DynaMagik & Zephyrs Ardente

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> DynaMagik & Zephyrs Ardente


   CPD Notes to CatsPurrDynaMagik holoHealing Systems Users. HoloKaleidoscope notes. In the coming shaped light, you’ll become increasingly more conscious of the holoKaleidoscope quality of your dazzling experience.

                                                                       dennis flood

I’m trying to translate as much shaped light info as I can for the general reader, but Want to put in material for the finger-pickin' faheyesque quick reader too. This holoKaleidoscopic technique is certainly described by my dearest Mr. Keats when he speaks of negative capability – “Negative Capability, that is, when a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason — Coleridge, for instance, would let go by a fine isolated verisimilitude caught from the Penetralium of mystery, from being incapable of remaining content with half-knowledge . . . ”                
    Whenever I take notes from dreams as I drift ashore in the dawning, I always use semicolons to separate the random items so I don’t jar myself into grammar and can stay in the melted course of zephyr-ardente that is the splashing and or sloshing consciousness from dream travel before things get k1 solid again.

  Release Accumulated Crud; defester your brain; sunbomb your imaginationer; send your inner judge/perfectionist to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Cheerful School; sick of your inner perf being a crabby scold; Want a cheerful slightly taffy inner prof instead? Get fitted for your Hermes-winged legerdedancing slippers – psychiorthotics; remember that your joints are all chakras; spend special time fuffing your joints, fuff and release; drain off accumulated sludge from joints and put in a golden sun wine elixir of lovely slipperiness; release acac (accumulated crud accumulated crud) fromsweet eyeballs and dear dear ears; fill with nourishing sunmist, shineofsun, sunwine; in  Dynamagik newsholovidletter Zinnia gives an instruction clinic to the War Thogs, the elite amfap silliness mongers;

   Purring is like a low-pitched frisson; set purr-release for cells, tissues, tendons, ligaments, organs, bones, lymphs, marrows, joints vertebraes, muscles, face, eyes, cheeks, lips, scalp, skull, ears, brain, left, right, corpus callosum the connector, nerves to auto-purr-release; sign or at least scrawl your initials at the compass points (more or less) on the walls of your grounding chute;

                                                        sci-toys com

 graffiti your grounding cylinder; fuff your brain or grokker; if you have only had a brain in this inzinnia, [in-zinnia, cf in-carnation, only vivider], shift it out for a grokker for a week –you can always go back to your ole brain if you must. A grokker absorbs all the data stream as art&music – the world as an art show with a score – ticks, tocks, whooshes, rustles, et cet. you’ll probably enjoy having a grokker better, more buttery, by far; Immerse yourself etherically in a quite warm quite salty water tank with luminous walls with your choice of softly dissolving colors (include the possibility of a velvety black) to soak off  any residue of the CatsPurrDynaMagik Healer ludenation (cf oper-ation);

   We give you a special gill unit and nictating membrane etherically so you can breathe underwater and not have the salt hurt your sweet eyes.

   Replace all 33 vertebrae with jeweled vertebrae and all all joints with jeweled joint; replace blood with molten rubies; as the Filipino shamans do, slow the time in which your body dwells; let the ecstasy back in; breathe effervesced air; study crows; crows have an extensive laughabulary of chortles & clucks & clicks & caws &guffaws. have 2 crows as mischief guardians who chortle off any stupid spirits who might accost or pester you;; Change your brain in for a grokkifier which reveals the savvy and lavish art of everything; there are ever at hand kindly & silly & brilliant Filipino holowizards to shift out your joints for jewels, to install jewel joints & bones. They are great at structural elements (cf Coleridge, “In Xanadu did Kublai Khan a stately pleasure dome decree? Where Alph the sacred river ran/Down to a sunless sea”). I like the fey and astoundingly kind and eloquent and loyal Welsh shamans for the sweet eyes, dear dear ears, and the right/left & connector corpus callosum of the grokkifyer.


               andy goldsworthy .. rivers & tides

The Welsh are the people with the discipline and optimism — consider the Welsh coalminer who dreams underground in the dark of Camelot. The Welsh are psychitechnicians, psychinicians sans pareil, the purest poets because they shapeshift as happily or earnestly from a splash to a cactus to a hummingbird to a hippopotamus to a pebble as any sentients who ever inzinniaed. They grok it all as bio, as alive&lucid.     



glossary notes:

+ nuage ardente (new-ahj ahr-daw(n)(t)) or fierce cloud is the ferocious shock wave of burning air and debris that cannons down the mountainside from an erupting volcano and does the real damage; zephyr ardente is a riff off that – a fierce sweetness, a burning delicacy.

