Ask Dr. Druid . day 18 . Remote Viewing

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 18

Remote Viewing

This piece will read best for you

 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud

[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


   Remote viewing is a kind of teleportation, a visiting of a terrestrial place where your daybody is not. It is another way to practice making your attentions’ capacities more elastic and eclectic. Remote viewing is that variation, that facet of the out-of-body experience which doesn’t go gallivanting off around the galaxies, but rather to a Russian submarine harbor (a Cold War favorite) or to downtown Paris.

   The underlying point of all our exercises is to make your kaleidoscopic life experience more keen, more jolly, more exquisitely luminous and breathtaking – your birthright. You’ve heard of a lot of capacities as occult or ‘weird’ or mystic. None of these really. You just weren’t taught them in your usual school.

     I suggest practicing remote viewing in your living room where you can check and verify your impressions. Lie on your bed or sit some place comfy. Always have had a pit stop. My hypnotism teacher, Dobson, always said about hypnotism sessions: “Never compete with the bladder!” Ground, relax. Imagine yourself in your handy travel body walking off to your living room or other room where no one is and ‘spying’ on what’s there. Be deliberate, methodical, and thorough. Notice as many qualities of objects as you can. Whisper them to yourself as you touch them with your eyes and fingertips. Vase; red with yellow tulips; pear-shaped; narrow neck; lacquered; eleven inches high. Notice the shadow each thing casts. The thing; its shadow; the thing.

    If I spread my hand wide, from the tip of my little finger to the tip of my thumb is eight inches. This makes a handy measurer for RV forays.

    The coolest thing about remote viewing is that you can bump into things and not knock them over. (Tho poltergeisting is a whole ‘nother subject.) Whether in your daybody or your rembody, every time you blink, you unconsciously add a minute snapshot of emphasis to whatever you’re attending to. Making a conscious definite crisp blink can underline an observation for you. Anything you do to get info into more than one sense system will ratify that observation for you. You see something and then say your observations about it. That gives you visual and auditory. The crisp blink adds kinesthetic. All of this gets very suave and sleek and delectable and all but effortless. In the meantime, these remote viewing forays into your living room or kitchen can markedly tune up your attentions. You’ll certainly notice yourself quantumly more aware as you walk through those rooms in your daybody – in order to feel less excruciatingly embarrassed at what you missed when you do your next remote view session and review, if for no other reason.

    When you’ve made a circuit or twain around the room, come back into your comfy body and review what you’ve viewed. Then get up and go scrutinize to see how precise and accurate and detailed you were.

    Most folks are leery of testing their ‘enlightenment’ and ignore their endarkenment altogether.  

(“O wad some Power the giftie gie us/To see oursels as ithers see us!/It wad frae monie a blunder free us/An foolish notion . . . .”) Doing this living room and kitchen remote viewing allows very quick feedback which is the way to learn anything most efficiently. You also get to do this privately so if you have remembered to shoo your Inner Perfectionist off to Fiji to guzzle grog, you can be observant of your failings rather than judgmental about them. You can do this exercise a thousand times and it will get incrementally more actual and vivid each foray.

   We’ll go into the following in much more chiaroscuro detail later, but I want to introduce you to the druid notion of day-reality as an holographic language through which you pass like a 4D braille. It’s all hieroglyphs, oneiroglyphs, runes with stories to tell. You are living within a galactic language. Listen, my friend, to the dear wall.

     I was lucky enough to grow up way from anywhere where I had no idea (yet) that people weren’t allowed to talk to trees. So I learned to listen to the so-called inarticulate before I had to lock them in that stupid lifeless speechless box because people were all stirred up about witches and ole cloven hoof satan and wicked pagans. Gee whiz those folks were dull who could stand having their church in a building. The hardest thing was disguising the wild and somersaulting energy of the rampant animist life. So much glee. A tree never minds how much glee you have. It has birds gossiping in its leafy bower after all so it is never shocked by astonished joy.

   Anyhow, when you do your re-views of your remote viewing in your living room or kitchen, you will begin to feel the full-body braille-reading alertness as you grokkingly pass through the space. Your attentions will become less head-centric and you’ll become more electrically present in your present. It’s a blast.

    To get these effects, you have to do the exercises, you can’t just read about them . . .



..suave .. soo-ah-vay, in the Spanish manner, tasty. El azul suave is a pale robin’s egg blue.

.. RV .. remote viewing;

.. “Oh wad some Power the giftie . . .” from Robert Burns, To a Louse;

.. chiaroscuro .. literally bright-dark; noticing the contrasts between light and dark; Check out the remarkable and still more modern than we ever can be movie The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari from 1920. If you love black & white films and photos –without all the distraction of color, Dr. Caligari will astound you forever.

.. Shadows are seldom black, interestingly – first noted most notably by Monet & the Impressionists;

.. hieroglyphs are the Egyptian picture writing. they are clearly more concrete with their languaging than we remember to be;
oneiroglyphs – oneiro is the Greek word for dream, so dream-picture-writing, except in this case, holographic writing, like day-life is. Runes are also shorthand for holographic writing;



Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;



Emily Kame Kngwarreye for title slice, aboriginal;

excerpt image, craig allan charles, australian;


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Ask Dr. Druid . day 17 . Pansexual

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 17


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This piece will read best for you

 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


in which the World, depraved, is saved


        Itshehimwe doesn’t have a sexual orientation per se. Itshehimwe has an inclusive lust, an encompassing tenderness. Itshehimwe covets the stark vast beauty and ache of the distance between the stars. The stoicism, the chaste patience of the desert rock outcroppings. The gorgeous violence of coupling horses. The strut, the rut.

