If You Can't Get to a Peace March,
Carry Your Sign in Your Hometown
Yes, just you by yourself . . read on ..
NOTE: Below the first post here is the same post in HTML so you can paste it or pieces of it on other sites.
Re rights of a protester , I always put it simply to the police when they harass me and threaten me with arrest.
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“The United States Supreme Court Pruneyard Decision of 1980 gives me the right to protest in a place to which the public is generally invited.” [Like a mall, a festival etc. The equivalent of the “public square” in our times.]
As I quietly carry my 16″x18″ Teach Peace sign on a 4' 7″ stick (stick = 1 ¼ ” x ½ “), I have been surrounded by police on four occasions recently and threatened with arrest, but as long as I refuse to move, AND clearly know about Pruneyard, I'm all right.
I've been to the City Council to speak firmly but not obstreperously about my rights to walk out and speak out via my sign. I finally spoke directly with the police chief about Pruneyard and the local police haven't bothered me much since then. My body language suggests I am not being moved off by the standard issue intimidation.
Though in a neighboring town I was surrounded by riot police in black exo-skeleton uniforms a couple of months back.
I'm up to a 1035 days in a row going out with my Teach Peace sign.
Please note that I made my sign the exact size that would fit into my own space standing on a bus. I turn it upside down when I go into stores.
If you can't get to Crawford,
make your own sign
& start walking around
your own downtown
a little every day!
You'll only feel foolish in the beginning. Later you feel foolish when you don't have your sign!
If you need encouragement or tips, be sure to get in touch with me: pogblog@yahoo.com
Tiptoe in. It's all about beginning, and suddenly it adds up to 1035 days.
rage on,
info on dick cheney & ‘collateral damage’
If you know an agent, editor, publisher person who would handle this kind of rage for justice, rage for peace material, please let me know at .. pogblog@yahoo.com
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the pro-peace world begins today with you
Below in HTML
<b>If you Can't Get to Crawford,
Carry Your Sign in Hometown,</b>
<b>Yes, just <i>you</i> by yourself . . read on ..</b>
Re <b>rights of a protester</b>, I always put it simply to the police when they harass me and threaten me with arrest.
<i>”The United States Supreme Court <b>Pruneyard Decision</b> of 1980 gives me the right to protest in a place to which the public is generally invited.”</i> [Like a mall, a festival etc. The equivalent of the “public square” in our times.]
As I quietly carry my 16″x18″ Teach Peace sign on a 4' 7″ stick (stick = 1 1/4″ x 1/2″), I have been surrounded by police on four occasions recently and threatened with arrest, but as long as I <b>refuse to move</b>, AND clearly <i>know about <b>Pruneyard</b>,</i> I'm all right.
I've been to the City Council to speak firmly but not obstreperously about my rights to walk out and speak out via my sign. I finally spoke directly with the police chief about Pruneyard and they haven't bothered me since then.
Though in a neighboring town I was surrounded by <a href=”http://pogblog.myblogsite.com/blog/_archives/2005/8/8/1119017.html”>riot police in black exo-skeleton uniforms</a> a couple of months back.
I'm up to a <b>1035 days</b> in a row going out with my Teach Peace sign.
Please note that I made my sign the exact size that would fit into my own space standing on a bus. I turn it upside down when I go into stores.
<a href=”http://pogblog.myblogsite.com/blog/_archives/2005/5/19/874131.html “><b>If you can't get to Crawford, make your own sign and start walking around your own downtown a little every day!</b></a>
You'll only feel foolish in the beginning. <i>Later you feel foolish when you don't have your sign!</i>
If you need encouragement or tips, be sure to <a href=” http://pogblog.myblogsite.com”>get in touch with me</a>.
Tiptoe in. It's all about beginning, and suddenly <b>it adds up</b> to 1035 days.
rage on,
<a href=”http://pogblog.myblogsite.com/blog/_archives/2005/6/23/967407.html
“>info on dick cheney & ‘collateral damage’</a>
As you say down the glorious pogblog smorgasbord, if we could embrace that it isn't about 'me' and do it whether our throat tightens or we feell ike a cartoon. If one person in every town around the world strolled the streets with a Teach Peace sign–it would be a wonder to see.
A small peace army — and that does add up.
In my on-going efforts to get people to be that army of one peace protester at a time — not waiting for the formal rallies or any rallies. Where's the protest? some people ask. Right here, right now. I have this note in html if you want to have it that way to splash around the noosphere de blogs. pogblog@yahoo.com
from pogblog
The grim & insidious effects of the TheoFascist Regime strike you when you've been walking the streets downtown with a Teach Peace sign for 1035 days in a row now.
I keep my Teach Peace sign across the back seat of my car so I can pick it up pretty automatically by now when I'm going to the Post Office or the Bookstore or the Coffee Shop or wherever. I just turn it top down when I go into a store.
There have been lovely and hideous surprises over these 1035 days. “Fxxk Peace” yelled out the pickup window just doesn't compute — what could they think they mean?
But the really bizarre & scary & heartbreaking thing is when someone I'm smilingly walking past (I smile at the screaming Profanos too — a good name for peace & all that) — the chill comes from the person who whispers to me, “Thank you for carrying that sign.” They are, and it is not infrequent, – furtive — as if they felt Big Brother was watching them.
As if they would be overheard standing for peace.
That's how buffaloed these Mind Parasites have got us.
Even if you can't get to Crawford, you can make a protest sign and go out in your town every day and carry it as you go. You only feel like an idiot for the first few times out. Then, like Thoreau to Emerson, you want to say, “Why are you not carrying a sign?'
Keep your hearts bright,
info on the 12ft tall lizards disguised as human beings who purport to lead us