Fight for the Soul of Earth

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Fight for the Soul of Earth .. slumped over keyboard . .. .

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> 

 Fight for the Soul of Earth .. Hmmm, found myself slumped over the keyboard of the Faithful Computer at Dawn, having, well, slumped against the wall of Castle Fati Gue apparently. The last thing I remember was at about 2:44am writing about us far-left looney left fringe left folk at a Solidarity with Crawford Vigil.¹ Then I was swaying & swooning trying to stay awake to do Preview at a Comment Screen one more time to make sure the html angled brackets were all closed.


Who even knew that in the Fight for the Heart of Earth one would learn some rudimentary html? It ain’t the Da Vinci Code, it’s HTML code in the <a href=>“”>noosphere</a>. No, no, no, I did not slump because I was ahopin’ beyond hope, that His Beastly Worship YouDon’tKnowWho would give me a buzz on Ye Olde Fashioned Phone Lines. It’s not that I actually long to hear his dulcet tones or nothin’ – nah, he can go sniffa sock for all I care, but we have a kinda deal that I won’t drink no beer unless he’s visiting or we’re aphonin’. Well, I really coulda used a beer, Boyo, after a hard 48Hours in a row Fighting the 12ftTall Lîzards Disguised as Human Beings Who Purport to Lead Us.


I have been derelict in my Task #1 on The Stay Outof the Culvert List which is finding an agent or publisher who would dare to handle my avant-reve giga-futur fractal-radical prose. You’re out there, or you, dear reader, know that person. Do by all means or by email contact me so we can begin that Publishing Adventure. ( It would be nifty to be able to concentrate on the Writing rather than The Worrying about how long I can stay outa the Culvert² – or outa Gitmo for that matter. Financial Ruin Looms. I was clearly born to write a trenchant column, so somebody please hire me.


I have been derelict because I have been so offended. So offended that our country has been invaded by stenched souls willing to call dead &/or mutilated children, the born, collateral damage. Now, with my name-doppelganger Swift, I certainly ain’t against the occasional “stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled” plump milk-fed child. I am not a sentimentalist. But just blowing them to smithereens is an offensive waste in both nambi-pampi moral and strict capitalist Greedo terms. The least we could do is make tasty sausages out of the freshly killed. I mean where are the Entrepreneurs when you need them? Give the no-bid sausage contract to Halliburton.


Usually I am in a Rage against the LOML (Love of My Life – it may already be that acronym for all I know. I am not the LOHL –Love of His Life, but then nobody else is either, so it works out for the nonce), the Bringer of Beer, Harp preferably; or against the really rapacious Mr. Cheney, known not affectionately between me and my putative pal as Dick the dxxk.


 But the whole CollateralDamage Nation is rising my gorge this Dawn whose pearlescence they are spoiling because they Immensely Stupidly keep caterwauling on about The Far-Left Extremists. And we let them, friends.


Own the Far-Left Exremist Agenda. Say kindly and with patronizing patience and sorrow, “Yeah, that pesky Far-Left Extremist Agenda – We want [recite the List below] We need to learn a simple simple List and Stay on Message for 100 years if need be. Every question or challenge or insult is answered thusly: “Well, tho you may think that I am a far-left duck-billed platypus who is a danger to the nation, but the real far-left agenda we got is [see below]. Do not be derailed, do not be side-tracked into Talk about Homosexuality or Abortion. (Those are matters of Personal Ethics we will not solve here today. The Agenda we can fruitfully discuss is [re-state The List])


Remember, and tell ALL your friends, this is not about changing minds. Do you really think you are going to change Dick the dxxk’s heart with your Incisive Arguments? Well-observed, he doesn’t have a heart – I’ve seen the real x-rays – they take him in for a coronary lube job periodically. But even if he had a rudimentary heart, neither you nor I are changing his well-honed greedy and vicious mind. The political Trick and Task is to ID or identify your own voters and to energize your own voters. You peel off a few on the cusp or fence, but neither core group ever changes its mind.


We can de-fog the veils over the eyes of our natural allies, however. So, damnit, Stay on Message. What they know, and we’re tooo Damn Dumb to have figured out yet is that the audience that day or speech or chat at the coffee shop hasn’t heard The Message before or hasn’t heard it the required 10 times necessary for it to stick in the busy mind. And tho your friends may be ready for projectile vomit or projectile feces if you mention The Far-Left Agenda one more time, just bloody do it anyway until they too can recite it in their sleep.


Ye Owls, I just put “Gitmo” in my Spell-Check dictionary. Brave New World. (I’ve held out on “Rumsfeld.” Just can’t put it in the system as, like, normal.)



¹ Below is the description of the Solidarity Vigil and includes a Handy Pocket-Sized Version of the Far-Left Extremist Agenda.


Flickering Candles, Steady Hearts


I wish everyone could have been here at the Mountain View CA Vigil — it was so touching.


There were 230-ish people gathered in our central city plaza at twilight.


One of the things that is so mis-reported is that the so-called 'far-left looney fringe' is an astonishing assortment of ages, races, creeds. I love looking across the earnest faces.


So many experiences shine like a lovely light from these folks, united in radically wanting an end to the killing; wanting wonderful healthcare for all our citizens, like the health care Mr.Bush and his family get; wanting an undeniably splendid K-college system in all 50 states; and a tended, treasured and revered environment. Real radical stuff. The “hateful, radical, looney left.”


Of course the 'looney left' stereotype is silly, but you look around and think am I really so crazy to want these things for our future?


(KIA 5.30.04) Lt. Ken Ballard's proud Mom, Karen Meredith spoke compellingly of the spark in Crawford; of all the amazing parents she's met in Gold Star Families. And of Ken, her beloved son. As she spoke all the candles flickered on the faces listening to her. She held a large photo of this handsome young man in his uniform looking out at you so intently. A young man, a consummate professional — who never gets a day older.


“What noble cause? What noble cause?”


“The idea of “staying the course to honor the dead” seems so absurd and obscene to a mother who knows the cost of that delusion.  More dead sons. “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die in Iraq for a mistake?”


No occupier beats insurgents. Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam said, “We would have fought you for 300 years. We live here.”


Ken and his friends did their jobs and did not complain. There were a few odd bits that stick in the mind though. The troops resented that Rumsfeld would show up in new desert boots, when so many of them had not received those boots yet.


It was thoughtful, grieving, determined people who gathered to send Karen Meredith off to Crawford on this coming Sunday and to be deep in their thoughts about what it is to be a true patriot, to love your country with all your steady, faithful heart.








If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at ..


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the pro-peace world begins today with you


One thought on “Fight for the Soul of Earth

  1. Great post Mr. Pogblog.
    If I were a publsher or controlled a publisher, I would sign you. I was never sure what to take of the Findhorn Garden people, but I always remember the line, “God will find a way for you to follow your convictions.” or something similar. The Findhorn folk quit their jobs and begin gardening. They wind up with gigantic cabbages and tomatoes and found their way.
    There's a similar story about Dorothy Day.
    I know you're not a fan of religion, but the sentiment may still have some merit in realms that don't depend on an anthropomorphized god.
    I loved the extreme-left agenda btw….

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