    The sheer celebration and might of the oak tree’s offering its vast leafiness to the sapphire sky. The oak tree, master conjurer, turns dirt and water into bark, magnificence, elixir sap, and all those leaves.

    The voluptuousness of a cup of cocoa. Eyes, ears, tongue, nose, skin, bark, pads of leopards, semi-permeable membranes of amoebas — all designed to savor.

    The delicate tips of palm fronds crackling like fire in the setting sun, reading like braille the evening gossip of zephyrs.

    Itshehimwe covets and savors each of these. 

    The Great Freedom of the 21st century on the planet EarthVuravuraJeegoo was our Escape from the narrow, genital-obsessed notions of Desire into the Delights of Pansex. Many poets had had glimpses of the unprejudiced lust and tenderness that floods the Whole Wide World, tiny and monumental, but only in the 21st century did we all become poets. After Itshehimwe’s visit.

    It was on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />11/22/11, November 22, 2011, of the Old Reckoning when Itshehimwe visited. Whatever you were doing, cooking a cheese-and-chive omelet, walking down the street looking at the new books in the store window, feeding the calves with their rorschach black-and-white hides and slippery wide rubbery noses, whatever you happened to be doing, Itshehimwe spoke. Wake up. Welcome.

    Whatever you were touching or tasting or attending became riveting. Your own bone marrow, the glistening eyeballs of the first person you sawin and through all of it, Itshehimwe spoke all the day. We were never the same after Itshehimwe came. The pungent, raucous joy; the simple, serene, silly revelation.

    Everyone heard it. Was imbued, hued by it. No one had more of it or was more or less sure of it. All churches joined hands, dancedpranced. Sporadically, suddenly, frequently now, once a month or half-year, Itshehimwe would visitWake up Welcome. And when Itshehimwe laughed out loud, the thrill, the shiver, the chill, the lava melting of fear and hate, the hullabaloo, the hurrah.

    In Panda Bare’s historic interview with Itshehimwe, she asked, “Itshehimwe, why did you wait so long to visit?”

    Itshehimwe giggled. “Bloody hell, Panda, we thought we were shouting all along. Murmuring, whispering, cajoling, flirting. Who could look at their own hand and not know they’d been wrought by genius? Who could look at the big blue sky filled with cloud toys and not hear laughter of the gamboling gods?

    “Do you know how much blue it takes to cover the whole wide sky? Who could see the sea and not see us? It was harder to pry open your eyes, ears, and tongue than we thought. Honey, we’ve been hollering the whole time.”

    Suddenly Itshehimwe looked slightly stern and Panda Bare held her breath, hoping not to be turned to a cinder in a careless moment of deitific pique. Panda Bare had been chosen for this interview because she was used to stark naked encounters with the Nature of Reality. She was a metaphysical stripper who liked the magnificently turbulent Edge where the Future boiled into being in scarlet and emerald waves of ecstatic tumult. The raw rhapsodic Future before it was tidied up and pastelled down for mortal consumption.

    Panda Bare was a shaman pilot for the disoriented in the interstellar time storms which buffeted some searching souls. However, cheek to jowl with Itshehimwe was violently vivid. Any mistake on either side and Panda’s molecules could be fried.

    “Frankly,” Itshehimwe continued, “we’d like you all to work out if possible. Our deitific reputation is on the line. Somewhere along the way you all got tangled up in a spiritual snarl and you lost teleology, the belief in beauty. Even the most imbecilic, myopic detective should see the blazing evidence, the reason and rhyme, the luminous signs of design any and everywhere.

    “The notion that Awe and Passion need interfere with Clarity and Focus is the error of so-called science. And then your Palaces of Piety neglect the splendid engineering particular to the daily solid plane — the fact that your waking life is so sturdy and reliable.

    “We,” Itshehimwe pulsed and flickered like a huge sky full of restless lightning, “we are very proud of the engineering. Getting the joints in your hands to work so nicely for sixty years is a neat feat. Though we try to eschew arrogance, we are vain enough to enjoy an attentive appreciation by our audience.”

    Panda Bare cleared her throat and licked her lips, “Itshehimwe, we appreciate your stopping by for such a special chat.” Itshehimwe beamed and tickled Panda with a boisterous splash of tingling color.

    Looking mischievously sly, Itshehimwe snickered and added, “Remember that what is beautiful is not always pretty. We do bats, vultures, spiders, and fungus too.”


Notes: When Itshehimwe gets here, you’ll be a lot happier if you have already gotten used to wider octanes of attentions and plusdepan or more-all. The extra-light that will flood the planet will freak out your dear circuits if you are still stuck in DullnessVille. You’d probably recover, but your nervous frenziness would be darned uncomfortable. It will help if your grammar has gotten out of its whalebone corset. You’ll be lots more zippitydodah if you’ve horded up a huge stockpile of Vitamin I because Itshehimwe is nothing if not monstrously into practical jokes and whimsy and gallons of grog made with wry. You may wish Itshehimwe didn’t find making pretzels of your perceptions so darned droll, but c’est will be la vie. So cheer up. Itshehimwe will knead your dough until you do accept the yeast and rise. So if you’re already croissant and champagne of mind and heart and spleen when Itshehimwe arrives, luckier you.

