Custom Shamanic Journeys
I craft shamanic journeys & power stories with you that are far more direct, personal, & vivid than anything you’ve experienced before.
You will be astonished & changed.
I'm not interested in peak experiences, but in a peak life.
Therapeutic; &/or creativity development & burnishing. We'll give you a personal rheostat for your life to turn up the illumination. Beginner thru advanced. By phone & email.
For further info or appointment, email
Dr. Druid
These are a few of the unsolicited testimonials from my TV students of every age, gender, race, and creed whom I taught from 2000-2005. They are too kind by far, but they are from the people I immediately affected. These gentle words are from my community TV students all the way from 16 years old to 83 years old.
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You have touched so many lives and been such a huge part of the success of people’s programs and the Station's national awards. Your dedication and special magic are an inspiration and support to all who come near your amazing teacher’s heart. Mary J.
…for you personally and for all of us who cherish the idea and possibility of community TV and cherish you because it was you who instilled a love for it in us. You, who introduced to us the intimacy of a camera. From those of us you trained and always nurture. Roy H.
I will always remember the fun time I had in your class.Your passion and excitement are wonderful, rare qualities, and I was blessed to be touched by them. Sheila M.
I have worked with many creative people across the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />US and internationally. You are certainly a jewel and have made remarkable contributions to the creative work of your lucky students. Kim S.
We have a flame that needs to burn, and with your inspiration it will not be extinguished. Ray S.
You are a nonstop teacher whose wisdom pours out with such ease. Teaching and coaching are your greatest talent and virtue. You serve as an icon to personal integrity. Pat F.
Your skill, dedication and knowledge inspire me. Thank you for your motivation for everything, especially to get my show off the ground. Without that it could not have started. Arun P.
I loved listening to everything you taught me in the class, you brought so much light, wisdom, laughter and care to what you were doing with us. You are a kind, compassionate, passionate, charming, intelligent, magical, enlightening, fun, woman who has blessed my life with the life you share with me and the rest of us fortunate people who you blessed with your class. When I think of you, I think of what a great speaker and teacher you are. Tia T.
You’re the best teacher ever. I wish somebody had told me to leave my Inner Perfectionist in Fiji 50 years ago! Joan H.
You are a gem of generosity, understanding and hope. Your good-hearted, good-humored character and skills inspire our whole class to take creative risks. Thank you! James C.
You are a treasure for community TV! You are full of love and life and I feel privileged that you are on this whirling, precious mudball. Richard G.
You've served as a personal role model for me. I have never seen anyone throw themselves into their work with such obvious dedication and passion for their work as you do. Stan N.