+ nictating membrane is that odd milky inner lid that slides down over birds’ and cats’ eyes as they slide into slumber.


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12 Light . Ahau . Flower . South . tzol 219  09.24.06 sun

848 days/2y3m26d left/1447  




the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead


DO something VERY important for the 2006 Election. Read this.

DO something VERY important for the 2006 election.

                          o manancial da noite

Dear progressive friend,  
Even if YOU think you hate phoning, this MoveOn phoning from home is unbelievably easy and the Reptiles are doing it day after day and ruining our dear world.
Once you do a little, you'll see that it's so simple and that you get A LOT of wrong numbers. This cleaning up of the Lists is giga-crucial to GOTV (Get Out the Vote) because we will then be phoning real people that weekend. This voter ID is how the Reptiles win, simply. Even if you are convinced you loathe phoning, Please try it anyway. Or at the least forward this along. You never know who among your friends will leap in — and Al Gore only lost the world by 500 darn votes.
You'll be phoning out-of-state to the key districts around the country. If it comes up about where I'm phoning from, I always say 'I'm calling because my vote in California won't mean anything — you're voting for me and others too whose votes don't matter!' Every single hour helps clear out the voter lists.
Because I don't have a cell phone, I use an MCI phone card (pennies per minute) & have programmed my access code into the memory of my phone using a few pauses. (Of course the Republicans just dispense cell phones to volunteers as if cell phones were lollipops.)
I can only implore. This stuff works. If you have the slightest question, please let me know. I had ALL the 'stupidest' questions myself. No worries.
You can sign up from the upper right of this page. http://pol.moveon.org/nov06/idcalls/index.html?id=8809-4496226-p4_vk85cEB9ABvqqAHvl5w&t=3 Put down any time and then they'll send you an email and you can phone when you have the time. Of course whatever money you can spare for MoveOn pays for better technology.
Cheers to us, jeers to Them,

p.s. Everyone should be voting Permanent Abentee. That way your vote is for sure & there is a paper trail. Most Reptiles vote Permanent Absentee — they smart.

“Ben Brandzel, MoveOn.org Political Action” <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:

Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:47:18 -0700
From: “Ben Brandzel, MoveOn.org Political Action” <moveon-help@list.moveon.org>
To: “Wendy Fleet” <wfleet2222@yahoo.com>
Subject: Big September challenge begins today!

Big September Challenge!

Our 2 week goal: 350,000 calls

Progress so far: It begins today!
Days left: 14
This is our biggest push yet—350,000 calls in two weeks. But together, we can pull out all the stops and make it happen. Can you knock off a few calls right now, or sign up for a shift this week?

Dear Call for Change volunteer,

Hope you're ready for action, because the next two weeks will be our biggest push yet. Together, we've got to make 350,000 calls before the end of the month. If we can do it, we'll be on track to hit our overall goal and score a major victory on Election Day. It's our big September challenge, and it starts today:
Can you make a few calls right now?
350,000 may sound like a lot of calls, but if every volunteer getting this email does just 35, we'll make it. An hour a week is all it'll take, and you can fit it in whenever is most convenient for you. Got a few minutes extra minutes at lunch? 20 minutes after dinner? It all adds up, and every call you make brings us closer to victory.
If now's not a good time, you can sign up for a shift this week by clicking here:
Our Call for Chang team is really heating up. This weekend, we ran the first ever round of Call for Change house parties, and they were a smashing success. Four thousand volunteers gathered in living rooms and kitchens across the country to make over 150,000 calls. We also added thousands of new volunteers to the Call for Change team!
As you know, the calls you'll make this week are quite urgent. It's the only way we can finish our “microtargeting” in time for the big get-out-the-vote push next month. Every minute you invest now will pay off tenfold when we know exactly where to find our supporters in the final stretch.
This September challenge will be a huge push. But we've got a great team—we're hungry for change and we're ready to make it happen. So let's do it!
Thanks for all that you do,
–Ben, Jennifer, Matt, Tanya and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
  Monday, September 18th, 2006

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

CatsPurrDynamagik Healing System

If you read the following material with your mouth as if out loud, it will stay clear for you. As with all alchemys, unclench your mind and taste the words.