   When in doubt, default to droll.


images.. both from australia dreaming gallery; title slice from eunice napanangka jack;  excerpt pict from craig allan charles; 

..pan .. combining form meaning all;

..plusdepan .. more of all; pron ploo-duh-pan;

..Vitamin I .. vitamin irony;

.. rorschach is the ink blot tests you make by squeezing a blob of ink between a fold of paper & making up stories about the strange patterns. The black and white Holstein dairy cows look rather like rorschach tests on the hoof, or as I am wont to say ‘Modern Art on the hoof.’ As Mowgli was brought up by panthers and bears, I was brought up by the black and white Holstein dairy cows. As a very young child, I used to lie in the pasture on my back and they would circle all around me with their enormous glossy fringed eyes gazing upon me and they would snorffle me with their great rubbery noses. It was extremely comforting and we dwelt in a communing of happiness under the blue glory of the sky.                



Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


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Ask Dr. Druid … Day 16 … Bylar, my other planet

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 16

Bylar, my other planet

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This piece will read best for you
if you read it
 with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

   When I first found out, I didn’t want to be from another planet. It’s like finding out you’re adopted. It’s disorienting. Like after your first major earthquake, you never feel the same simple sureness again. Obviously when people ask you where you’re from, you say, “The Eastern Shore of Maryland.” Saying “I’m from Bylar, a planet of intricate beauty where all sentience is irrevocably lost” is not an ice-breaker in the earth-based social swirl.

    Oh Bylar. The last time she had been there, no animal or bird or grasshopper stirred. Only trees, grasses, and the wind. She stood for a moment in a graveyard on the top of a small hill. Here, crystallized, was why Bylar was wondrous. What had been lost. On Bylar, graves were not marked by cold stones. They were marked by large whimsical wind toys. The departed devised these playful mementos along as they lived, to leave in token of gratitude and delight. She put her right palm on the ground and then placed it over her heart. She listened to the amused clacking of the wooden toys as they played with the mischievous wind. Suddenly in spite of the rustle of the grasses and the droll clatter of the toys in the wind, like the wild creature she was, she heard the cold silence and tasted the bitter metal tang of fear.

    In an instant with a last glance she stole the magic of her birthplace and tucked it as deep in her heart as she could hide it. She ran down the hill toward the glade, and the evil which had killed all her kin and kind scythed after her to slay this last consciousness on the planet Bylar.

    She hid by a tree in the dappled glade in the deep green shadows, breathing silently. She muted her naked soul to almost death. She felt the restless bleak evil for only a moment thwarted. It had killed her kin without notice; it was not glad of that; it was just evil.

    She felt it waiting to spring. She was perfectly trapped. She gathered all her heart and nerve and flung herself from her home into the ether. She smelled the scorched air as she fled. And knew somehow so strangely that somehow it had let her escape as if it could not quite quench every trace of Bylar from the Worlds. Or was it prevented?

    Bylar. Only me to speak thy fluid fluent loving tongue. Rowdy soft splashing fire and waterfall of flame words are alive to us and I hold you in my words’ embrace with the passion and affection that I might kiss your mouth if I were near enough to feel your smile and taste your breath as we breathe together and do not know whose heart is beating louder.

    Yes Bylar is a run-on sentence and a mixed metaphor as is all life everywhere. The grammar of truth is not what’s taught in your usual school.

    Some people on her adopted planet were dismayed at her intensity, but she knew something that Earthers did not, that a beloved planet can die, and all the sentience be irrevocably gone. She loved fancy, extravagant, spectacular Earth. She was homesick only for the fluidity, the spectrum of speeds, the reverent complexity of thought that was so easy and essential on Bylar. The laughter always in the background like living next to a river running over rocks. Splashing, thought did splash on Bylar.

    You could tap into the Knot and join the hymn and hum and chuckle and gossip of the communal interlaced sentience of the planet. Or you could take a spate of solitude. The communal had a telempathic intimacy. Because sensation was one whole of response to interaction, senses were not falsely separated as on Sol3. You tasted with your eyes, saw with your tongue. Alone or plugged in, sensation was an orchestral luxury. You were immersed in sensation. You surfed on a wave of sensation, then splashed in the froth of its breaking wave.

    The heartbeat of a stone is slow. The heartbeat of a bird is fast. The Savors, or what would be called humans on Sol3, were capable of the whole spectrum of identity and speeds. It was their job to savor and to hold holy all the minutes and minutia of their experience and keep it against the Long Dark.

    I believe I will find it or it will be found—the record, the preserved dream of the beloved lost planet, my Bylar, where most of all we laughed. My blood was born under another star. Coming from so far, the best I can tell you from my alien but sympathetic heart is “Wake up. Treasure it. This second and the next. This person and the next. You have been given a splendid planet. Tune your every molecule to appreciation, and wonder will accompany you. Oh do treasure your planet and its denizens. You can lose all of them, and that ache is a ghastly lesson, more horrible than I dare tell you. Against the vast sky of eternity, each moment of your life is a distinct star. Do your life honor. You are a miracle of sentience. Savor it.”


   I wrote this so long ago in my life. It was a shocking experience and reported as concretely as I am able. Perhaps it will give you a glimpse of why I’m so devoted to our darling Earth. I know starkly what’s at stake.


    For now, let’s call me an orphan brought up by druids. An hardest aspect of darling Earth Vuravura Jeegoo is the cripplingly strait grammar. Tho English is a miracle of funky pirated adaptability, a bastard, mongrel language of stupendous vigor . . . compared to Bylar’s hololanguages, it is pretty staid. I try to push the language envelope in quirk and quixot  without losing you, dear reader, in a reverent revelry. I implore you to read with your mouth as if out loud because all these pieces are songy and tasting the words keeps the melody at the best rhythm for grok.

