiv – with a bucket full of carelessly ground smorgasbord slop  – steak, peas, caramelized onions, 4-crème brie, argula, chocolate pecan pie, brandy mimosa – and gave a pint of it to the previously puffed-up, white-coated, erudite Lord of the Universe chemist and demanded s/he extract the constituent nutrients in an hour &1/2 to pearl forth Einstein’s Theory of Relativity or a design for a better skateboard or my uselessly clever heartbreaking poems to you – piffle, s/he is baffled. Compared to intestines, s/he is a lousy chemist and a lousier alchemist. Intestines rule. Do your intestines proud.

   I know it is less romantic, less picturesque to imagine yourself a Mobile Intestine Unit, but evolved or intelligently designed, even in a scarlet sequined ballgown or a denim workshirt and beat up <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Levis, you’re still a Mobile Intestine Unit. You may be a fine Intestine Casing, but preening is perhaps a tad unseemly?



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6 Jaguar . Ix . Ocelot . Panther . North . tzolkin 214  o1.o1.o6 sun

rabbit rabbit rabbit

ffwofw§26d2h33m11s33.84g3.25g; 1180;


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead
