Ask Dr. Druid . Day 44
Sherlock Detail at Caffe Museo
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Sherlock Detail, Sherlock Holmes’ cousin thrice-removed, was sitting at the Caffè Museo on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Third Street in San Francisco. Museums are always a jolt, a lightning bolt. Ms. Detail is a soul mate of Mr. Holmes as well as the great grandchild of Mr. Holmes’ cousin, Daphne Detail. Pursuant to my request my pal Sherlock Detail sent me her notes, her mental graffiti, from how a great detective practices keen observation, deft attention even at lunch. Wake up, smell the roses, & notice/sketch the rest of your surroundings too, as ‘twere.
Notice that as you might in Dream Notes, Sherlock Detail separates her lists with semicolons.
03.29. 08 Girl, strawberry italian soda backlit; Eating carrot cake w/ pineapple at Caffè Museo sfmoma; SF overcast ; deconstruct the scene as if it were a painting in which I’m immersed, color, form, line, angles, curves, an aesthetic spy.
Light bounce, where does the highlight hit xyz object; shadows; Near sounds, far sounds, steady still sound, mobile moving sound, note pitches of sounds; Space full, empty, motions quick, slow; are you comfy, warm, cool, cold; pick a character from the scene, make up a story line; re peeps note earrings, shoes, shirts, blouse, jacket; wind in leaves, showy rings, bracelets, watches, hair long, short, curly, straight; materials metal wood, stone, flowers ? Check fartherest distance, medium distance, close, as if you were an artist painting a 4D (inclu time, therefore motion) holopainting;
15 big splashing pillars of water (splashbergs of water); jukebox skyscraper in (horiz, left to right) middle of fartherest; traffic; large peapod & ½ husked corn objets at counter where one orders; buspersons in grey shirt-jackets collarless; purses, satchels; chair design; table black squares (5 times 8 inches on a side); pepper & salt shakers small with S & P punched in tops; small water glasses = breakthru! (in conservation of water; necklaces; what are folks drinking? what color of liquid; elbows on table? delicate or hearty eaters; reflections; angles of feet on the floor; posture; eyeglasses; impressionistic bookpainting on wall behind me, applied by putty knife look xtremely cool; soaring drama flowers, peonies, strong pink& white “tiger lilies”; peripheral vision; the Way Things Go video of one-time installation in a warehouse worth the trip;
Next time you’re hanging out somewhere notice if you notice with the quick lambent pleasure that Sherlock does? Practice. You practice the ‘scales’ of seeing just as the pianist practices the piano. You learn to be shocked by your interaction with your perception. Each detail is a jolt, a surprise, a new or renewed infatuation.
The techniques and practices of noticing are identical in the dreams of day or the dreams of night. It is a portable bliss.
Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29; Day 30; Day 31; Day 32; Day 33; Day 34; Day 35; Day 36; Day 37; [Day 38]; Day 39; Day 40; Day 41; Day 42; Day 43; Day 44;
If you know or are an agent, aspiring agent, editor, or publisher person who would handle this kind of druid material, please let me know at .. Please put ‘agent’ in the subject line.
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.. keep your heart bright. beauty is rising.
.for bombadilobo & diablobo.
the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..
.. if you make $50,000 a year, it’s gone in 4 seconds in Iraq;
.. let’s spend most of the Military-Corporate Budget on education instead ..
I often think that's why some of us write. It is a form of practice in understanding the relationship between the details we notice and the whole of our lives.
Which, cl, is another way of saying that writers enjoy being more intensely — the vivid vie — alive than than many.
The whole point of Dr. Druid in fact is that everyone can have this artist's electric view. It isn't per se a matter of talent at all. It can be taught.
(Yes, some people have a knack, but indeed even Michael Jordan will say that its his will to practise and notice the littlest details that makes him great.)