    Also I’m trying progressively to unclench your more rational mind as we travel through these days. (If you have just arrived in Day 15, it will serve you to go back and begin at the Intro of Ask Dr. Druid so the vocabulary and the eccentricky but sustainable sensibility unfolds in the alchemic way it’s designed to.)

     It is my job to bring you safe back to your harbor after an adventure on the high galactic seas.



.. bylar means ‘to dance’ in Spanish;


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;……..……<^>………..…..
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Ask Dr. Druid ….. Day 15 ….. Re-view 2 . 3rd Eye

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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 15

3rd Eye. Re-view 2


 This piece will read best for you
if you read it 
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]


Intro; Prologue; Day 1 overview, grok; Day 2, Treasure Hunt, Fat E, The Blue; Day 3, multiverse, eclectic, manypoem place, poetry eyes, nature, man, prejudice to the pretty; Day 4 Ing-ing verbing; Day 5 Inner Perfectionist to Fiji; Day 6 Naming Game; Day 7 Journaling; Day 8 Review 1;|||| Day 9 spelling backwards; Day 10 synchronicity; Day 11 synchronicity 2; Day 12 attention as a thing; Day 13 Levitation R Us;  Day 14 Amethyst Key dreams, Earth as the Home Dream; [Any of these chapters can be found in the Ask Dr. Druid category.]


    We've been practicing the scales of attentions and eclectics. We want to give you both techniques & tricks and the demonstrations of attentions being discovered. I plan to share my experiences of the blossoming of the eclectic for me so you can get a sense of how these extraordinary experiences mysteriously and magically appear within the ‘ordinary’ day. I honor folk who spend decades in a cave devoted to exquisite experience, but my job and the druid way of life is to cajole and exhort you to the constant extraordinary within the daily life. Not so many working stiffs get to do a week’s retreat at the sea by <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Carmel or to visit an ashram in India. The same rapids of glorious communion with the creation are available to the bagger at Safeway, however. Or to, as I might be, your window washer.

    I’ve put the quick list of our topics above so you can remind yourself of where we’ve been and re-up with the steps. Spelling backwards, for instance, is a visualization vitamin. You need to take it every day. At a few stoplights. In the supermarket line. All of these attitudes and beatitudes above should be mischievously practiced and noticed.

    I trust you are making daily notes and/or sketches in your journal or log. It is so essential to combine your hand and your head. Just meditating or thinking does not give you the two-sides-of-the-brain collaboration that making contemplation or memory or imagination work and play thru your hand does. (You might say that we’re tuning up your corpus callosum, that astonishing band of giga-concentrated nerve knowledge that lies between the two hemispheres of your brain.)

   When we eventually get your attentions open, deftly alert, and eclectic enough, you’ll be in the rarefied yet sustainable and delectable state known ever so mysteriously in the occult trades as having your ‘third eye’ open.


images songlines prince of wales aboriginal art balgo;


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;……..……<^>………..…..
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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 14 . Amethyst Key to Dreams

Ask Dr Druid .. Day 14

Amethyst Key to Dreams
This piece will grok better for you
if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

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    Amethyst key. Ah Dreams. The octessential grok here, the amethyst key, is that for druid shamans (as often women as men) our day life, the dayreal, is just as much a dream as our remreal — our sleeping dreams or other lucid visions.

   There’s this silly myth, by the way, that the druids disappeared. Nah, we just changed our camouflage, took a shift from our darling deep-rooted oaks to being goldfinches and unicorns, invisible in plain sight. More mobile. The true observer empathetically shapeshifts into everyeachthing s/he observes.

      You will not be a better spy and ambassador in your night dreams than you are in your daily dream. We teach you the observation, attention, concentration, curiosity, and eventually shapeshifting skills in the day game so you have the chances to practice and repeat them in a venue where science (shareability & repeatability) putatively applies. These skills will serve you in worlds where psyence is more applicable: the fractal mind, the aesthetic mind, the more fluid art of psyence which includes the useful illusion of linearity, but does not exclude the quirky and enchanted which can be less tame, which can specialize in anti-order, the mischievous, the quixotic.

   Our druid duty & delight is to increase your eclectic and your curiosity until you quantum out in all directions and know from raw and wild experience that everything is illuminated, lit from within. This in your daily containable, sustainable life. Until your drug of choice is air. I remember someone asking me backwhen, “Hey, are you on acid?” “No, I’m on air.” Which I might amend to say “I’m on air and distilled curiosity.” The trick is to make it socially acceptable to be wildly, explosively alive in a culture trapped in the Religions and Greeds. Creeds & Greeds we call it, the condition of aggressive dullness and of paltry, if any, enchantment.

    So, panther up. All your day practices and disciplines are in your Familiar Dream, your HomeDream, darling Earth, Vuravura, Jeegoo. We’ll give you an panther implant so you can steal the sublime feline predator skills that shamans use to hunt the precious and delicious details in which they (& you) are immersed. The extravagant joy of being a shaman is that, unlike the glorious panther, you get to steal the attributes of every <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />isis thing for your quest, your journey. From the panther’s stealth to the dandelion puff’s lightness – it’s all your panwealth and panglee.

    A druid is so adept a thief that the heisted doesn’t even know it’s been wholly stolen. The best thieves leave no fingerprints, disturb no fields (Sorry, Heisenberg). It’s like stalking a giraffe to take its splendid picture. But in this case, it’s a holopicts, a spectrum of senses of the giraffe in its location, its spleen and sinews, holosnapshot, blink, treasured, guarded in your heart – you bothered in your life to hone your curiosity, to learnlearn, always learning the deft disciplines of attentions. Attentions is a jewels of many facets.