Balls Bazook & the CatsPurrDynamagik Healing System Machines part 8

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CatsPurrDynamagik Healing Systems Machines – psychibiomachines. Your own shaman machines. The CatsPurrDynamagik System works in any bio-position, but is particularly designed for the supine, being sloth-friendly – let your psyche do the cavorting. A popular CatsPurrDynamagik model looks like a leaf blower, but is silent. It blows a mist of sunshine, of shiny sunlight through your aura, untarnishes your etheric blueprint, ungums your dna, and effervesces your blood. The chassis and handle of the CatsPurrDynamagik Healing Systems Machine are obsidian. It has etheric gem-metal alloy bands around the nozzle – copper, silver, gold, magnetic iron, quartz, topaz, and titanium last to take it all – the aura, the blueprint, the dna, the blood — sweetly and elegantly into the future.

 from the CatsPurrDynamagik Healing Systems Machine Manual –Zin Nia

                                                         andy goldsworthy


      Fucky Buller  met Balls Bazook, commander of War Thogs who fight bravely for amfap (as much fun as possible), a coalition, a diamondition of drastically droll souls who think killing people and calling it noble and robbing people and calling it a free market are exceedingly stupid and tiresome uses of the blessed and lucky élan verve vouchsafed to us each and all.

  Fuckminister Buller was the spooner twin of Bucky Fuller, erstwhile of Earth.

                                     george glazer

   “Hey, Balls, how’s the sack sag” Fucky chortled cheerfully.

   “Nah, like melons, Fucky,” said Balls. “Where’s Zin Nia?”

   “You heard that she invented the CatsPurrDynamagik Healing Systems Machine, the new psybiomachine which is flying off the etheric shelves?” Fucky said.

   “Oh yes, indeed, Fucky. That’s why I’m here. I want to get a custom version from you all for the Thogs to carry into the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Battle for Earth we are waging in 24/7 interwoven night and day dreams as we speak. It’s not a catastrophic brutish mess over there on earth, it’s a dogastrophic grotesque mess.”

   Balls and Fucky found Zin Nia in her ludenatory, a playful laboratory, where she psychiprojected her CatsPurrDynamagik designs into the Luciferik Record, the lore contrary to the Dictator God, the Deity who became insane, went megalo. Lucifer is droller, an absolute democrat. These are the less bombastic records than the founts for the monotheisms.

  “Zin Nia, my sweet, how many CPDs can you get me yesterday? The toll from trying to glee up ole Terra is devastating our War Thogs. They need some élan verve for certain.”

   Zin grinned at Balls in an irreverent fondness. “The equilbrilator has a gyrogem mechanism which holospherically balances it in a gravneutral or leviglee process so it’s lovely to handle in either light or deep trance. It shoots out a healing column of golden sunlight mist which detoxes the elemental layers and dynamics of the inzinnia [cf incarnation, but more vivid]. It can be set for cooling or warming and it mediates the difference between exhilaration and inflammation.

   “It had a ‘release’ harmonic which feels like the utter sigh – release – purr when you first hug your cloud-soft cat as you subside and settle softly, comfily into the refuge of your dear pillows.

  “The CatsPurrDynamagik can be operated by an etheric clone simulacrum of your inzinnia self or simply by the leviglee remote controls in an holospheric float with a gyrotic nifty dynamic balance.  

    “We even supply a pandorion, a levilead box to store the codes for the purely revolting and hateful stuff you may want to restore, but not necessarily be on-goingly ruled or raged by, a kind of furies deposit box for the dna of the sulphurous, putrid, and perniciously petty grot you have accumulated or even collected in this and even other inzinnias.

   “This feature comes with the First Level CatsPurrDynamagik, but we got some most giga-nifty stuff for the Ninth Level system. There’s a cheshire manifestation mechanism – as if you take a smile and spiral it into a cat, or whatever from acorn to oak or egg to chicken process you might want to enjoy.

   “Remember I told you about the Chinese unicorn in viejo Earth myth? The Chinese unicorn is rainbow colored and where she walks music plays in the air and her hoof-fall does not bruise the grasses. We put a rustle of this mysterious music in with your CPD.   



