9 Principles of Militant Pacifism

Herein be a sensible list of Gandhi's 9 Steps to Increase Cooperation and Decrease Violence, some illuminating diatribe, and some confections about mnemonic devices.


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Gandhi's 9 Steps for Teaching Peace


Dancing Penguins Should Have Long Nights Doing Fancy Polkas

1. (D) Define the conflict.

2. (P) It isn’t you against me .. it’s you and me against the problem .. the problem is the problem.

3. (S)  List the things we do share. Need for food, shelter, water, safety, & art, for instance. Need cats too.

4. (H) Don’t ask antagonists for the self-justifying ‘What happened?’ Ask for a factual list of ‘What did you do?’

5. (L) Practice active Listening Skills..not passive brooding sullen hearing.

6. (N) Resolve conflict in a neutral  place. Treaties are not made on the battlefield. Too toxic & hot there.

7. (D) Proceed with doable steps. Don’t try to swallow the pumpkin whole..Have a single piece of pie to start.

8. (F) Practice forgiveness skills, not vengeance skills. Go quickly to neutral..on the way to eventual forgiveness.

9. (P) Purify my heart. Purify my own heart. Easy to see stubborn flaws, lousy attitude, & blindness of others…   

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />[10. Practice active Laughing skills. Sweet sweet irony cools the melon.This is a bonus step.]  

..adapted from pp.40-41 Colman McCarthy's I’d Rather Teach Peace


Fierce pacifism. We're talking fierce pacifism. People annoyingly label pacifists as nice; namby-pamby; passive. Flay that. All I care about is that people aren't dead or mutilated while I stand by drooling in some theo-patriotic trance. So, not dead, not mutilated. Limbs and soul and heart intact. . . . I hurt your feelings? I'm too abrasive? I uncivilly trash the false use of Jesus? Who gives a fig?  I care about your still being alive to get all huffy. . . . It's like all the puritanical hoorah about Janet Jackson's bosom when we  have  people without healthcare. You don't seem to mind your children being exposed to images of Leaders who do not fight for a living wage. I'm a fierce pacifist not because I'm lilylivered but because I can't take how immensely stupid it is to kill strangers. . . Don't tread on me. Or I'll rip out your remaining eye. But metaphorically, pilgrim . . .


These steps unfurled show you can teach peace indeed! I hope you'll copy & paste the little piece above & send it along to people. I make a copy of them 4 to a page (3.5″ x 4.25″) and hand them out to people.Fold them in half and they fit in the wallet.


 I’ll gloss this more or meringue this more soon. Am too sleepy at the mo. Whatever time of the 1440/86400 (minutes or seconds of your daynight) this finds you deliciously in, don’ let the 12 ftTall Lîzards getcha down. We do win. Because we’re more fun, & the multi-verse or many-poem place finds calculating-success-in-money bizarre and certainly unevolved and unintelligently designed! Eat lots of buttered toast.


mnemonic devices .. I was so flayed again today by the galloping greed of the 12 ftTall Lîzards, the have-mores, who are hoovering any confident pursuit of happiness from 90% of their fellows, that I needed a restorative spate of recreation with mnemonic(knee-mahn-ik)devices. A mnemonic device is some nifty trick so you can remember something. A lifetime later I still remember A Rat In Tom’s House Might Eat Tom’s Ice Cream as the mnemonic device whose first letters spell arithmetic. George Eaton’s Old Grandmother Rode A Pig Home Yesterday spells geography. Muy yum (the only palindrome I ever invented – a palindrome meaning that it reads the same backwards as forward, the most famous probably being Madam, I’m Adam.)

   The enduring quality of a mnemonic device speaks in miniature to the astonishing power of story to the human brain – we really prefer stories to crack or chocolate. The rat sentence is a tiny story. George Eaton, Granny & the pig. It is this bardic, storyness that makes us rich – those who spend their time accumulating paltry bottomlines wear emperor’s clothes.   

     As I  wander the Earth with my Teach Peace sign I hand out mnemonic device for remembering Gandhi’s 9 steps for decreasing violence, increasing non-violence or conducting cooperation. Gandhi was very practical, not mystical. In this case, the first letters highlight a key word in the practical steps  that increase cooperation.



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One thought on “9 Principles of Militant Pacifism

  1. How we break thru the assumption that War is inevitable is part of our cognitive task.
    I notice you said Increase Cooperation over Decrease Violence. A very important principle — we have to do something rather than not do something.

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