    An alchemic insider secret is that your pseudopod of deft attention is like quicksilver, a kind of intraworlds etheric mercury which undetectably gently surrounds and infuses the observed (object, scene) with a diaphanous attention-stuff which secretly and sweetly gathers the beauty, the unique, the élan vital of X in order to honor and preserve it for the Book of the Moon.

    It is true that AllBeing is preserved in the Cosmic Chronicle, the Akashic Record, but what is grokked is highlighted, like a poetic passage with a tender footnote, not just vaganza, but extravaganza. Your ‘soul’ is what you tenderly guard, what you wildly fiercely guard with savage, inconsolable reverence. Druid prayer is not asking for anything, it is honoring, tending, celebrating all the extravagant beautysbeautys in which you’re immersed, by which you’re accompanied, melting into a kind of butterscotch of gratitude. What you have grasped or taken does not reflect in the Mirror of the Moon . . . only what you have given and guarded shines.

   A druid would tell an apprentice child, upload your joys to the Book of the Moon. With the heart of a precious and precocious child, send the birds of your discoveries to the Golden Nest of the Moon where they can rest and play and greet their new friends and be treasured.

    Panther, panther burning bright in the forests of the night. You wake from ElseWhere into This Dream here. Be lucid and amazed. Start panthering.



.. Amethysts .. An OED entry is:1580 SIDNEY Arcadia II. (1654) 141 The bloodie shafts of Cupids war, With amatists they headed are.  Cupid’s arrows tipped with amethyst. Ahh.

.. octessential .. oct-essential, the 8th degree of essential; cf quint-essential, the 5th degree of essential;

.. putatively .. ‘supposedly’, just wryer;

.. isis .. is is – the obsidian core of how shamans accept all experience;

.. élan vital .. the vital verve, the juice;

.. images emily kame kngwarreye


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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 13 . Levitation R Us

Ask Dr. Druid .. Day 13
Levitation R Us

This piece will grok better for you
 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

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   Yes, levitation is fun. Though the first time it happened to me, I was definitely er-uh-gulp disconcerted.

    I had been asleep on a mattress on the floor of a cabin in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Ripton, Vermont, the village where Robert Frost lived late in his life. I was alone in the cabin. It was a summer afternoon about 37 years ago. I was sprawled on my stomach in a tee-shirt and shorts, barefoot. I heard a man’s voice as if deep in my head say, “Don’t worry,” as the whole darn mattress and I began to rise off the floor.

    ‘Don’t worry’! Yeah, well.

    When I was an 8-yr-old budding epistemologist – one who studies how things work in all realms of experience — I had made this (now beastly) solemn vow with myself to honestly experience whatever happened in my life and simply observe it as clearly as I could without judgment or panic.

   Fine, but this was a bit much.

   Every time I began to tense with frantic fear of falling, I’d hear this helpful voice, “It’s OK.” The mattress and I rose slowly until we were about halfway between the floor and the ceiling. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I wasn’t terrified, but I was bloody wary. The first time you have a prolonged episode of the suspension of the staid and codified, putatively immutable laws of physics in broad daylight, you’ll be a tad alarmed yourself, I promise.

    Me and my mattress kind of hovered there for a spell while my mind raced pinballedly for an explanation. I was neither drunk nor stoned. I could hear the expected sounds. I felt my left cheek on the pillow. I felt my weight on the mattress. Was I dreaming the most electric, immediate dream ever? Hallucinating? Crazy? Or was this simply a new experience like floating in water had been when I first learned to do that?

   I lay there in midair doing a checklist of reality cues. Then the mattress and I began to slowly spin clockwise. Drat, this is too much I thought. The kind voice says again, “Don’t worry. It’s OK.” The mattress and I are turned one full revolution. Then the mattress and I are gently and very slowly tipped up just until I feel my bare feet, which happen to be over the bottom edge of the mattress, touch the cool wooden floor. I felt my feet take some weight and my ankles bend as they would if you were stood up. It was that feeling my ankles bend and take weight that flooded me with certainty. I knew where I was for sure now. In my bedroom levitating.

   The mattress and I were slowly lowered back to the floor. Of course there was no one to talk to about this stuff back then. Nice people didn’t levitate on perfectly ordinary New England summer afternoons. Even now in somewhat openminded California where I dwell, you could talk about trips to Paris or Peru in idle cocktail party chatter, but not about traveling to the ceiling, a much greater journey.

   Levitation in dayreal is different from flying or floating in other dreams, in remreal, though they share the unclenching of the fist of any degree of panic.   

    Another interesting levitation happened to me right from the different mattress on the floor right here in my room in California. I felt myself (not the mattress this time!) begin to rise towards the ceiling like a Macy’s Parade balloon. “C’mon. This isn’t funny,” think I, but ever the Faithful Observer, a kind of Sancha Panza to the dear, tho daffy, Quixote Universe, I go along. I rise until I bounce slightly against the ceiling which is rough and textured. Of course you’re afraid of falling in the first few levitations.

    Another time, also in my own room, I rose until I bumped against the ceiling and then realized that I could allow myself to rise through the ceiling, and I felt the nails and joists go through me and they tickled.

   I probably wouldn’t trust less rigorous an observer than me to report on episodes like this. I’m sure many of you dear readers will be incredulous, but levitating and some other strangest experiences we’ll come to along the way only made me even more amazed by and devoted to our darling masterpiece of reality engineering, Earth Vuravura Jeegoo, dayreal.

    When you feel yourself start to rise, unclench your fear, and remind yourself to keep breathing gently —  though I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever been quite calm enough to do deep belly breathing while levitating. I’ll remember to notice next time.

   Levitating is part of the carnival of existence. If you lived through your first Ferris wheel ride, you’ll live through your first levitation. I’ve found that, like unicorns, levitations appear when you’re least expecting them.


Note: putatively = 'supposedly,' with a wryer twist;


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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 12 . Attention is a thing

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 12
Attention is a thing
This piece will grok better for you
if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

    One of the glories of our beloved Earth Dream is the suddenness with which a lifechanging learning can occur to you – the apple falling on your Newton head. Thus it was when I learned that attention is a thing.
    First, a few new tidbits to pack for the jaunt to Attentionland. Frolic is my pure-essence-of-creation’s-wonders tiny, silver Burmese cat.
   Then we need to recall the amoeba and the pseudopod. Remember that a paramecium is the oval-shaped single-cell protozoa with many little hairs sticking out of its sides which act as oars to busily propel it through the water. It is a sensible, orderly tiny creature.
   The dear single-celled amoeba on the other hand looks like a small splat, a spill, a tiny puddle. It moves by oozing a portion of its inner gluck into a pseudopod or false foot towards which it glides.
   So now we have the main characters for the little drama which taught me one of the great secrets of the universe.
   Stick with me while I set the scene. I was standing next to the end of a couch in my living room. Frolic, the silver Burmese cat, happens to be sitting down on the seat of the couch where people sit. On impulse I decide to play a quick game.
   I scritch my fingernails back and forth on the top of the couch’s seatback to attract Frolly’s attention. Her eyes gleam darkly as her pupils widen. She takes her attack crouch.
   Pause here to know that the game I’m playing is to get her to pounce toward my hand which I will cleverly and brilliantly snatch away at the last instant and I will win. Ahh, ain’t I swell! So I scritch my fingers. She watches intently, motionless. I scritch my fingers. ‘Damnit, Frolic, attack my hand,’ I think. I scritch my fingers impatiently. The moment irritation dilutes my attention, the moment my attention wavers, boom, ouch, she attacks my hand, she wins, my hand is lunch.
   Aha! I get it! Eureka! Of course! How obviously and wondrously clever. If a sublime predator like a cat can see its prey’s attention, it can attack at the instant the prey is at a momentary disadvantage, the moment its attention wavers. That’s what all this motionless, crouching waiting is about.
   I swooned with the radiant, inner nova, blood-igniting joy of knowledge. I did the trick over and over and over, and, every time as soon as I made my attention wander, boom, she hit my hand. She wins.
    Now I go forth in the world knowing that attention is a thing, a substance. I don’t have a clue whether she perceives that attention as northernlights-esque or as the waviness in the air of heat off a highway or as polka dot or plaid or salty. But I do know that attention to her is as evident as whether I’m wearing a hat or not.
  Knowing that attention is a thing, knowing that single fabulous fact, changes everything.
   Now, besides proving to your cat that you’re an inadequately evolved idiot and easy prey, you can begin to detect the pseudopod of your own attention as it reaches out to touch things in the world.
   There are two vivid ways to reveal your attention-substance to yourself. To allow your attention to vividly pseudopod out, you need to feel safe. If you ever get to see someone holding a kitten or holding a puppy, all your defenses will fall, and you’ll feel the warm flow of your attention “Awww” flood out to touch the kitten or puppy.
    If you haven’t chanced upon a kitten or puppy recently, fret not. Take a pencil and a piece of paper and look at something on your coffee table, bedside table, or desk. A cup, say. Draw it quickly.
   Whoops. Look at the object again. Notice that the handle is higher or lower, and so4th. If you’re not a natural drawer, this trick works dramatically to reveal to you your ability to increase and refine your attentions. When you re-look at the object to see it more clearly, you can feel your attention specifically pseudopod out to touch the object. Natural drawers may not feel the difference so keenly.
   Look at a newspaper headline. Now count the letters. Look at your cat’s whiskers. Now count the whiskers in each little row of whiskers. Or how many claws does your dog have on his front paw? What colors are they?
   I find that when I shift from looking at something to really seeing something, I can feel a pressure of intensity pushing my left eye forward in its socket.
   So, today, notice the shift from vague attention to keen attention 3 times. Note those in your log. We get to wizard-quality attention as we shift eclectically from things being interesting to their being deliciously, uttermost fascinating.
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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 11 . Synchronicity part 2

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 11
Synchronicity . mismotiempo . part 2
This piece will grok better for you
if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

  My relationship to manypoem, the multiverse, is mostly mischievous, often sublimely, supernally silly, sometimes deeply sweet, seldom solemn. So, most of my synchronicity messages are tinct with Vitamin I (Vitamin Irony) and are what they called a few centuries ago: joaks. More than instruction or prophetic nudges, they tend to be hilarious or tender tonics. A quick swill of psychic brandy to brighten the tasks at hand. It is the intersection of the seemingly external event with your own train of thought and feeling that gives synchronicity its bullseye startling feel.

   The universe gets lonely. It wants to preen and be appreciated. Applaud dear manypoem with your private chuckle, grin, or awww, and watch the synchronous presents cascade and parade.

   In my experience, the universe is very quirky. It above all likes surprises which is why this forcefield of the multiverse can’t be prayed to for the red Cadillac convertible or whatever other earthly riches you sycophantically or querulously think you require.

    Messengers are many. Insects, birds, license plates, big words painted on sides of trucks, half-covered newspaper headlines. Who knows.

   My all-time favorite is the gallynipper. A gallynipper is a preposterous and impossible creature. It’s a sin to kill a gallynipper. A gallynipper looks like a gigantic mosquito – as if if it bit or nipped you, it could sip up a gallon or gally. But this creature is uttermost mild and harmless. Its legs are so long and jointed and spindly that if you have to gather one up to release it outside, you will be as gentle as you have ever been lest you bend one of its absurd, fragile legs. Gallynippers can appear or manifest out of nowhere. They are clearly an intraworld creature. They often appear when I am blue, or feel fear of abandonment, or am beset by bewilderment with a belligerent world. Poof – legerdegallynipper. Tenderness and courage are unfailingly re-ignited in me when a gallynipper appears.

   Now, the point of synchronicity alertness is not to become obsessive nor analytical, but to be lightly alert for the extra-enchanted moments.



.. legerdegallynipper .. leger-de-main in French means light of hand or sleight of hand, the pulling the rabbit out of the hat, the magic move. Thus, magically pulling the gallynipper out of the hat;

.. joaks .. from the OED. from 1741 spelling for jokes; tho seven years later, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Richardson in Clarissa says “I..should not forbear to cut a joke, were I upon a scaffold” – which if I were to have a mantra, this would be it. .


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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 10 . Synchronicity

Ask Dr. Druid . Day 10 
Synchronicity . mismotiempos part 1
This piece will grok better for you
 if you read it with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

   Before we embark on the lives-long filigrees of fascinations of synchronicity, of mismotiempo, let’s add rhapsody to our vocabulary pantheon. The word ‘rhapsody’ means ‘woven song.’  
Talking about treasure hunts, when I first saw that ‘rhapsody’ means ‘woven song,’ I swooned. My knees went meltingly weak and I sighed that dangerous sigh you feel when you spy an handsome pirate – you know you’re in for a lot o’ woe, but he’s swashbuckling and bloody irresistible – your heart flies from you. My heart flew from me at the kaleidoscope-turning muy yum tastiness of ‘woven song.’
Celtic knots are a woven song, a rhapsody. Dayreal and remreal are a rhapsody, intrawoven in songfully exquisitely, excruciatingly meaningful ways.
In its derivation, syn-chron-icity means ‘same-time.’ The dull definition of synchronicity is ‘meaningful coincidence.’ As you move through your day, everything you pass is singing, chinese-unicornally, around you, and you are part, for best or worst, of the lyric, of the melody, of the music of the spheres. On occasion, something unexpectedly appears as if an intimate present or a message-in-a-bottle from the universe to you.
The classic modern story about synchronicity is from an experience Jung had with his patient Helena Kleere. They were sitting in big leather armchairs by an open, unscreened window. This was before window screens were ubiquitous. They were discussing her dream which included the mysteries of a pyramid and a striking golden scarab. A scarab in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Egypt is a large, lucky, gods-messenger, hard-shelled beetle often done up in gold as an amulet for the royal.
Suddenly, smiting the window glass in their dayreal as Jung and Kleere were deeply discussing her remreal or night-dreamscape, appeared this huge golden beetle. Seedless to nay, it felt to them as if this marvelous beetle, this magical scarab had manifested on the window sill straight from her dream.
Once you get hip to synchronicities and keep open-minded and alert for them, they occur as frequently as zephyrs.
The phrase 'billet-doux' means 'little sweet love note' in French. Though synchronicities can have any tone, including dangerous & horrible, they most often seem like billets doux, sweet somethings whispered by the universe to you.
Synchrons often appear with an implied Voila! — a Here I am!, a Eureka! One of the luminous and dangerous joys of being in the first throes of infatuation with some beastly pirate of a fellow (or damsel) is that the entire world seems synchronous, a waking dream, fraught with lambent meaning, conspiring to splash eternal verities in your path. Well, sooth to say, that synchronous quality of woven song, that rhapsodic heart-felt meaning is always there, we are just seldom alert to it unless we’re jolted by that master mystery of self-generated hallucinogens, first-throes love – we take the agony for the ecstasy, that feeling of extravagantly intimate meaningfullness.
Synchronicities abound whether in the throes or not.
Stay alert. Gently alert. There are messages from the universe to you. The universe is conspiring to amuse you. Notice two synchronicities today. They’re there I swear. Mas mañana. More tomorrow.
Notes:.. kaleidoscope .. a kaleidoscope is a stupendously nifty gizmo which has a rotating circle of  brightly colored little glass pieces at the end of a tube. You look down the tube and turn the glass-pieces end to shift the little pieces into a new pattern. It’s like looking at a miniature abstract stained glass window. Each time you turn the end, all the pieces magically fall into a striking new pattern.

.. filigree .. Imagine delicately woven or braided gold or silver wires for jewelry and you’ll get the notion of filigree;


.. muy yum is the only droll palindrome I’ve ever coined. 'Muy' means 'very' in Spanish and yum is from yummy; A palindrome, like “Madam, I’m Adam” spells the same thing forward and backward.

.. Celtic knots are the wonderful braided or interwoven ‘vines’ or ‘ribbons’ that decorate fancy letters in ancient Celtic manuscripts;

.. chinese-unicornally .. the ancient Chinese unicorn is rainbow-hued and where she walks no grasses are bruised and magical melodies play in the air as she passes;

.. mismo tiempo means same time in Spanish; Mismotiempo. This word makes me re-feel the understanding of synchronicity. It makes it less pseudo-scientific and more sultry and alarming which is what happens when a mismotiempo event crosses the dream border into this dayreal, el otro sueno, the other dream. Sueno is pronounced swayn-yo. 

.. billet doux or ‘letter sweet’ is pronounced bill-hay dew;

.. a zephyr is a soft, sudden breeze;

.. ubiquitous means everywhere;

.. In terms of synchronicity, it’s all synchronous which is why reading tea leaves must actually work if tea leaf is an alphabet you, gypsy, grok.

.. glass .. dear glass is not a solid .. it is a supercooled liquid; ever so slowly it is still flowing. In a single piece of stained glass in the cathedral Notre Dame, say, after hundreds of years, the bottom of a given piece of glass is now thicker than the top of that piece of glass. Muy yum. 

..image sources .. excerpt andy goldsworthy; kaleidoscope latou co uk, hop gallery; filigree tbray,org; celtic knot tinyonline yvonnehughes;

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Ask Dr. Druid . Day 9 . Spelling Backwards

  Ask Dr. Druid

Day 9 .. Spelling Backwards

spells & spelling

This piece will grok better for you if you read it
with your mouth as if out loud.
[Ask Dr. Druid is designed to begin at the beginning. Click here.]

    Another lifelong attention & visualization tuning and honing exercise is spelling backwards.

   Many people insist they ‘can’t visualize anything.’ This isn’t true, of course, but, gee, they are convinced. (Ask them to tell you how to get to their house or how many chairs they have in their living room.)

    To understand how I came up with this spelling backwards trick, let me tell you a glimpse about NLP. NLP is one of the cleverest and clearest templates of how the mind works, but it has this silly enormous rhinocerously cumbersome name: Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Luckily the acronym ‘NLP’ is easy to remember. By sherlock-holmesian observation, the NLP folk discovered that when we’re processing our internal info in primarily auditory terms, our eyes track along the horizontal axis. When we are tracking inner info visually, we look up. When we are tracking info in the kinesthetic or feeling modes, we look down. It’s as if the eyes were the mouse of the mind. An excellent thing about NLP is that it has no belief content involved, it’s strictly process.

   One of the unhelpful things that teachers do when they are doing spelling tests is to tell students to “Keep your eyes down on your own paper.” Of course really good spellers visualize. And where is visualization stored? No, not down on your paper, but up!

   Back in the day when I was studying NLP, I realized that if you spelled words backwards, you would have to visualize them in order to be able to do the task at all. So, for yourself and for a kid, make a list of short words to spell backwards. Start short so you will have lots of success.

     There are the classics that spell another cool word when backwards: evil spelled backwards is live. Dog/god. Devil/lived. Straw/warts. Rats/star. Ward/draw. These are nifty, but whenever you’re waiting in a line, you can practice any short words. Most words won’t ‘mean anything’ spelled backwards. Stay short in the early going. This is a cool trick, not a test.

    You can learn to imagine the word on a screen or the sky for that matter. You can imagine a plane skywriting the letters. You can notice the ‘font.’ Make the letters bigger and brighter. More neon or chiseled in marble. Play with the effects.

    Tibetan monks learn to visualize worlds with such dimensionality and completeness that they can enter those worlds in the way that we enter this one. We’ll talk more about that kind of visualization later. In the meantime, this little inner scrabble game can hone & tune your visualization so you can become more conscious and deliberate about visualizing.

   You should play with this game with your eyes open and with your eyes closed. I do implore you to stick with three and four and five letter words until you can manipulate the qualities of the letters with ease. Bigger, tiny, red, orange, cursive, print, all caps, lower case. Play.

    When I do this game with kids, I have a list of words that are something they like or recognize when they spell them backwards. Azzip/pizza. Arbez/zebra. Drib/bird. Evif/five. Yks/sky. I say the letters slowly. And repeat them. A-z-z-i-p. They have to see them in their mind’s eye and write the reverse down. They do not write the a-z-z-i-p down. The point is to visualize the letters with your mind's eye.

    I have to remind you to stay short early on because of our cussed and cursed temptation to compete. You’ll learn so much faster if you build on successes rather than making your mind sulky or baffled or balky with failure. And short is three letters or four letters. If the trick isn’t working for you, it’s because you’re not staying with short words. If someone says ‘t-a-c’ to you, you can spell back ‘cat.’ Practice three letter words if necessary until you can do them like eating popcorn.

    You are visualizing the whole daggone world you’re walking around in, by the way, so quit saying you can’t visualize anything. We’ll unwrap that metaphysical, nature-of-reality present more later. In the meantime, spell back.

   Ni eht naem emit lleps kcab.



A trick to backspelling longer words eventually is to use the sky or an inner sky – something really big so you can make the word big enough so you can see it easily.              


Ask Dr. Druid, 66 Days from Lead to Gold, Secrets of  Alchemy You Can Use, a druid shaman’s playbook .. Intro; Prologue; Day 1; Days 2 & 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6; Day 7; Day 8; Day 9; Day 10; Day 11; Day 12; Day 13; Day 14; day 15 Review 2; Day 16; Day 17; Day 18; Day 19; Day 20; Day 21; Day 22; Day 23; Day 24; Day 25; Day 26; Day 27; Day 28; Day 29;


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9 Serpent . Chicchan . East . tzol 165  04.17.07 tues

loboblobo201§9641/1367, 26d12h14m11s34.41g;

mozart..9.77g /7mb


the education-obsessed world begins today with you ..

.. let’s spend the $820,000 per minute Military Budget on education instead ..