[[ In future material on Zin Nia, Fucky Buller, and the CatsPurrDynamagik Healing System, we’ll origami or fold these into holoshapes for you. There is a kind of waterfall of consciousness that the hologlad use to grok their experience. The trick is to let the info flow through your unclenched mind and trust that your deft, bloomed consciousness will get the gist and get the jokes and naturally install whatever procedures which seem apt and ept for your own momentous moment. If you read the material again next week, it’ll magnetize an all different set of synchronicities for you. AsZin Nia says, “We’re trying to gently jar you out of the ruts and grids of grammar without sending you into a spiraling, buffeted freefall, falling up.”   We’ll unwrap the presents of  leviglee controls and many other premium Ninth Level features; Rapids feature – silver rapids, golden rapids; the Great Eagle or Crow Sling-A-Round; metameditation for the mischievous; among the purrfacts that come in your new CatsPurrDynamagik Manual is States of Rest. Deep cheerful rest has been rare enough. One of the favorite states [placid like grazing and cud-chewing cows; lava bath cf mud bath; Filipino healing in molasses time; handle = chassis = obsidian; drollifier like humidifier; sunlight falls cf waterfall; anything toxic neutralized, debris down the grounding chute to center of planet or asteroid or moon; CatsPurrDynamagik Healing System, soap bubbles bursting; effervescent nerves; honey treatment – a smooth lavaesque flow of sweet honey throughout the skin, limbs, organs, cells, bones, brain. Your own shaman machine;; a flurry of purring, the audic equivalent of a snow flurry, a soft, capacitating abun-dance of soundflakes. 1st level = the Jester; 9th Level = the Frolic (frolic means, at root, swift gladness);  healing System & Solarizer; Zin tells Balls about Flowers like her namesake just being dirt + water + design + sun, catalysts; Implant small CPDs under fingernails and in joints; Put in To sloth or not to sloth is never a question; newtuning the melodiousness of your cells; subtract or release the wat, the wear and tear, and newshine the essential glorious dear muck and gluck which constitutes your biobeing. Like a two magnets forcefield – an invisible (sort of) dense intense pressure field – a huge harmonic pulse of assorted energies is pressing into the planet newcalibrating dna and monumentally healing brains and pains; the Ahau or Quetzal energy that is being pulsed into the EM field is quixotic and mischievous stuff. The upcoming Ahau dates are Sept 24, Oct 14, Nov 3, Nov 23.




Please treat yourself to Andy Goldsworthy’s astonishing DVD, Rivers & Tides, working with time. You will love it so much that you will eat pieces of the disk like the Iroquois ate the raw still hot liver of the bear to do honor and eat strength. I love Goldsworthy so much I could burst.

+ holo & levi .. in times to come, we rhapsodize or songfully interweave worlds and realms of density with more conscious ease than we mostly do today – we ignite some of the 90% of the patient brain which is dormantish. We enter a more holosensible world of synthisenses and sphericality. We are no longer so linear in our comprehension. We also therefore make use of our leviglee capacitites, the ability to move the balance point, the gravity point around so we can, say, levitate. You already do in your other dreams. It’s a handy trick – think: unclench.

+ grounding & grounding chute: I learned these ancient grounding techniques first from Berkeley Psychic Institute(BPI). Recently I read the really excellent You Are Psychic by Debra Katz. Please don’t click off your mind at the title. Her book is a stupendous resource for grounding and emotion & intellect uncluttering technologies. She and BPI refer to a grounding “tube,” but I am so into the delights and necessities of sloth that I recommend a grounding chute so that you fit energetically into this dynamic shape whilst supine. In the simplest way, you imagine yourself as you lie there suspended just within a grounding chute which reaches all the way to the center of the earth. You let all your extra energies from the boss, the past, the future, the sulphurous boy/girlfriend, any energy that is not cheerfully yours slide down the superslippery grounding chute into the center of the earth to be recycled into neutral elements. Learning to ground away the daily gluck is supremely useful for both healing and just plain ole wellwellbeing. [Certain cultures make plurals by doubling the word.]

    You can make your grounding chute of whatever material and color feels right to you for the time being. To the BPI basics Katz adds a notion of signing your name to the four sides of your grounding or I add the four compass points if your chute is round. I also suggest initialing the end that reaches to the center of the earth. This makes sure you sent the grounding device deep enough. You can let your grounding chute drop away and install a new one as often as you like, but at least once a day is smart. Just remember to graffiti or autograph the sides and furtherest end of each new one.

+ Alfred Spooner was a professor with a verbal tic where he shifted the beginnings of words. A crushing blow becomes a blushing crow is the usual example. Fucky Buller is Bucky Fuller’s spooner twin.

+ obsidian is crow’s wing black glassified cooled lava. Cf obsidian humor.


If you know or are an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of pogblogian material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com


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3 Monkey . Chuen . Raccoon . West . tzol 211  09.15.06 fri

858 days/2y4m05d left/1437  




the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead
